2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

well, if John's out, im out...
just wouldnt feel right having a TEAM SB without John in it.
Does that mean I'm not gonna get a cool gif with my name on it?
After thinking about it I think team sb should mainly be for buying/selling for non outrageous prices. This thread is great because people share info and taking that away will make this thread like the others. Creating teamsb will only hurt this thread since there will only be a few people apart of it while this thread has many more members that are apart of it.
nevermind got my answer.

rant: i love this thread, even though i may not post, this is my 2nd favorite thread.

you're all mad chill 
 and if you're on the fence on the concord dunks, they're actually pretty nice in person (i think) but not nicer than the space jams.
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I'm just playing devils advocate here for a second(please don't freak out on me) but who's to say that there isn't someone who gets added to the group that works for or poaches info for kicksdeals or something like that anyhow? Also just because someone posts in here doesn't mean they aren't gathering the info and taking it back to kicksdeals either....I'm all for trying to do the Team SB thing and maybe it will cut down on some of the info poaching.... but I'm not sure you are going to be able to stop the spread of it, especially by making a large group of whoever decides to add there name in. Sorry for being negative, I was just thinking about it and figured I'd see what others thought along this line.

People often create this reseller boogeyman - right now, it takes the form of kicksdeals. You will not stop kicksdeals. ...You know why? Kicksdeals puts in work! I'm not taking shots ay anybody in specific, but a lot of people in general spend a lot of effort complaining instead of putting those resources toward getting ahead. (I sound like a damn Republican now!)

John makes a great point about how the the thread defeated somebody trying to take advantage and did so not by conspiring to create a secret alliance, but by flooding the thread with info that made his model unsustainable. It's like the classic anecdote about outrunning the hungry bear - you don't have to be the fastest guy, just faster than the next man. ...You can conquer the reseller element through PMs - that's a Sisyphean task. But, you can make sure those who pay attention to the thread get a head start in the race against the most exploitative resellers.
Actually guys, they appear to have dropped their prices on ridefourever.com.  I see that they have WPF for 115, Krampus for 112, they have a few more deals up there as well but, the size run does vary.  I hope that this helps those in the hunt!
Wow great info...ill be giving them a call first thing in the am for the WPF wish they had the Koziks in my size but might have to spend some of that tax return on the Krampus as well.  One question I know I've seen pics of the WPF with blue laces was that only the ones straight from concepts?  Also anyone from the NYC area in here?  Looking for a local to support but there aren't any in westchester county.  Not looking for anyone's connect just a place to get GR's and hopefully build a relationship to benefit everyone.  Repped for th great info.
Looking for help on getting rid of this dye bleeding.

I picked these up on ebay about 4 years ago. The seller told me about the "Stain" ahead of time so I didn't trip. It's really not even noticeable, just one of those nagging things I'd like to get rid of. 

Any ideas? (I've checked in the cleaning thread too)
Not gonna lie...when I logged on tonight and saw there were about 120 new posts in the thread...

...and saw that about 105 of them were about a PM thread....I was disappointed.

Didn't they try this in other NT threads with questionable results?

AM Fam works okay, and Team AF1 does too. I think the model just works best around vintage stuff because it's the new releases that really create the sorts of logistical problems and implicit hierarchies that become problematic, as John alluded to.

I know the attempt to form the "NTOC" ended up doing what was basically irreparable harm to the outlet thread - it's never been as good as it was then.

BTW, BIP, you got any other stories or words of wisdom regarding older heat. I love hearing about the concepts behind designs.

Nothing for now - but if for those who know of GustodaNinja, he just posted size 10 DS Medicom 3s on his IG for $399 shipped. ...I might have done it, if it was a 9.or 9.5.

They'll be gone pretty quickly, so anybody interested should act.
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^^ the 3M on the Medicom's is amazing . .. Ima size 10 too . Hmmm

But back to wat the topic of discussion was , I personally believe tht the key to the success of this thread is the fact tht everyone is equal no matter if you been in the game since 02 or your first sb pickup was the SPoT's . People share their experiences with sb's and share the knowledge of releases without spoon feeding . If someone asks a question it's answered without arrogant remarks or making them feel stupid . .. It's those exact reasons why NT was created . And as long as we stick to those standards along with respecting each other we'll be fine .
agree with john00 i'm one of those lurkers that made very few posts. I'll try to help out with what i can. You can refer to my previous post to see what my situation is like
i wasnt a fan of the Concord sb when the pics had surfaced, BUT....

that "on foot" pic is very interesting.

i have to see an "on foot" with pants before i give my verdict
Lot of interesting debate going on. 00 pretty much summed up my feelings way better than I could've. If we're looking to create a Team AmFam type of situation then I'm completely on board, but beyond that, I'm just not sure. I'll support what the majority goes with. Just don't want this becoming a Roshe type of thread where it seems to be some kind of contest to figure out who caught onto them first.

As for the Space Jam SBs, that patent toebox just irks me. Change that material and they're perfect. Looks like the Concord lows are doomed to yellow the same way sole-wise.
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FIRST, I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR COMMENTS ABOUT THE WHEAT HIGHS! I repped as many of you as I could until I hit my limit!

Lol, I really hope Nike doesn't take my idea though. :rofl:

Thank you. I'm honored to be compared to him. BIP is the smooth OG that slides in dropping gems on youngstas.

Thank you! Sooooooo, we can't the stories about the white girls poppin' in this thread though? :lol:

Thanks. I'm honored.

Welcome to the thread my dude. Please don't be a stranger. Repped!


Okay, let's get into what I came to say.

Okay, my work schedule is crazy right now but I'm going to take time out to sit down and let my thoughts be heard/read. I'll start with this "Team SB" thing. Af1 1982, logically, I understand what you're saying. You want to keep resellers out, you want to keep lurkers from snatching up pairs and you want people that TRULY want this sneaker to band together and get it. I really have no issue with that idea. But when you start wanting to create a "team", which will in theory, cause a division in the thread, THAT'S what I take issue with. You spoke about “criteria” to enter said team. Think about if Me, Togusa, Swag and others had a "criteria" for sharing stuff within the thread when we first picked it up. How many things would "awesome newer members” like FoamToTheDOME have missed out on? The better question is, how many "awesome newer members” would WE have missed out on in this thread? The reason why this thread is the best on NT is because we have NO problem sharing info, but we don't SPOON FEED anyone at the same time. I've hit MANY members up before through PMs (in the EARLY stages of this thread) about QS SBs and gave MANY of them my shops number to do phone orders, as well as OTHER shops to order from, while people were in here praising scumbag a*s Sneaker Yeti as he ATE up info that was posted and RESOLD SBs to people IN THE THREAD. At the time PMs was what I HAD to do because I didn't want him to feast while others starved, but the second I got his a*s outta here I made sure EVERYONE had a chance to see the info. We got him outta here by keeping releases in perspective, flooding the thread with buying options and spreading knowledge, therefore not allowing him to make up BS “limited” claims so that he could jack up prices. That’s how this thread became great. We didn’t need to become a team within a team, we just needed to join as ONE.

Just because my join date says 7/2012, doesn’t mean that I've only been on here since 7/2012. I've seen the "#TeamWhateverYouWannaCallYourselves” form time and time again, and EVERY time, they've BLOWN up in everyone's faces and caused nothing but hate and contempt within the thread (i.e. JB, Roshe, ect.). You always have some people who feel like they didn't get the same amount of help as others, people that worked hard but got nothing, you have people on the outside hating the fact that they're not on the inside and you always have people that benefited greater than everyone else walking out of the situation with the “well, I got mines” smiles on their faces, reeking of selfishness and elitism. According to your original reasons for starting the team, most of the people that are on your team now shouldn’t be on it. I’ve NEVER seen Yanky (no shots) post in here. As  a matter of fact, I JUST took a look into his posting activity and I went all the way back to 1/2012, the last couple of post he made about making the page for you and promoting the “#Team SB” stuff were the FIRST post that he made in this thread EVER. So by definition, isn’t he a lurker? He has over a 2,000 post but never bothered to make 1 in this thread until today. Also, there’s other people that are coming out of the wood work, as expected, asking about and being accepted to your team that are admitting to have NEVER have posted in here. Do think that’s a coincidence? How do you not know that these people aren’t resellers? You don’t. Most of them have things for sale in their sigs already. So let me get this straight, you want to keep resellers, lurkers and newbie’s out. So you make a team FILLED with likely resellers, newbie’s (to this thread at least) and a lurker creates the Google page? You see where this is going? I’m not knocking you Af1 1982, I just think there’s a better way you could have done this. FoamToTheDome (which has my rookie of the year vote) had the right idea in one of his post. He spoke about the fact that he would attempt to cop multiple pairs in Canada (Ya’ll got some bad b*tches in Canada, we need talk about that soon) and if “people that made this thread what it is” contacted him for help, they’d be helped. PMs would have done just fine and you would’ve been able to control the flow BETTER. There’s no need to announce the emergence of a “team”. It’s not going to help you and 50% of the group, if not more will NOT get anything out of it. Do I even have to go into the fact that most of the people in your “team” wear the SAME size? That WILL be problematic. By the way, I’ve read post in here about this being a “team” that will continue to hold onto info PAST this release. That goes against EVERYONE OF the CORE VALUES of this thread.

Moving forward, I knew that this release for whatever reason would most def draw the lines in the sand in this thread and make people lose perspective. I don’t know if ANYONE remembers this but the Concord release from what I KNOW and read, is an IN-STORE RELEASE ONLY! Just like the Skunks, Pushead 2’s and Space Jams. VERY few, IF ANY shops will have enough left after their customers are done purchasing, to allow for phone orders. Shops that DO phone orders, like BP, will be charging an arm and an f**cking leg to make the purchase. Mind you, BP charged $200 plus tax for the Space Jams! What do you think BP will do on this one? Shops that will MORE than likely UNITE you with a pair of Concords so that you can put them on, to get on your bicycle and RIDEFOUREVER are known for charging ridiculous prices! (See what was done there? :nerd: ) Either way, preparation WILL be key. I’ve been posting this left and right! Get ready for your shop to sell over box price, get ready to possibly camp and MAKE connections with your shop NOW, so that you may have the chance possibly make your cop easier. If you’re depending on this thread alone, for a release of THIS magnitude and with this much hype surrounding it, you’re already behind the curve. Get out there and DO the work early!

Which brings me to my next point, a lot of the new guys that are just starting to frequent the thread need to understand that the info, buying options and knowledge are ALL here for you to take advantage of, BUT you need to also PUT in the work as well to HELP YOURSELF! Don’t expect someone to spoon feed you the Concords if you truly desire them because you could really end up getting your heart broken.

With all of that said, I will continue to help those that need it and have done the work to deserve it. I’m sure that everyone knows that by now, or at least I HOPE you do.
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Well Said REPPED 00
Looking for help on getting rid of this dye bleeding.

I picked these up on ebay about 4 years ago. The seller told me about the "Stain" ahead of time so I didn't trip. It's really not even noticeable, just one of those nagging things I'd like to get rid of. 

Any ideas? (I've checked in the cleaning thread too)
Not sure on that type of material, but I've gotten jean stains out before with those Magic Eraser things. Whenever I think they don't make sense, they still work. It's worth a shot for sure.
Also believe 00 hit the nail on the head with much of what he says. I added to the list, as I wouldn't want to be left behind (and I would go with the majority), but I'm not feeling it as 100% needed. I would really hate to see this thread blow up and be something that isn't as helpful and chill as I've found it to be.

00 droppin that wisdom on cats once again. Repped.
FIRST, I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR COMMENTS ABOUT THE WHEAT HIGHS! I repped as many of you as I could until I hit my limit!

Lol, I really hope Nike doesn't take my idea though.

Thank you. I'm honored to be compared to him. BIP is the smooth OG that slides in dropping gems on youngstas.

Thank you! Sooooooo, we can't the stories about the white girls poppin' in this thread though?

Thanks. I'm honored.

Welcome to the thread my dude. Please don't be a stranger. Repped!


Okay, let's get into what I came to say.

Okay, my work schedule is crazy right now but I'm going to take time out to sit down and let my thoughts be heard/read. I'll start with this "Team SB" thing. Af1 1982, logically, I understand what you're saying. You want to keep resellers out, you want to keep lurkers from snatching up pairs and you want people that TRULY want this sneaker to band together and get it. I really have no issue with that idea. But when you start wanting to create a "team", which will in theory, cause a division in the thread, THAT'S what I take issue with. You spoke about “criteria” to enter said team. Think about if Me, Togusa, Swag and others had a "criteria" for sharing stuff within the thread when we first picked it up. How many things would "awesome newer members” like FoamToTheDOME have missed out on? The better question is, how many "awesome newer members” would WE have missed out on in this thread? The reason why this thread is the best on NT is because we have NO problem sharing info, but we don't SPOON FEED anyone at the same time. I've hit MANY members up before through PMs (in the EARLY stages of this thread) about QS SBs and gave MANY of them my shops number to do phone orders, as well as OTHER shops to order from, while people were in here praising scumbag a*s Sneaker Yeti as he ATE up info that was posted and RESOLD SBs to people IN THE THREAD. At the time PMs was what I HAD to do because I didn't want him to feast while others starved, but the second I got his a*s outta here I made sure EVERYONE had a chance to see the info. We got him outta here by keeping releases in perspective, flooding the thread with buying options and spreading knowledge, therefore not allowing him to make up BS “limited” claims so that he could jack up prices. That’s how this thread became great. We didn’t need to become a team within a team, we just needed to join as ONE.

Just because my join date says 7/2012, doesn’t mean that I've only been on here since 7/2012. I've seen the "#TeamWhateverYouWannaCallYourselves” form time and time again, and EVERY time, they've BLOWN up in everyone's faces and caused nothing but hate and contempt within the thread (i.e. JB, Roshe, ect.). You always have some people who feel like they didn't get the same amount of help as others, people that worked hard but got nothing, you have people on the outside hating the fact that they're not on the inside and you always have people that benefited greater than everyone else walking out of the situation with the “well, I got mines” smiles on their faces, reeking of selfishness and elitism. According to your original reasons for starting the team, most of the people that are on your team now shouldn’t be on it. I’ve NEVER seen Yanky (no shots) post in here. As  a matter of fact, I JUST took a look into his posting activity and I went all the way back to 1/2012, the last couple of post he made about making the page for you and promoting the “#Team SB” stuff were the FIRST post that he made in this thread EVER. So by definition, isn’t he a lurker? He has over a 2,000 post but never bothered to make 1 in this thread until today. Also, there’s other people that are coming out of the wood work, as expected, asking about and being accepted to your team that are admitting to have NEVER have posted in here. Do think that’s a coincidence? How do you not know that these people aren’t resellers? You don’t. Most of them have things for sale in their sigs already. So let me get this straight, you want to keep resellers, lurkers and newbie’s out. So you make a team FILLED with likely resellers, newbie’s (to this thread at least) and a lurker creates the Google page? You see where this is going? I’m not knocking you Af1 1982, I just think there’s a better way you could have done this. FoamToTheDome (which has my rookie of the year vote) had the right idea in one of his post. He spoke about the fact that he would attempt to cop multiple pairs in Canada (Ya’ll got some bad b*tches in Canada, we need talk about that soon) and if “people that made this thread what it is” contacted him for help, they’d be helped. PMs would have done just fine and you would’ve been able to control the flow BETTER. There’s no need to announce the emergence of a “team”. It’s not going to help you and 50% of the group, if not more will NOT get anything out of it. Do I even have to go into the fact that most of the people in your “team” wear the SAME size? That WILL be problematic. By the way, I’ve read post in here about this being a “team” that will continue to hold onto info PAST this release. That goes against EVERYONE OF the CORE VALUES of this thread.

Moving forward, I knew that this release for whatever reason would most def draw the lines in the sand in this thread and make people lose perspective. I don’t know if ANYONE remembers this but the Concord release from what I KNOW and read, is an IN-STORE RELEASE ONLY! Just like the Skunks, Pushead 2’s and Space Jams. VERY few, IF ANY shops will have enough left after their customers are done purchasing, to allow for phone orders. Shops that DO phone orders, like BP, will be charging an arm and an f**cking leg to make the purchase. Mind you, BP charged $200 plus tax for the Space Jams! What do you think BP will do on this one? Shops that will MORE than likely UNITE you with a pair of Concords so that you can put them on, to get on your bicycle and RIDEFOUREVER are known for charging ridiculous prices! (See what was done there?
) Either way, preparation WILL be key. I’ve been posting this left and right! Get ready for your shop to sell over box price, get ready to possibly camp and MAKE connections with your shop NOW, so that you may have the chance possibly make your cop easier. If you’re depending on this thread alone, for a release of THIS magnitude and with this much hype surrounding it, you’re already behind the curve. Get out there and DO the work early!

Which brings me to my next point, a lot of the new guys that are just starting to frequent the thread need to understand that the info, buying options and knowledge are ALL here for you to take advantage of, BUT you need to also PUT in the work as well to HELP YOURSELF! Don’t expect someone to spoon feed you the Concords if you truly desire them because you could really end up getting your heart broken.

With all of that said, I will continue to help those that need it and have done the work to deserve it. I’m sure that everyone knows that by now, or at least I HOPE you do.
[h2] [/h2]

My man john, you ever in the area my house is open to you sir

But i see what youre saying about this now and it makes sense to me to be honest...and not to pass judgement or anything like that but since the thread even spoke about making a "team sb" i saw about 20 new names which never came to this thread before or dropped info about sites/ shops having a certain dunk, or extra pair of BHM's etc. I kinda like doing the pm system the more i think about it, id rather people that actively contribute to this thread (like john or BIP or dcypoe or anyone that regularly contributes) than to someone that just hops on the sb bandwagon for a quickstrike and doesnt want to help the thread out regularly. Id be more than willing to help you dudes that help me and everyone else out here regularly. 

I think we should let this thread get back on track to the regular knowledge dropping and let this all solve itself naturally
Yeah, I was going for a more TeamAMfam type vibe. There's no "exclusivity", "elitist" mentality with them. Just share a love for Air Max Models. So for those who signed up for that google doc looking for exclusive info, sorry to break it to ya 
**** Another CCS Closing Update ****

I went by for my weekly check to the local CCS brick and mortar anticipating the sales. More than last time, but still none really. A FEW dunks (the obsidian red joints, challenge red, one pair of Koston 1s) had been marked down to...... $74.99. Select sizes only.

I'm going to do one more check next week and update you all again, but by that point it will be almost 30 days when they are apparently closing, so I'd say it's more likely they are shipping inventory back to the website than liquidating in store.
**** Another CCS Closing Update ****

I went by for my weekly check to the local CCS brick and mortar anticipating the sales. More than last time, but still none really. A FEW dunks (the obsidian red joints, challenge red, one pair of Koston 1s) had been marked down to...... $74.99. Select sizes only.

I'm going to do one more check next week and update you all again, but by that point it will be almost 30 days when they are apparently closing, so I'd say it's more likely they are shipping inventory back to the website than liquidating in store.

I recently hit my local CCS and was told that the inventory will be going back
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