2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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Russ with re-up…

Beautiful day…

The Knicks have never really committed to a true rebuild, and that there is their problem.
I'm so sick of this man. Everyone else but us can somehow build through a draft.
Just commit to the tank and give the young kids minutes so they can develop.
Instead we're giving away lottery picks to max out guys like Brunson.
How is this any different from past Knicks FOs? It's the same ******* mistake in every decade.
The NBA should just allow tampering at this point. Everyone does it with no shame. They dont even punish it like they should when caught .
Have no problem with teams contacting free agents to-be during this dead time. Just a problem mid-season that has to be policed.
Now that you guys mention it, Knicks definitely should've just had lottery luck to get the first pick then draft a perennial all star to build around. Not sure why every bad team doesn't just do that.

Is there a new rule where all teams have the same lottery odds?
The problem is the rebuild never works for the Knicks so they try other ways like trades and free agency that don't work out..every year they tanked they never got the #1 pick, miss out on better guys drafted before their pick or just draft lottery busts like Knox and Frank...I think they were committed to the rebuild but once they hired thibs that was the end of the rebuild... that and Dolan in general sucks as a owner
The Knicks are literally scrambling all over the place to move players just to sign...Jalen Brunson. Who IMO, is not a great fit for the team/Head Coach. The Knicks need playmakers who will also play hard-nosed defense. I don't see Jalen Bruson doing that in NY. He was in a great situation in Dallas.

Someone, please help me understand this.
I don't know that there's a perfect answer out there for them, but this rush to the middle with paying JB and Julius over $220m's in two offseasons is an interesting strategy. And offloading assets to do it. It's just goofy. But more power to them.

This whole contract situation is one last Donnie Nelson kick in the balls on the way out the door for the Mavs.
The problem is the rebuild never works for the Knicks so they try other ways like trades and free agency that don't work out..every year they tanked they never got the #1 pick, miss out on better guys drafted before their pick or just draft lottery busts like Knox and Frank...I think they were committed to the rebuild but once they hired thibs that was the end of the rebuild... that and Dolan in general sucks as a owner

The Knicks only tank for 1 year tops - then they go back to signing mid players who end up putting us 10-14 in the lotto.

This is clockwork.

Tanking is a PROCESS. It can take years sometimes. But they don’t want to eat that.

They’re cowards.
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