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Defensive anchor is a different role than the guy who guards best wing player. Anchor is a big man who quarterbacks the defense. Kg is the closest I could think of although we all know he was way better offensively. He also handled the ball less and less as he got older.
Not necessarily. It depends on the roster makeup. Rodman and Pippen anchored the Bulls' D from 95-98, not the Bulls' centers.

One can argue Dennis Johnson, a guard, anchored the defense of the 3x titleist Celtics in the 80s. DJ was a 9x all defensive teamer, more than anyone on those 80s Celtic teams and Magic even said DJ was the "best backcourt defender of all time." DJ set the tone defensively for the C's not Parish, and certainly not McHale.

Who do we think was the defensive "anchor" and leader on those Bad Boys Pistons? Some will say Laimbeer but some if not most will say their intensity on D started with Joe Dumars and Isiah Thomas

And the Kobe-Pau Lakers who went back to back were "anchored" on D by none other than Kobe and D-Fish in 09 and Artest in '10. They were the ones who set the tone and quarterback'd the defense, not Pau or Bynum.
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In 2015, GS was down 2-1 going into game 4 with the Cavs Lineup of Mosgov, Thompson, Bron, Delladova, and Shumpert……the real question is how did they end up 1-2 with that weak Cavs lineup.

Whats sick is the FMVP isn't even in that photo.

That's the typa s*** I be talking about. Holding Iggy's trophy like that.
In 2015, GS was down 2-1 going into game 4 with the Cavs Lineup of Mosgov, Thompson, Bron, Delladova, and Shumpert……the real question is how did they end up 1-2 with that weak Cavs lineup.

Kyrie played game 1. The dubs won in Ot.

Cavs won a close game 2 In OT by 2, off the strength of Bron’s greatness and a horrible shooting night from Steph.

This was the Box Score in game 3 for the warriors. I won’t even show you what Dray and Klay shot in the game…but they figured things out


The dubs have been down a couple of times in series, and won. Y’all just forgot.

2018 Rockets
2019 Rockets

They pulled those out after figure out some things. I think they figured something out in game 3 (2nd qtr to 3rd) I won’t say it. But y’all will see it tonight.
How many Steph got tho? He top 10?

steph aint the GOAT either

he borderline top 10 range.. top 6-7 are easy for me: jordan, lebron, kareem, magic, bird and duncan

then id need to give it thought about this group of guys: shaq, KD, kobe, hakeem, bill russell, wilt, steph, dirk, zeke

also should probably throw giannis into that convo too
Defensive anchor is a different role than the guy who guards best wing player. Anchor is a big man who quarterbacks the defense. Kg is the closest I could think of although we all know he was way better offensively. He also handled the ball less and less as he got older.
then by your definition, Draymond is no defensive anchor. he's a good help defender but can't do a thing by himself.
steph aint the GOAT either

he borderline top 10 range.. top 6-7 are easy for me: jordan, lebron, kareem, magic, bird and duncan

then id need to give it thought about this group of guys: shaq, KD, kobe, hakeem, bill russell, wilt, steph, dirk, zeke

also should probably throw giannis into that convo too

Do you think Moses or Doctor J is in that second group somewhere?
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