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This how I feel bout most green stuff…Guac, Salsa Verde, the green sauces in Indian/Ethiopian/Mediterranean food, can’t do it :smh:
I am neutral on green sauces. Nothing against them but never order them. I don't like avacadoes so guac is gross as yell to me.

Red sauces I have mainly positive feelings towards. I will ask the color of a sauce I never had at a restaurant. If they say it is red, I somehow feel I will probably like it.
I remember being real jealous of the kids that got pulled out of school for a doctors apt and would then return at lunchtime with a golden bag of mcdonalds :lol:

McDonalds after school as kid? And if it's a Friday and we hitting Blockbuster too?!?!
The only person worse than @Vincent Van Goat I have ever encountered was a classmate of mine in the 6th grade.

Mans never had water. Like regular plain water, he had it. Our teacher was so taken aback that she asked his mom if it was true and she said yes. She only given him unsweetened green tea and coconut water all his life. She felt regular water had no nutritional value.
Impressive he made it to 6th grade tbh
  • I didn't have a burger until I was 13 years old. Didnt see one in Jamaica and when I came to the states it just looked gross.
  • just started voluntarily eating ketchup in 2013. Mayo is gross except in rare circumstances.
  • Mustard is gross.
  • 90% of condiments are gross.
  • Chicken Cordon Blue is nasty.
  • Pot pies are nasty.
Yellow mustard is terrible but other mustards are good. Brown spicy, honey, dijon, there's actual flavor in those
Impressive he made it to 6th grade tbh

Yellow mustard is terrible but other mustards are good. Brown spicy, honey, dijon, there's actual flavor in those
Oh yeah I'm only talking about that regular mustard. Nasty work. Peak WPS right there.
Time to build a wall for NT b...Been seeing alotta non elites lately

As a Fellow Dubz fan I haven't been more proud of anyone ever than I am of you RIGHT NOW. Once jrose5 jrose5 takes over we will build a physical and electronic wall to keep libs, Soy Bois, Broke Bois, Ugly dudes, remainers, scums and others OUTTA HERE. Makes me sick what NT allows in nowadays. Bloc02 was a hero.
speaking of a pseudo-condiments, I never really liked Hummus. too difficult for me to eat nor consider it as a food nor condiment. just too gross for me.
speaking of a pseudo-condiments, I never really liked Hummus. too difficult for me to eat nor consider it as a food nor condiment. just too gross for me.

I think of hummus as a food in the snack, appetizer or addition category. Did you have it with some pita bread? If you get like roasted red pepper hummus, it's not bad. Might cop some with some pita bread next week to confirm because it's been a while so I don't want to mislead you :lol:
I think of hummus as a food in the snack, appetizer or addition category. Did you have it with some pita bread? If you get like roasted red pepper hummus, it's not bad. Might cop some with some pita bread next week to confirm because it's been a while so I don't want to mislead you :lol:
yup. tried it with some pita bread (the white one and the special one). still don't like it. I would prefer to eat the Pita bread as is. if I want food with it, it's either with shawarma or that really good ground middle eastern beef.
2 things NT hates.
Black supportive fathers and ranch. :lol: :smh:

As a CONSERVATIVE Black man I strongly disagree. Under Meth with backup from RustyShackleford RustyShackleford NT has turned into a liberal cesspool with too many Soi Bois crying in their Veg Wraps hitting da Smith button for slurs that are so 1960s like da N word while ignoring slurs against my WHITE BROTHERS, SISTERS AND 👸 like "chad", "kevin" and "K.....A......R........E......N". NT hates CONSERVATIVES And White people. I say this as a BLACK MAN that tries every day to stop Meth and RustyShackleford RustyShackleford .
let me find out all you eat is dino nuggets and lays like my 3 year old nephew
That's exactly how I think of chicken nuggets: kid food. Can't stand them. Not frozen, not from this fast food place, not from that fast food place. Hate chicken nuggets.

That's exactly how I think of chicken nuggets: kid food. Can't stand them. Not frozen, not from this fast food place, not from that fast food place. Hate chicken nuggets.

I use to like them, but for some reason, the quality just went completely shet. so no nuggets anymore for me. I'd rather eat fish and chips.
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