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I know exactly what I gotta do to put this train back on the rails.

Let me open up the KLUTCH Toolbox.

Bet I’ve been meaning to ask this

lawdog1 lawdog1
@B Sox

Any other European NTers. What do y’all listen to when you’re out to town with your lady? John Mayer? Maroon folds 5?
I usually let her pick, so that means mostly the EDM station on Sirius or 80s New Wave.

She likes some 90s rap as well, mainly Snoop and Tribe Called Quest, so we put that on too occasionally.
My girl was slapping Careless Whisper the other day. I was like "oh ****, you like this guy, I'll play his other popular song". Than I played "One More Try." I asked her how she liked it and she said "it's okay" than started looking at her phone. That's the worse song to listen to when you get rejected.

Just gave this a listen, thanks for putting me in my feels and ruining my day. :frown::smh:
Never liked Journey. Hate Livin On A Prayer.

Actually there are quite a few white anthems I feel like that about. Can't think of them right now.

There are definitely some of these people that I think the Whites lie about liking just because they don't want to get looked at all crazy.

Especially The Beatles. No one gives a Flying F about the Beatles for real. If the Beatles were really real like that, they wouldn't be getting records broken left and right these days.

Never seen a single white person ride for the Beatles in all my years.
You just ain’t in the loop
Bet I’ve been meaning to ask this

lawdog1 lawdog1
@B Sox

Any other European NTers. What do y’all listen to when you’re out to town with your lady? John Mayer? Maroon folds 5?
:lol: Maroon 5. :lol: :lol: :lol:

My wife is all in on Top 100 hip hop and basic **** you hear on the radio. She's lame.

I gotta be in the car by myself to crank Linkin Park or Nirvana to 11 and scream to myself the whole drive. :lol: :smh:
I know exactly what I gotta do to put this train back on the rails.

Let me open up the KLUTCH Toolbox.


One of the things the the Klutch Head Honcho gets right….is he correctly recognizes Future as one of the best rappers ever.


An agenda worthy of pushing. And the correct position :pimp:

Shoutout Elliot Wilson, for finally coming to the conclusion we’ve known now for years.

4/29/22. New Super album OTW
I like the song Careless Whisper, but it's one of those songs where I like the cover more than the original. Seether did it better.

Yea the new Batman definitely got them back in the public light with newer generations.

That album and In Utero are damn near perfect for that really dark and distorted sound they helped influence.
Started before The Batman. Don’t know if this is the case everywhere, but can’t go anywhere in SoCal where there’s groups of people without seeing someone in a Nirvana T-shirt.
Gonna be a wild month. Can't wait for people to start listening to albums backwards and creating fake "Deeper meanings" out of it.
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