2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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Wait... You mean to tell me you did this without running it by Mitchell and getting his complete buy in?!?????!?!?!?
I assumed Donovan would be on his way out too but then they said they were building around him and now we hear he might not want to be built around :rofl:
I don’t know. They’re going to match up well against the pelicans, grizz and nuggets (joker still gonna eat) but might get cooked against clippers, mavs and maybe golden state.

The west is gonna be fun.
Wipe me down!
I see you enjoying the offseason plair...

Minnesota is gonna be a GOOD regular season team next year

Still not worth it tho, what were they thinking
Windy thinks it has to be a wrap for Donovan just like many of us thought.

There is just no way they continue this - Has to be a full tank.

You're the Minnesota Timberwolves.

A franchise that, in its 33-year history...
...has finished with a winning record only nine (9) times.
...has made the playoffs only ten (10) times.
...has won precisely two (2) playoff series (both in the same season).

Because of your location, big name free agents have never been interested in signing there.

You are the definition of NBA purgatory if there ever was one.

You finally hit on a true franchise player in the draft after years of busts.

So as ridiculous as it sounds for the Wolves to trade away four (4) first round picks and bunch of guys for a 30-year-old who has been questionable in the playoffs, you have to make that move if you're the Timberwolves.
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