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Like I said, Draymond can’t even get you 12-14 points when you need it. That’s ridiculous.

Two points just will not cut it. Gimme layups, mid range, baseline positioning, etc. dude is lousy.

I’ve seen dude literally have open lanes, easy scoring opportunities and he immediately passes the ball. He doesn’t even look at the rim. Dude is terrible.

There’s no excuse for dude not to be average at least 10 points
It's really disgusting in here people are disregarding Draymond's impact and minimizing his role in GS's success throughout his career.

Anything to shield Wardell though right?

Do better, have some shame. Steph a lot of individuals in here's proclaimed GOAT PG has never been asked to be the primary playmaker for GS during their run.

Why? Because he has had the luxury of having Draymond on the team who facilitates the majority of the offense while he is able to run off ball. Will Draymond have had the same success on another team? No...but Steph wouldn't have had the success he has had w/o Draymond either.

I hope Kerr does give Kuminga some of Dray's minutes. Putting a 19 year old rookie into the middle of the NBA finals after logging 3 straight DNP's sounds like a wonderful idea.
If they leave Dray open…..he needs to shoot it. It won’t be any worse, I think he’s gotten into his own head.
It's really disgusting in here people are disregarding Draymond's impact and minimizing his role in GS's success throughout his career.

Anything to shield Wardell though right?

Do better, have some shame. Steph a lot of individuals in here's proclaimed GOAT PG has never been asked to be the primary playmaker for GS during their run.

Why? Because he has had the luxury of having Draymond on the team who facilitates the majority of the offense while he is able to run off ball. Will Draymond have had the same success on another team? No...but Steph wouldn't have had the success he has had w/o Draymond either.

So glad you work with computers and aren’t a basketball coach
By definition he is.
no he's not. GSW only made him the focal point/passing point of the offense. let's say in the triangle offense, they designated him in an area that would make him effective. Kerr got his strategies from his Bulls/Spurs days. Draymond is nothing but a designated passer.
I mean I can't think of any other defensive anchor/point forwards from any era. His skillet is unique can't really say he's wrong. However, I do wish he would tone it down, look to score more, and stop crying to refs all game.
He's not special. he's overrated. other than GSW, he wouldn't even make a subpar player to any other team.
Kuminga gotta play game 4. Dude is clearly the mirror image of Jaylen Brown physically, if not a superior version, cro magnon to homo sapien style. Steph got to start a fight too. Sometimes when you're getting hoed on d and it doesn't matter who you switch off to, that person immediately calls for the ball and gets buckets, you just have to start some **** and change the narrative.

Kuminga will get some early burn tonight and will show some flashes but the moment is way too big for him IMO. It’s really on Wiggins to match Tatum or Browns production. He is the only hope unless Poole gets loose
Draymond's real issue: can't jump with that 2-inch vertical

So how/why the hell does Kerr think Dray can be the help safety in the paint once Boston's guards get past the first level of GS's defense?

GS must employ a 2-big lineup at all times with Looney or Kuminga or Bjelica on the floor with Dray if Kerr insists on Dray continuing to play big minutes.

If GS don't make the above adjustment they won't win another game in this series.

Boston DOES have GS intimidated. I don't care what anyone says. It's obvious.
no he's not. GSW only made him the focal point/passing point of the offense. let's say in the triangle offense, they designated him in an area that would make him effective. Kerr got his strategies from his Bulls/Spurs days. Draymond is nothing but a designated passer.

People lie

Numbers don't.

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Screenshot 2022-06-10 122155.png

I also have a lot of reciepts of pleas that were copped in 2016 about Draymond's suspension costing GS.

What we're not going to do is have it both ways.
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