2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not sure if anyone is really disagreeing with you Dan. If people don't want to pay ebay, kixify, fcny fees.... don't use them. They provide a service for people to sell, of course they are in it to make a profit or they wouldn't exist. Don't see why anyone would have a problem with that.
Yeah I'm not saying anyone's disagreeing with me but you do have the people saying "why do they do this?" and obviously those aren't necessarily the people circumventing the rules but some might be. I'd be lying if I said I'd never done it but I don't anymore and haven't for a long time. I did it when I was like 15 maybe and not as educated or morally grounded.
I see it more as you rolling up on a convenience store opening the trunk of your car and trying to sell hot dogs and soda and then complaining when they chase you out of the parking lot. But I'm kind of a stickler for rules, if you chose not to play by them don't be surprised when they crack a ruler on your knuckles.
I don't agree with this, although you make an interesting point. eBay is NOT selling what we're selling. We're not entering direct competition with eBay when we attempt to sell something outside their confines (like your example with a guy selling what the convenience store sells right outside the place). We are just using their service (lots of exposure/wide audience to aide in selling our product) for no cost, which is like taking product out of a brick and mortar store without paying.
You'll really laugh when you see who posted it.
yeah, just saw that. pretty funny actually. 
I emailed that seller back just to see his reply "$170 shipped" when he has them on eBay for $130 with no bids :lol:
my exes and my current are all NTers. my current mostly lurks on his account, but he posts in here once in awhile. 

is this him in your avy?

in regards to the ebay deal---case in point, I feel like a lot of the jacked up prices are due to the fact people want to take into consideration all the fees that will accrue due to the sale. I got a dude with a rival pack who won't accept any offers under 550. Why? Because the fees. You wanna make a lil' bit of profit on top of all the costs you have to eat. If there were wasn't so much taxation guarantee you a lot of these ridiculous prices we see on ebay wouldn't be necessary. I mean you see it because when you actually message people they let you know up front their willing to accept a lower offer if it's done strictly via paypal.

I hope I'm making sense.
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is this him in your avy?

in regards to the ebay deal---case in point, I feel like a lot of the jacked up prices are due to the fact people want to take into consideration all the fees that will accrue due to the sale. I got a dude with a rival pack who won't accept any offers under 550. Why? Because the fees. You wanna make a lil' bit of profit on top of all the costs you have to eat. If there were wasn't so much taxation guarantee you a lot of these ridiculous prices we see on ebay wouldn't be necessary. I mean you see it because when you actually message people they let you know up front their willing to accept a lower offer if it's done strictly via paypal.

I hope I'm making sense.
Totally makes sense. But in the grand scheme of things, @mints  is spot on, we only see these countermeasures because people took advantage of the system. Now just to make their money, eBay has to give people deterrents to taking away their profits (ie ending auction early to sell off-site to someone through PP invoice, charging you 10% on sale price AND shipping cost, not giving you the money until the product has been delivered etc). It's really because of the bad people that the good people suffer paying all these "taxes" or really just hefty fees.
So heres the result of jason markk on my new WPF after about 30hrs of drying time and a few minutes of gentle brushing.. FML. Not crazy noticeable on feet but def not the deep pink hue and really not soft like it should be.
So heres the result of jason markk on my new WPF after about 30hrs of drying time and a few minutes of gentle brushing.. FML. Not crazy noticeable on feet but def not the deep pink hue and really not soft like it should be.
Damn damn, thats rough
Glad I you guys are talking about this, was seriously think about buying the whole JM kit this weekend. In all my years of owning suede shoes I've never found a cleaner for them. People swear by JM but I just can't see any liquid being good for suede, especially if it's top notch suede. Only success i've had with take dirt off suede was using a dry new soft bristle toothbrush and that's only for 'loose' dirt something like a stain, forget it.
Since everybody's on the topic of cleaning, what would be the preferred method of cleaning SOMPs?  I imagine mine will start getting dirty soon with how much I'm wearing them.
Glad I you guys are talking about this, was seriously think about buying the whole JM kit this weekend. In all my years of owning suede shoes I've never found a cleaner for them. People swear by JM but I just can't see any liquid being good for suede, especially if it's top notch suede. Only success i've had with take dirt off suede was using a dry new soft bristle toothbrush and that's only for 'loose' dirt something like a stain, forget it.

JM is terrible for suede in my opinion. Even with the premium suede brush. You really have to know what you're doing when you're cleaning with JM too, you barely want any of the cleaner on the brush when doing the suede, almost just a mist of it if you can accomplish that lol.

Something as simple as a pencil eraser works wonders on suede stains depending on what they are.
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JM is terrible for suede in my opinion. Even with the premium suede brush.

Something as simple as a pencil eraser works wonders on suede stains depending on what they are.

I saw a video of a dude doing a pair of bordeaux VII and It looked like it worked but I seriously doubt the suede stayed soft. I'd be extra pissed if it changed the color like those WPF.
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