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They were doing just fine. But the questionable *** calls are heavy clouds. They were up 4 with like 3 min left. But Foster suspect *** kept killing their momentum and got grizz in the bonus.

Klay was trash. Make no mistake. But refs were in their bag all night.

When Draymond got that rebound, it was a 1 point game. Wasn't a foul. They give the ball back to grizz, then ja hits a 3.
Yeah that Dray call was horrible.
Not sure if most realize he broke his dominant elbow. Dude plays rough n tough. Whole arm will be immobilized, joints etc stiff asf after. This injury will have him down for months. Probably can’t hoop until pre season.

Not sure if this is his karma for some ish we all don’t know about but if not then yeah this wasn’t cool.
You sound like someone who spent more time watching hoop then actually playing Bruce Bowen is dirty Ron artest dirty. Draymond not the same man.
lol but keep that hate alive

If you know you know

You made it to the league dawg?

That ain't got nothing to do with the price of tea in China. Dray been dirty for years. Call it hate or whatever. He built that reputation.
Absolutely. Dray was 100% correct with this answer.
One day I hope sports media really starts to come down on "fans". The public at large doesn't really love sports man, they love a spectacle. Same reason why arenas only sell out when a team is good.

These kind of people don't get called out enough honestly.
not mad at Ja trash talkin to steph at the end of the game but when are these young dudes gonna learn to not poke the bear, especially when the series is only 1-1 and heading back to the other team’s home court? i expect nothing less than 40 from steph and a 25 from klay on saturday. they gonna do this for their guy GP2.

this series is too ******* good.
gRiZzlIeS aRe a LiKeAbLe TeAm

Where Jared Dudley when you need him for pay back

besides dillon brooks making a dangerous play, they really are a likable team. what’s not to like about a team that’s core is all drafted by the same team. they’re fun to watch…

except for kyle anderson’s jumper. bruh’s release looks like a catapult
Hopefully no lig damage. Wonder how bad the pain is. If it's something they can manage with antiinflammatories and icing and sleeve up with the hexpad to avoid bumps or if it's too painful and he's done.

Lying >>>>>>>> Bron is proud of this lie.

This is what I mean when I say Jordan benefitted from playing in the corny 80s/90s. Ja says this in the 90s and by the time the story is told in 2022 it turns into “he actually asked the trainer to remove the eye out of the socket to keep himself blinking”

Inagine Jordan lying about having the flu and having Pippen fireman carry him to the bench in 2022. He’d be a twitter laughingstock :lol:
Saw the highlights and how hyped Wiggins was when he dunked. If he could play like that even 70% of the time he would be a much better player.
He turned into one of the vampires from Buffy af that dunk

I fractured my elbow on a bad fall. Went to bed and couldn’t even get out of bed the next morning. Couldnt even drive myself to the hospital. Pain went away after a couple days but lost mobility in my elbow. Couldn’t raise my arm over my head. Went for a follow up and doc said it’s normal to lose mobility. Couldn’t fully extend my arm. After 3 months I was back to normal. And this was a small fracture that just needed time to heal. No cast or surgery.
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