2021 NFL Off-Season Thread

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Meanwhile in Boston, Edelman be like...

i be like this too, tbh
damn, they boo'd the arm lock before the game? WTF?

dont even let them in next game. Sorry for those that were there and didn't boo, but oh well. No fans.....
The game still felt pretty normal to me without the fans. Barely noticed. I think it might be the way Football is broadcasted compared to other sports.
so this is where yall went. i was in the offseason thread thinking ‘is anyone watching the opener’ :lol:

any who, we here papis.

quick take, chefs looked effortless but could just be texans are buns. rookie rb1 for chefs looked good. sammy might have a monster year. bob should have been fired in the offseason. nfl pr can kick rocks after blackballing kaep. fans in stadiums is stupid. theres not a wr1 on the texans. dj looked good. kermit looked very comfortable.

in regards to the broncos, von 😔. that might be a wrap for him in denver. the homie iatt with the link that sutton should be fine. i have no clue what to expect from this denver team. but my body is ready.

and of course the common factor that unites us, **** the patriots.

good luck fellas. should be an interesting season.

Woke up to the streets telling me ol skip might've finally went too far in most peoples eyes?
I went to the game last night. It was surreal to say the least. I've been to countless Chiefs games before and when I say that place is PACKED with people tailgating that is an understatement. That was the first thing I noticed when I drove into the stadium. It was empty. Showed up about 2 1/2 hrs before kickoff and was five rows from the front of the stadium. In normal circumstances that would never happen. Everyone was wearing masks and you had to wear them at all times. They had attendants walking up and down the aisles and rows enforcing it. I sat in a pod of four seats with three other people I knew and there wasn't anyone two rows in front or back of us. Very 'socially' distanced. I would go back for another game in a heart beat. Walk right to the gates, no lines for drinks or bathrooms. You can sprawl out on the seats in front of you. It was actually kinda nice.

Now the booing I will say is being some what over blown by the media but there were people who were. Most of the booing I heard was when the Texans ran off the field and then came back on and when both of those actions took place it was right during the video montage and the moment of silence. At least where I was sitting everyone around me was respectful of both moments.

That's not to say you didnt feel the tension in the air as soon as the national anthem started. If the Chiefs would have all kneeled or stayed in the locker room the fans may have rioted, which is really a problem in general. Of course that problem isn't just Chiefs fans that is the majority of white America. We love to celebrate black athletes for their accomplishments on the field but as soon as they want to take a stand against racial injustices then it becomes a problem.

For the game....Pat is Pat. Last night looked like it was just another day in the office. Before it was kill you with the big, chunk plays but last night it was death by a thousand cuts. If CEH can maintain anything close to what he did last night I'm going to start adding money to my Chiefs 2021 Super Bowl apparel fund. Defense was 'eh' at best. The biggest issue was tackling, which I figured would be an issue. Defenses are going be lagging behind for awhile. All in all only one penalty and no turnovers in your first game back and you get the W I'll take that.
I went to the game last night. It was surreal to say the least. I've been to countless Chiefs games before and when I say that place is PACKED with people tailgating that is an understatement. That was the first thing I noticed when I drove into the stadium. It was empty. Showed up about 2 1/2 hrs before kickoff and was five rows from the front of the stadium. In normal circumstances that would never happen. Everyone was wearing masks and you had to wear them at all times. They had attendants walking up and down the aisles and rows enforcing it. I sat in a pod of four seats with three other people I knew and there wasn't anyone two rows in front or back of us. Very 'socially' distanced. I would go back for another game in a heart beat. Walk right to the gates, no lines for drinks or bathrooms. You can sprawl out on the seats in front of you. It was actually kinda nice.

Now the booing I will say is being some what over blown by the media but there were people who were. Most of the booing I heard was when the Texans ran off the field and then came back on and when both of those actions took place it was right during the video montage and the moment of silence. At least where I was sitting everyone around me was respectful of both moments.

That's not to say you didnt feel the tension in the air as soon as the national anthem started. If the Chiefs would have all kneeled or stayed in the locker room the fans may have rioted, which is really a problem in general. Of course that problem isn't just Chiefs fans that is the majority of white America. We love to celebrate black athletes for their accomplishments on the field but as soon as they want to take a stand against racial injustices then it becomes a problem.

For the game....Pat is Pat. Last night looked like it was just another day in the office. Before it was kill you with the big, chunk plays but last night it was death by a thousand cuts. If CEH can maintain anything close to what he did last night I'm going to start adding money to my Chiefs 2021 Super Bowl apparel fund. Defense was 'eh' at best. The biggest issue was tackling, which I figured would be an issue. Defenses are going be lagging behind for awhile. All in all only one penalty and no turnovers in your first game back and you get the W I'll take that.
did they allow you to roam the concourse or did they contain you to the specific area where you guys were sitting?

Has Brooks "recovered" from his achilles injury?

nah.. but there is hope he returns before the end of the season, if season makes it that far (we put him on PUP, so he’s out at least half the season)

but at least our oline makes sense, somewhat.. I think the unit we’re now going with is what we finished with when brooks was unit.. Pryor at RG (think he started 2-3 game for us last year) and peters at LT
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