2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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$40 Ms? Is there a team willing to pay that after this season?

Russ antics worked better in either small market (OKC) or low expectation (Da Bullets) teams.

He’s an UFA after this season and max money days are done for him. They gotta attach a pick to move him which they’ve been hesitant. Bad teams shouldn’t want him because he’s going to take you out of webanyama watch.

Lakers just going to deactivate him. Seems like the only choice
Russ won’t take a buyout and I can’t see anyone wanting his services. so he’s essentially done, right?
I can’t imagine any team actually wanting him. Maybe the Kings or sum **** like that, seems like something they would do. (No offense to any kings fans)
People are acting like Russ is the reason the Lakers will be losing games. Sure he doesn't contribute to winning anymore but they got bigger problems.

If LA is serious about their locker room and getting Lebron his help, they'd include the pick(s) needed to move him to another team which will buy him out.
“I’m neither here nor there” but you just picked a side… the wrong one at that.

There’s no reason anyone should be wishing misfortune on someone who has not wronged them
Yeah, please don't tell me what I've done because you don't understand what I'm saying. I said I'm not saying which is right or wrong because either way, the very idea is silly. I'm picking neither one of the silly sides. "Well that means you're picking tbe side I don't like." Then be rid of absolute thinking.

Look, I wish you experience no injuries for the rest of your days and that the fiscal year 2022 ends with a surplus of $1mil in your favor. Now that I've typed those words, the odds of those things taking place has increased...

... LESS than 0%.

I'm not taking a side; I'm criticizing the notion that wishes are real. If you think that celibacy is a sex position, then sure, I picked a side.

People are acting like Russ is the reason the Lakers will be losing games. Sure he doesn't contribute to winning anymore but they got bigger problems.

If LA is serious about their locker room and getting Lebron his help, they'd include the pick(s) needed to move him to another team which will buy him out.
At the expense of their future?

They already did that with both the AD and Russ trades. They don’t have first round picks until 2026. And don’t have control of both their 1&2 picks until 2029.

If the fans irate now. They’ll be nuclear then. The Crips and Blood will be going after the ownership.

That Russ trade was terrible. Granted, they were coming off the play in/first round exit. But they weren’t healthy that season.
You get Lebron to win as many chips as possible now though. Future was mortgaged once that signing happened.

You’ll waste away Lebron and w.e you have left of AD. This team as currently constructed isnt winning anything.
I’d just see where the chips fall this year. West deep. They don’t have the depth. Worst case. Buy out Russ or deactivate him.

Isn’t Kyrie a FA next summer? Russ frees up $40 mill.

It’s wild Cleveland not looking too bad post Lebron becuz they didn’t completely mortgage everything for an L to the Warriors every year.
It's just weird darthska darthska . If an NTer wished another NTers child dies would you be writing posts saying "Wishes don't matter?". No, you or some other mod would delete it and probably give them a warning. It's not about the actual impact of the words, but the intent. Calling out ill-intent should never be met with resistance, especially from one tasked with monitoring ill-intent.
If an NTer wished another NTers child dies would you be writing posts saying "Wishes don't matter?". No, you or some other mod would delete it and probably give them a warning.
I would delete it, but that wouldn't be a reflection of my feelings on the post. I would delete it because I know you all or Meth got a problem with it. Someone could wish my own son dead and it wouldn't mean ish to me. Prayers, dreams, and wishes are foolish placebos that give people a false sense of control.

Yeah, please don't tell me what I've done because you don't understand what I'm saying. I said I'm not saying which is right or wrong because either way, the very idea is silly. I'm picking neither one of the silly sides. "Well that means you're picking tbe side I don't like." Then be rid of absolute thinking.

Look, I wish you experience no injuries for the rest of your days and that the fiscal year 2022 ends with a surplus of $1mil in your favor. Now that I've typed those words, the odds of those things taking place has increased...

... LESS than 0%.

I'm not taking a side; I'm criticizing the notion that wishes are real. If you think that celibacy is a sex position, then sure, I picked a side.

No, there appears to be no reason to believe that wishes actually have a real world impact. But what is real is what it says about the thinking of wisher. And whether expressed as a wish, or “hope” or “desire” or “I long for”, whatever; speaking positively of someone you don’t really know have something bad happen to them isn’t cool to most of us. That’s it.

If you’re fine with someone having and expressing that kind of sentiment, ok. But whether wishes are “real” or not really isn’t the point.
what is real is what it says about the thinking of wisher.
That I agree with. Like I know voodoo dolls are fake, but if someone LEGIT thought they were real and they tore the arm off of one, like SUPER legit hoping that meant that the person they think is connected just had their arm ripped off, I would think 'Damn, something wrong with you.'

So I get that angle. Good point. 🤙

Half the moves the professor uses are illegal in actual games. But he plays street all, it’s completely different:lol:
Not disagreeing but why get the NBA and Derozan co-sign?

Won’t lie. He’s definitely have “words” with Draymond for a few of those antics.
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