2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

Personally I'd add value to the strike out before I'd trim innings if I were the MLB. Having a strikeout be worth 1.5 outs would be way more intriguing to me and would change so many approaches in the game.

End of the day I like MLB/baseball the way it is, no one is being forced to watch every pitch of every inning so I really can care less about how long games last.
Maybe you should just try a different sport altogether my guy.

I'm not exactly an outlier here. Ratings and attendance dipping significantly over the past decade plus isn't some coincidence. The product in it's current iteration isn't holding up well. Not breaking news.

The NFL saw issues with their game and made changes. NBA did the same. MLB sitting on their hands and now it's popularity is taking a hit.

I just think it needs to be revised some and I don't have the exact answer. But it seems like inaction ain't the move.
i don't think cutting innings out is reasonable for MLB. i actually don't mind long *** baseball games...like it's more of a relaxing thing for me. and for me, not a sport where you hang on to every second. it can just be on while you're in the house doing ****. playoffs are another story, of course :lol:
Not like we'll be there anytime soon but when does the beer get cut off for a 6th inning game?

the 3rd or 4th!?

Damn, I miss going to the ballpark. Upgraded my seats to lower level behind home plate this year too. |l
I'm not exactly an outlier here. Ratings and attendance dipping significantly over the past decade plus isn't some coincidence. The product in it's current iteration isn't holding up well. Not breaking news.

The NFL saw issues with their game and made changes. NBA did the same. MLB sitting on their hands and now it's popularity is taking a hit.

I just think it needs to be revised some and I don't have the exact answer. But it seems like inaction ain't the move.

Saying that innings need to be cut out of the game absolutely makes you an outlier. Of all the people I have ever heard advocate for changes to be made, not a single one other than you has brought up eliminating 1/3 of the innnings played ever game.
Saying that innings need to be cut out of the game absolutely makes you an outlier. Of all the people I have ever heard advocate for changes to be made, not a single one other than you has brought up eliminating 1/3 of the innnings played ever game.

Wanting changes to improve the product doesn't make me an outlier. It's actually a pretty hot topic since baseball interest has been fizzling, especially among casuals.

Ratings gonna plummet even more if/when the MLB and NBA are competing at the end of the summer.

I'm brainstorming with the reduce the innings to 7 idea. Doesn't mean it's the right answer or I should "find a new game." I just think the pace needs to improve some how. Just throwing sh*t against the wall.

I'm definitely not the only one either.. A baseball writer in Boston was advocating for it just last week.

Also, I didn't say I want 7 inning games or I'm done. I'll watch regardless. Just not as often as I once did. Just do something to change the pace. 9 inning playoff games shouldn't take 4 hours when they were taking 2.5-3 hours years ago. It's a problem.
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Isn’t MLB making more money than it’s ever made? I’m not sure how it’s down.

I don’t know about attendance, I thought attendance was down in all sports because of how expensive tickets and parking is, plus everyone has 60+ inch HD TVs now.
yeah i mean i hear what getback getback is saying. the pace of play is a turn off for a lot of people. i've heard people throw out cutting innings out, but i don't think that's the best answer. ruins the experience and game on multiple levels

i like what they're doing with some of the pitching changes. those are good starts.
I've heard people say change AB to 3 balls 2 strikes also. I like the 3 batter minimum for relievers. There's probably more they could do. I don't need god bless America after certain innings. Maybe limit the amount of warm ups pitchers get between innings. Just spitballing ideas.
Don’t think they need to cut warmup pitches. It’s 5 between innings, 8 if you’re coming into the game unless you’re entering due to injury.
MLB is screwed in a way to make the game more modern because the record books are so sacred they always have a hard time changing any real rules.

Almost every idea that has been floated (small....or drastic) gets shut down because it will mess with the legacy, and fans care about those history stats.

Minimum batters, or pitch clock, etc are rules they are okay with cause they don't mess with a ton of player stats.

The game length issue I think is a real one they will need to keep working on. Personally, long games don't matter to me. But to the average younger fan it does - and in baseball every minute you add to game length is always dead time. You aren't getting an extra half hour of action. It's dead time.

MLB Average Games:

1970 - 2 hours, 30 min
1980 - 2 hours, 33 min
1990 - 2 hours, 51 mins
2000 - 2 hours, 57 min
2019 - 3 hours, 5 min
i can sit thru a 6 hr baseball game, no problem, luv it. now anyone who knows me knows i wanted my son more than anything to play ball . my son literally HATES baseball, nevermind playing it cause it's long and boring. broke my heart :lol:

the game speeding up will definitely bring more fans or keep the ones with short attention spans. gonna go smack my son now :lol:
thats a big deal for Boston man, that racism up there is stewed to perfection man . if they get Celtics and Bruins fans to join in we're definitely gonna die this year :lol:
thats a big deal for Boston man, that racism up there is stewed to perfection man . if they get Celtics and Bruins fans to join in we're definitely gonna die this year :lol:

seen A LOT of statements from Bruins players and the organization about supporting BLM movement and the need for change. NHL as a whole been better than MLB and NFL based on what i seen the last few years

those redneck fans that bus and train in to city from the sticks, though? never gonna change their bigot minds :smh:
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