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IDK, he can barely move out there with his sore back. I hope the three days of rest helps him.

If the refs don't call Durant for his left to right crossover, then anyone can get away with a carry. :lol:
I'm saying though. No one carries it more than KD and I've never seen it called. People who are focusing on this are truly worried about the wrong things
Weird series. Had Grizz in 6 because they have the best player in the series, small ball bigs that can match up, and thought Bane and Brooks would both be pretty effective. The third part hasn’t even remotely happened. Tied 1-1 but could easily be 2-0 either way.
Weird series. Had Grizz in 6 because they have the best player in the series, small ball bigs that can match up, and thought Bane and Brooks would both be pretty effective. The third part hasn’t even remotely happened. Tied 1-1 but could easily be 2-0 either way.
Could easily be 2-0 warriors way too tho. You see that right?
Weird series. Had Grizz in 6 because they have the best player in the series, small ball bigs that can match up, and thought Bane and Brooks would both be pretty effective. The third part hasn’t even remotely happened. Tied 1-1 but could easily be 2-0 either way.

Could easily be 2-0 warriors way too tho. You see that right?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
All you post in trash.
Not a fan of lasagne? It's good stuff when made right.
This foe gimmick is trash.
It's not a gimmick but have yourself a day.
After ninjahood , you are literally the worst poster on this site.
Hey, who do you think is the worst poster on this site?

There, now someone asked you. 🤙

Previously no one asked you.

Now someone asked you.
I get team rivalries and player rivalries, and not wanting to be fans of certain guys and such. But sometimes it's okay to just shut the **** up.
Absolutely. For example: your entire post except the last paragraph.
Regardless of how you may feel about the Warriors, Baby Glove did not deserve to have his elbow fractured this evening.
Agreed. I didn't deserve your little temper tantrum but here we are.

Also I don't hate the Warriors. It's not a rivalry. The Warriors are awesome; the Lakers suck. That's not a rivalry. 🤣 My comment had nothing to do with whatever narrative you have built into your perception. It was just a sports comment. If you think it was in poor taste, cool.

I literally said before the playoffs that I'm pulling for anyone but the Celtics, and that I'm heavily relying on the Bucks and the Warriors to help me out on not having to watch a Celtics championship. You know how much that rustled the jimmies of DeadsetAce DeadsetAce ? None, because he's not a jerk (mostly 👀).

Be like that. Or don't. Whatever. Your rightful place in Warriors of Wardell is your call.

Saw the Brooks play finally. Definitely real dirty. Borderline suspendable IMO. Especially if WGA got suspended for his hit on Caruso.
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