2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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Boogie lost his cool one too many times in Denver. Had someone to vouch for him with Coach Malone and bungled that spot.
wavycrocket wavycrocket disdain for Anthony Mackie and now John Legend is hilarious . What’s wrong with John? :lol:

We’ve actually had this discussion before :lol:

Not sure what John Legend did. But something about him always rubbed me the wrong way.

I’m sure he’s a good human....but I’m simply,


Something about John Legend doesn’t sit well with me.

I know he’s a good human. But I can’t call it :lol:.


^^^^Right on queue. I was literally posting how he rubs me the wrong way for reasons I can’t explain :lol:.

But yup! He’s in that Anthony Mackie Class to me. Never a fan. Rubs me the wrong way.
This is worse. Always said it would be worse than AI or Melo.

Melo was out the league and it took that for him to take his conditioning seriously and come off the bench. And had a good run in Portland and LA.

Iverson still had a game to some degree, but flat out said off the bench was not for him and stood by that.

Russ has declining athleticism which he has always relied on. Missing dunks that he once used make or layups where lead the league in misses.
Never mind the fundamentals are not there. His handle is sloppy (among the league leaders in turnovers) and we’ve seen the countless montages of his jump shots/bank shots. Yet he still thinks the offensive scheme should be ran through him.

Nah AI was pretty cooked by the end. That refusal to come off the bench in Memphis only lasted 3 games before they sent him back to Phila. He started there immediately...and did not have much game. And now that it's been revealed what was going on in life at the time off the court (heavy drinking)...makes sense that a 6'0 2 guard would fade fast.
Niko moving Giannis around like he’s 6’2 180 in that last clip :lol:

I can’t believe people were comparing pro ams to these international games :rofl:
Inside-out is how you play big man basketball as perfectly displayed by Jokic in the above highlights, he is hands down the best center in the NBA the last 2-3 years.

Him backing down and punishing Yanni in the low post like that is a thing of beauty.

Nah For Real!! :pimp:. That’s some real “take you to the block” type ****. Putting dudes under the rim, and finishing with the soft touch. Love the spins and counters he does..to keep the defender off balance when they reaching too.

Post work 💪🏾
I feel like they support and coddle Russ too much. He doesn't think he does anything wrong.
Curious who the Lakers blame this year when they don’t make it out of the first round.
Definitely not beating
Team been trash Bron entire stint there. That bubble definitely was an anomaly. Three months off for a brittle AD and old Lebron definitely was the only reason they won.
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