2021 NFL Off-Season Thread

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Whose worse? The Jets or the Knicks?

I have my answer, but wanna hear what y'all think.

I heard someone on the radio say why do we (Jets) get all the jokes? Bills haven't won a playoff game since 95, Miami hasn't won a playoff game since 2000 and we went to back to back AFCCGs in 09?

With that said, I'm a Knicks fan and the Knicks are much worse. Had one good season in 2011 or 2012 and choked in the playoffs. Everything else has been pretty much trash since 2000.

I think the Giants are a bigger joke than the Jets right now and over the last 3-4 years.
We really just signed Gurley so the UGA fans would cop the jerseys smh

I had a small amount of hope he maybe had something left but nah
We really just signed Gurley so the UGA fans would cop the jerseys smh

I had a small amount of hope he maybe had something left but nah

My optimism was low from the beginning. There were def some flashes here in there though. 15 carries a game and his knees couldnt hold up :smh:

But Raheem didnt need to tell anyone that, we all saw it every week since like week 8 or 9
We really just signed Gurley so the UGA fans would cop the jerseys smh

I had a small amount of hope he maybe had something left but nah

he been done man. Tried to tell ya. It all began 2 years ago.

Sucks. Its a bone issue so its something he won't ever recover from. Glad he got the Rams to pay him too soon.
Between Haskins and Anthony Lynn these ****** make it real hard to root for them. :smh:
Matt Slater strengthening that Canton resume with his 9th pro bowl in 10 years :pimp:

Hope JC gets Gillie's spot now that he's done for the year, only Xavien Howard has more picks.
Damn @ the Kevin Greene news :ohwell:, was slightly before my time but his numbers speak for themselves. He was one of my favorite pros from pros vs joes a while back, seemed like a wild boy :lol:

RIP, glad he got inducted into the hall not that long ago while he was still alive
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