2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

What do you think the best dye to use to change the team red low's check from white to black I want to switch the check color???
It's not really shady though, they're in the business of making money and when they see people taking advantage of a loophole they are well within their rights to shut it down. Do you remember how terrible e-commerce used to be before ebay?

I disagree---you wouldn't have to do it that way if they didn't tax so crazy. I been selling on ebay for a while-- my first sold item were the south beaches back in '11. I remember when I sold things and I got the money; all of it. If there was a tax it was small/minimal. I also didn't have to wait 2-3 weeks to get my money either. Then I remember they changed the user agreement and that's when I noticed the crazy taxes all of sudden. So yea, I'm going to go through the loophole. I only sold a handful of times, so I think I used the loophole once or twice? :lol: Granted I'm sure they put those initiatives in place because people were abusing the system but still---for people like me who DIDN'T abuse this system this sucks.

I don't see why ebay AND paypal need to tax.
I'd be turned off if I had a girl and she took part in any of my interest especially kicks (unless she was into them before) and traveling. Only exception is schooling her on real rap. So I do agree but I must ask why the Tiffs in particular?

I meant in general I just references Tiffs because that dude said Tiffs for his girl
I disagree---you wouldn't have to do it that way if they didn't tax so crazy. I been selling on ebay for a while-- my first sold item were the south beaches back in '11. I remember when I sold things and I got the money; all of it. If there was a tax it was small/minimal. I also didn't have to wait 2-3 weeks to get my money either. Then I remember they changed the user agreement and that's when I noticed the crazy taxes all of sudden. So yea, I'm going to go through the loophole. I only sold a handful of times, so I think I used the loophole once or twice? :lol: Granted I'm sure they put those initiatives in place because people were abusing the system but still---for people like me who DIDN'T abuse this system this sucks.

I don't see why ebay AND paypal need to tax.

They provide the sandbox for people with no physical storefront or limited money for e-commerce to sell their wares. It sucks that people not really ripping them off have to suffer when they increase the prices for listing/selling, but it is what it is because people abused the system too much/too often. I find it hard to shed any tears when someone gets their account suspended after flagrantly breaking the agreed upon rules, especially now that there's other services coming up that can serve as an alternative to ebay.

I could sit here griping about the commission I'm going to have to pay an agent to use a Japanese auction site, but I know that the reason the rules have been laid down the way they are is because people tried pulling some BS and now it's restricted to Japanese IPs, Japanese credit card/bank accounts, Japanese shipping addresses.

You see people trying to be slick on the buy/sell here, listing their shoes at one price and then right when it's time to do the actual deal insisting you pay as a gift OR pay the 4% fees on top of the agreed upon price, but I'll say that at least it's not as bad as that other site, I've looked on their for older AF1s and always run across listings from someone listing their pairs at $8, and then you read the text, price isn't $8 so don't offer that because I won't respond.
They provide the sandbox for people with no physical storefront or limited money for e-commerce to sell their wares. It sucks that people not really ripping them off have to suffer when they increase the prices for listing/selling, but it is what it is because people abused the system too much/too often. I find it hard to shed any tears when someone gets their account suspended after flagrantly breaking the agreed upon rules, especially now that there's other services coming up that can serve as an alternative to ebay.
Repped. A lot of people complain about eBay and their charges, but neglect to acknowledge the exposure that using eBay gets their products, that's what you're paying the charges for. If you don't like the charges, use another service!
Repped. A lot of people complain about eBay and their charges, but neglect to acknowledge the exposure that using eBay gets their products, that's what you're paying the charges for. If you don't like the charges, use another service!
This is the same with Kixify. When people complain about the prices, (or when they try to circumvent us and we suspend them for it, which leads to them complaining) I can't help but wonder why bother using the service? It's like asking FCNY to sell your kicks then trying to take all the money and not giving them a cut. It's stealing! Kixify, eBay, FCNY, we all offer a service which you should pay to use. If you don't, you're no better than a common thief, to be honest.
This is the same with Kixify. When people complain about the prices, (or when they try to circumvent us and we suspend them for it, which leads to them complaining) I can't help but wonder why bother using the service? It's like asking FCNY to sell your kicks then trying to take all the money and not giving them a cut. It's stealing! Kixify, eBay, FCNY, all offer a service which you should pay to use. If you don't, you're no better than a common thief, to be honest.
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they are 11.5 just found out
 oh well, good looking out though fam 
Dude emailing me out of the blue on eBay :lol:

Are you interested in terms rivalry pack dunk that came out last weekend? I have a 9.5 in the Georgetown color way.

- tumblingelbow
Dude emailing me out of the blue on eBay

Are you interested in terms rivalry pack dunk that came out last weekend? I have a 9.5 in the Georgetown color way.

- tumblingelbow
Making a name for yourself everywhere huh?

Interesting discussions going on in here.
I mean it is just true. Even besides the fact that I work for one of these companies, I don't see it as any different than walking into a convenience store, grabbing an Arizona and pack of starburst and just walking out. You're taking the product that place sells, and using it (in this case consuming it) for free. When something is intangible like online services, people are more likely to justify their actions.
I see it more as you rolling up on a convenience store opening the trunk of your car and trying to sell hot dogs and soda and then complaining when they chase you out of the parking lot. But I'm kind of a stickler for rules, if you chose not to play by them don't be surprised when they crack a ruler on your knuckles.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not sure if anyone is really disagreeing with you Dan. If people don't want to pay ebay, kixify, fcny fees.... don't use them. They provide a service for people to sell, of course they are in it to make a profit or they wouldn't exist. Don't see why anyone would have a problem with that.
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Dudes bought the wrong SB's to try and flip....
I saw a thread yesterday on NSB titled "How to know if a shoe will get hyped?" ...I won't copy/paste his whole original post but pretty much sums up new people who have no clue trying to flip SB's.
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This is basically what I predicted back when the Diamonds got white hot, I hope Nike pumps out 2 or 3 months worth of not so hot shoes so resellers lose their shirt and people leave SBs to those of us that actually want them.
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