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I'd say the first foul call was more egregious. Especially when you consider smart got away with the same play.

Both plays called by Fost

Celtics are going at guys looking to get them in foul trouble

Grant William's has decided his impact is made by trying to get green ejected it's pretty bad from him and Brown.

Next game will decide this.

Game 4 will be a fun game to watch

Just hope Boston resorts to less garbage tactics of a non regulation rim height during warmups.

Lakers wouldnt do it lol
What’s wrong with getting someone in foul
Trouble? Wouldn’t it be up to the defender to not try and foul

All part of the game…
i think folks learning to not jump to conclusions after 1 game.

the only thing that's been consistent this series is dubs 3rd quarters and celtics' 4th quarters. coaches have made great adjustments. all i know is, warriors gotta stay away from zone. celtics were on fire from the wings.

i'm just pissed they tricked off a good game from klay. who knows when he makes this type of offensive appearance.
Double up
Draymond scouting Ced Maxwell. Bruh it’s 2022, not 1984.

Draymond need to go. He’s holding the Warriors back. Dude been a liability for over 5 years.

He’s older and already lacked skills.

So now he’s just old with nothing to offer during a game. Just talk.
Smh yall spoiling the Sopranos.

It’s been 15 years man and you’re from NEW JERSEY. You must hold yourself accountable here bro. It was bound to slip out by someone….

We all knew the Titanic was sinking and Rich Porter was going to die. But we still HAD to watch.

Plenty of great stuff left on The Sopranos btw.

Despite their pedigree, that team always comes out looking real soft when things don't go their way or adversity hits...

Generational sore losers

Same energy

Despite their pedigree, that team always comes out looking real soft when things don't go their way or adversity hits...

Generational sore losers

Man Trae got it 10x worse at The Garden and he was 22. He took it like a man. I respect the hell out of that.

Made him a better player and he shut us TF up. I’ll never say “F*** Trae Young” again :lol: - I don’t want that smoke anymore, NOPE.

Draymond has to eat it. Plus he was cursing in front of his kids on the podium. What are we doing now? :lol:
This is nuts after an L like that.

Solo podcasts have always been fascinating to me. You're just sitting there by yourself essentially talking to yourself. He did that for 17 minutes after wetting the bed.

Draymond said……

“This series reminds him of 2015 with the Cavs. Where the Warriors came back from 2-1 to win 3 straight..”

This man is clearly deluded 😭

Despite their pedigree, that team always comes out looking real soft when things don't go their way or adversity hits...

Generational sore losers

Haha. This is straight outta Russ’s playbook. He must be proud today. The hilarity coming from the wife of the most verbally abusive player in NBA history. I remember watching Dray call a ref a f…king b…ch mid game and they just rolled with it. What that man gets away with on a game to game basis is still mind blowing. He should be ejected from every game he plays if they truly followed the rule book.
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