2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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ive bashed tht since the begining. hes low iq BUT hes still really young. He has time to improve.

lakers are in win now mode so theres no time for him to grow on the lakers
You know ainge is bluffing his *** off when you see a headline like this


Classic Ainge
THT been living off that one good game against Kawhi the same way Ray J been living off One Wish. Neither could reproduce that effort on the spot, even with advanced warning, but they can always harken back to it like yea thats me, i did that, thats what I am capable of.
Ray J a legend tho
He is, but ask that man to sing One Wish live though. FR I fw Ray J though, I like his headphones, scooters, he aint just resting on his laurels he's actually still doing something so maybe bad example. But again, don't ask that man to sing One Wish live and especially not with other singers around. Just like don't put THT in an NBA basketball game with 9 other NBA players, and expect production near worthy of being deemed untouchable, up next, or any such adjective.
He is, but ask that man to sing One Wish live though. FR I fw Ray J though, I like his headphones, scooters, he aint just resting on his laurels he's actually still doing something so maybe bad example. But again, don't ask that man to sing One Wish live and especially not with other singers around. Just like don't put THT in an NBA basketball game with 9 other NBA players, and expect production near worthy of being deemed untouchable, up next, or any such adjective.
Damn G. Give the youngin a couple more years. He’s still only 21.
Keto can be dangerous if not done right. Make sure to get some electrolytes

can confirm, I did it, lost a ton of weight, was as lean as Ive ever been
but I didn't plan properly and wasn't getting enough micro nutrients.

by the end of it I felt like garbage, physical performance was suffering, no power for explosive movements, testosterone levels down.

it works but like any diet the best diet is the most sustainable one.

also ketones produce by ketosis gave me a rash.

im confused do they add up PPG + RPG + APG at the end of every game
and whoever has the most wins?

No they don't. Just interesting #1 on the list lead his squad to 46 wins and was a fraud MVP. And #2 on the list lead his squad to 48 wins and none of that talk at all, hmmm.
can confirm, I did it, lost a ton of weight, was as lean as Ive ever been
but I didn't plan properly and wasn't getting enough micro nutrients.

by the end of it I felt like garbage, physical performance was suffering, no power for explosive movements, testosterone levels down.

it works but like any diet the best diet is the most sustainable one.

also ketones produce by ketosis gave me a rash.
Yeah you can feel drained if you don’t get enough salt and electrolyte’s . Keto works wonders and I believe a lower carb diet is the way to go but it is difficult.
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