2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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This is what's wrong with the max contract, guys like Jokic don't get paid fairly. Absolutely no reason why any of the other names on that list should be anywhere close to him.

I don't think they'll ever get rid of it though. It would kill team building ability unless only a certain percentage counts against the cap. Giannis, Luka and Joker are easily worth 100 million a year.
I don't think they'll ever get rid of it though. It would kill team building ability unless only a certain percentage counts against the cap. Giannis, Luka and Joker are easily worth 100 million a year.
While LA is angling for a Irving-James reunion, it also looks like Bron is still buddy buddy with his other championship Cleveland cohort.

The one both of them welcomed to the ‘Land and left behind.

Could Kevin Love be thinking of joining the gang once more? If it all goes down with Kyrie then that noise will pick up.

Can he & AD coexist or will they need to be swapped for one another? Run Bron at the 2 and play zone 70% of the time if they gonna somehow keep both.

Does LA win another ‘chip with Lebron James as a major contributor?

Find out next time on Dragonball Z!
I dunno about the timing, and what is gonna happen with the CBA, but if Luka's next extension comes after the next TV deal is signed, it might be something ridiculous
You wanted to trade Bron for Harden though

60 million-ish?
It depends on a lot of factors I have no idea how they will shake out. So I am just guessing

But if the NBA really does get something like 70 billion for 10 years, there are still super max contracts, and Luka resigns after the agreement to bump up the cap, then I could see 70 per happening
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I don't see it rising that much, but we'll see.

Last year, CNBC reported that sources familiar with the league’s media rights plans pegged the hoped-for figure at around $75 billion — an obviously significant increase over the current $24 billion. Whether that’s purely a negotiating figure floated for winds-testing, and the league has a secret smaller number it finds acceptable, we’ll have to wait to see.

Patrick Crakes, a media industry analyst and former Fox Sports executive, said he thinks the NBA’s media rights collectively will go for at least $50 billion if it’s a long-term set of deals like the present relationships.

“I think the NBA is looking at maintaining its established relationship and expanding new relationships,” he said.

Seems like people think if they renew with the same partners the TV deal will double. And that is before taking Amazon and Apple into consideration

Max salaries are gonna jump a lot unless the new CBA puts a much stricter cap on them.
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Seems like if they renew with the same partners the TV deal will double. And that is before taking Amazon and Apple into consideration

Max salaries are gonna jump a lot unless the new CBA puts a much stricter cap on them.
Well damn. I could actually see the CBA allowing those max salaries too. Maybe $70-$80mil/year would be alot closer to the present time than I'd imagine, but I still say that $100mil/year salaries are still further down the road.
They might not have a choice every new TV deal salary cap goes up players gets a raise

Only by like 20 million though.

Bean made 25 million in 2016 as the highest paid player in the league.

Steph is going to make 48 as the highest paid player next season.

New TV deal will probably push it to 75 mil or so.
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