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Bro, I've never had a burger
Most peer pressure I ever felt: was either K-3rd grade at some point... whole school was treated to McDonald's for whatever reason... like tables and tables full of cheeseburgers/hamburgers

Everyone happy af like legit screams of joy when they saw the lil yellow tissue paper everyone running around and ****

I was like the only one not eating :lol: teachers and friends were baffled. They kept trying to get me to eat and were confused. I just kept shaking my head no. Pretty sure that was one of the first anxious moments I felt in life
  • I didn't have a burger until I was 13 years old. Didnt see one in Jamaica and when I came to the states it just looked gross.
  • just started voluntarily eating ketchup in 2013. Mayo is gross except in rare circumstances.
  • Mustard is gross.
  • 90% of condiments are gross.
  • Chicken Cordon Blue is nasty.
  • Pot pies are nasty.

Never had fb, insta, snap, tt.
Got a Twitter like 5 years ago. Got less than a dozen posts.

NT the goat cause of **** like this.

One phenomenon that has intrigued me the last ~10 years is like NT doesn’t get any true new memebers. Every new member seems to be an old banned account :lol: I remember my first few years on NT there were new members all the time and they were all teens. It seems like we have those same people to this day and now the NT demographic is like 30-45 :lol:

Who’s the youngest person in this thread? nick. nick. ? Even he’s washed already. (All due respect)
Most peer pressure I ever felt: was either K-3rd grade at some point... whole school was treated to McDonald's for whatever reason... like tables and tables full of cheeseburgers/hamburgers

Everyone happy af like legit screams of joy when they saw the lil yellow tissue paper everyone running around and ****

I was like the only one not eating :lol: teachers and friends were baffled. They kept trying to get me to eat and were confused. I just kept shaking my head no. Pretty sure that was one of the first anxious moments I felt in life
Hold on now.
Have you been raised Mormon, vegan or something? Respectfully
Ketchup sucks - but it’s absolutely crazy he never tried it :lol:

He never had mustard either? :lol:

I feel like you’d run into those condiments throughout a lifetime.
not for me. it depends on the ketchup and I'm super picky when it comes to that. same with chili sauce, etc....
One phenomenon that has intrigued me the last ~10 years is like NT doesn’t get any true new memebers. Every new member seems to be an old banned account :lol: I remember my first few years on NT there were new members all the time and they were all teens. It seems like we have those same people to this day and now the NT demographic is like 30-45 :lol:

Who’s the youngest person in this thread? nick. nick. ? Even he’s washed already. (All due respect)

I think all the young bols go to the sneaker forums, right? Maybe music? Most HS kids wouldn't be interested in these conversations or any of the ones in the other pro league threads.

Maturity :smokin
One phenomenon that has intrigued me the last ~10 years is like NT doesn’t get any true new memebers. Every new member seems to be an old banned account :lol: I remember my first few years on NT there were new members all the time and they were all teens. It seems like we have those same people to this day and now the NT demographic is like 30-45 :lol:

Who’s the youngest person in this thread? nick. nick. ? Even he’s washed already. (All due respect)

Yep you all are extremely old. Which is why the Brothers in Bron was formed.

The only person worse than Vincent Van Goat Vincent Van Goat I have ever encountered was a classmate of mine in the 6th grade.

Mans never had water. Like regular plain water, he had it. Our teacher was so taken aback that she asked his mom if it was true and she said yes. She only given him unsweetened green tea and coconut water all his life. She felt regular water had no nutritional value.
mom must be a Karen.
All white savory sauces/condiments are gross

Ranch, blue cheese, sour cream, tzatziki, etc.

All nasty work
Are you my best friend?

My homie won't mess with ANY white sauce. Said as a kid he used to like Mayo...and one day he tried something he thought was mayo and was disgusted and it traumatized so him much he won't mess with any white condiment til' this day

I'm almost sure it had to be Miracle Whip
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