2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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To be fair - I used the word trailblazer, not him. It can certainly be debated and it is not a hill that I am willing to die one but I think a number of folks view her as such because of her coming out and telling her story the way she did, how she embraces it, standing up against the bullying of folks in that community because of her experiences, being the first openly gay Nike athlete, her fight against gender roles, etc.

I am not totally sure about her WNBA salary in relation to the average American. Allegedly back in the day China gave her $600K for 4 months (12X her NBA salary). She is just now clearing $200K per season in the WNBA. It would be financially foolish to take advantage of those opportunities in that profession IMO.

Regardless, and to your point, the wild part is it wasn’t like this was her first trip to Russia. She played multiple seasons over there prior to this so she should know what’s up. She should definitely be freed be freed for her offense but unfortunately she is bound to her rules. You can have fun in foreign countries but you have to be careful and you damn sure cannot break the law |l
Agreed. My thing with this is I've been seeing it about the place where some are talking as if the WNBA was paying her a paltry sum and thus she was forced to go overseas just to make some extra money in order to survive. Shorty making $200k+ to play ball in a league that's losing money. Doesn't sound like battling for survival to me.

osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh when he sees this...
Agreed. My thing with this is I've been seeing it about the place where some are talking as if the WNBA was paying her a paltry sum and thus she was forced to go overseas just to make some extra money in order to survive. Shorty making $200k+ to play ball in a league that's losing money. Doesn't sound like battling for survival to me.

Yep because making more than a large percentage of the country in a league that hasn’t seen a profit in almost its whole existence isn’t fair since the NBA (who generates BILLIONS) is making more

3 All time greats and a fraud.

This stat is a bit misleading because it has no minimum games played.

2 of MJs “runs” were 3 games. Both West and Kobe had a single “run” of 5 games.

All of Lebby’s “runs” were double digits (all at least teens with several in the 20s).

Context matters.
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