2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added


They are still at some shops. Don't know what size you wear but call up UNDFTD on La Brea. They had some. Was just there yesterday.
Thanks a lot bro . Crazy cuhz I was supposed to go up there yesterday too . Smh
Personally, I think the space jam is a better shoe colorwise but I dont like how the whole toe area is patent leather.  I hate how creased patent leather looks. I'm glad its not like that on the concords
Not a fan of the Concords, but they look good 'on foot' in that pic. Are the laces roped like the XI's?
Fresh in from SPOT....

A shoe that I was gonna pass on at first but it really grew on me.

Now having it in hand I'm really glad i decided to cop.
Fam... You just sealed the deal on me copping a pair..

Will hit up my local and cop..
If a team sb thread starts up I feel like "BIP Roberts" should be the head of it . I mean he always has wisdom with the SBs and is a real chill guy . Anyone who knows this thread knows BIP .

Thanks for the love (and I'm hoping to have something for you soon), but I'm by no means the most knowledgeable SB dude or anything. I'd nominate John or somebody else. I don't even follow most of the new releases. I'm drawn to this thread more because of its vibe, so I'm up for helping people out here. But, most of what I can offer is access to older stuff at slightly below market prices.

This thread is a ray of hope on a fast-declining message board though. So, keep doing what you are doing.

As "pure" as I try to keep my pursuit of this hobby, the behavior of so many people on NT makes we WANT to EXPLOIT them (they deserve it), which is contrary to the original spirit of NT. But, in this thread, I want to hook people up. I'm not going to lie, I'm often able to make a few bucks in the process, but if I can score stuff not really available to most (it's not like I can just email somebody a link...) that people might like and still get it to folks for below market rates, then it's a win-win as far as I'm concerned.
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Originally Posted by b20 eg8  

1)af1 1982
9) shinostarr
11) B20 EG8


13) FoamToTheDome
Got you osyhiz

those boca's
just thought this should be quoted again :wink:

I added to the google doc, there's over 30 NTers on there already :nerd:

But I'll add to this one anyway lol :smokin
1)af1 1982
9) shinostarr
11) B20 EG8
13) FoamToTheDome
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 Excited to get this going. BHM's were officially my spark off for my love of SB's. I'm sure my meager collection can benefit from this. Glad we can vibe like this. This is what a "community" is all about. 
Am I the only one that is disappointed with the Concords?

I feel like they just slapped it together and are just banking on the "Concord" name to make it fly off shelves ( which it will).

I just feel it could have been executed a lot better.

I'll most likely cop to just trade for Space Jams. *YeShrug*
I'm also disappointed... Added myself to TeamSB. I'm not the most knowledgeable but I'll help as best as I can and Always support my Local up in the PNW
FIRST, I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR COMMENTS ABOUT THE WHEAT HIGHS! I repped as many of you as I could until I hit my limit!
Nice wheats, John.

unicorn skin and gold


But, actually, don't risk giving Nike any ideas!!
Lol, I really hope Nike doesn't take my idea though.

At this point I think it's safe to say that 00' is sort of the "BIP" of the SB Dunk thread.

Thank you. I'm honored to be compared to him. BIP is the smooth OG that slides in dropping gems on youngstas.
I'm proud to be compared with John. Hes a major resource in this thread. Even though SBs are not among my highest priorities, I enjoy following this thread because of people like him. It's a glimpse back to what NT was like before the sneaker craze jumped the shark.
You know that dating myself is all I do here.
No shame though.

Real talk, though, knowledge of 90210 made sleeping with white girls like 40% easier in the early- to mid-90s!

Donna Martin Graduates!!!

...see, I just dated myself again... old enough to have a sex life in the early to mid 90s!

Got something cooking on its way to me soon.
Thank you! Sooooooo, we can't the stories about the white girls poppin' in this thread though?

John, repped as always. Speaking the truth, making me laugh and posting heat daily since 7/2012. You really are one of the people that make this thread what it is, and what it is, is the best thread on NT. max himself cant be mad at them wheats!
Thanks. I'm honored.
Damn I've only visited a couple of times but I instantly knew john was a helpful and standup guy.but he is clearly upset with every right to be. He spoke nothing but the truth. Repped, simply cuz its about helping each other out
Welcome to the thread my dude. Please don't be a stranger. Repped!
Could come in handy for the Concord release but eh.  I think after a while, it'll start to go against what this thread is all about.  Sucks that Kicks Deals and lurkers in general pilfer info, but there's only so much that can be done.

For local spots that do phone orders, this would probably work well.  For websites?  Unlikely that we'll be able to keep those on the low.  Just a sign of the times.
I'll let ya'll decide about Team SB. It does't even have to be exclusive information, could be about just sharing a love for Nike SBs. I'll let John00 share his words of wisdom. 

Nike SB and Nike Basketball have always been the 2 main section of footwear that I have held close to my heart

Okay, let's get into what I came to say.

Okay, my work schedule is crazy right now but I'm going to take time out to sit down and let my thoughts be heard/read. I'll start with this "Team SB" thing. Af1 1982, logically, I understand what you're saying. You want to keep resellers out, you want to keep lurkers from snatching up pairs and you want people that TRULY want this sneaker to band together and get it. I really have no issue with that idea. But when you start wanting to create a "team", which will in theory, cause a division in the thread, THAT'S what I take issue with. You spoke about “criteria” to enter said team. Think about if Me, Togusa, Swag and others had a "criteria" for sharing stuff within the thread when we first picked it up. How many things would "awesome newer members” like FoamToTheDOME have missed out on? The better question is, how many "awesome newer members” would WE have missed out on in this thread? The reason why this thread is the best on NT is because we have NO problem sharing info, but we don't SPOON FEED anyone at the same time. I've hit MANY members up before through PMs (in the EARLY stages of this thread) about QS SBs and gave MANY of them my shops number to do phone orders, as well as OTHER shops to order from, while people were in here praising scumbag a*s Sneaker Yeti as he ATE up info that was posted and RESOLD SBs to people IN THE THREAD. At the time PMs was what I HAD to do because I didn't want him to feast while others starved, but the second I got his a*s outta here I made sure EVERYONE had a chance to see the info. We got him outta here by keeping releases in perspective, flooding the thread with buying options and spreading knowledge, therefore not allowing him to make up BS “limited” claims so that he could jack up prices. That’s how this thread became great. We didn’t need to become a team within a team, we just needed to join as ONE.

Just because my join date says 7/2012, doesn’t mean that I've only been on here since 7/2012. I've seen the "#TeamWhateverYouWannaCallYourselves” form time and time again, and EVERY time, they've BLOWN up in everyone's faces and caused nothing but hate and contempt within the thread (i.e. JB, Roshe, ect.). You always have some people who feel like they didn't get the same amount of help as others, people that worked hard but got nothing, you have people on the outside hating the fact that they're not on the inside and you always have people that benefited greater than everyone else walking out of the situation with the “well, I got mines” smiles on their faces, reeking of selfishness and elitism. According to your original reasons for starting the team, most of the people that are on your team now shouldn’t be on it. I’ve NEVER seen Yanky (no shots) post in here. As  a matter of fact, I JUST took a look into his posting activity and I went all the way back to 1/2012, the last couple of post he made about making the page for you and promoting the “#Team SB” stuff were the FIRST post that he made in this thread EVER. So by definition, isn’t he a lurker? He has over a 2,000 post but never bothered to make 1 in this thread until today. Also, there’s other people that are coming out of the wood work, as expected, asking about and being accepted to your team that are admitting to have NEVER have posted in here. Do think that’s a coincidence? How do you not know that these people aren’t resellers? You don’t. Most of them have things for sale in their sigs already. So let me get this straight, you want to keep resellers, lurkers and newbie’s out. So you make a team FILLED with likely resellers, newbie’s (to this thread at least) and a lurker creates the Google page? You see where this is going? I’m not knocking you Af1 1982, I just think there’s a better way you could have done this. FoamToTheDome (which has my rookie of the year vote) had the right idea in one of his post. He spoke about the fact that he would attempt to cop multiple pairs in Canada (Ya’ll got some bad b*tches in Canada, we need talk about that soon) and if “people that made this thread what it is” contacted him for help, they’d be helped. PMs would have done just fine and you would’ve been able to control the flow BETTER. There’s no need to announce the emergence of a “team”. It’s not going to help you and 50% of the group, if not more will NOT get anything out of it. Do I even have to go into the fact that most of the people in your “team” wear the SAME size? That WILL be problematic. By the way, I’ve read post in here about this being a “team” that will continue to hold onto info PAST this release. That goes against EVERYONE OF the CORE VALUES of this thread.

Moving forward, I knew that this release for whatever reason would most def draw the lines in the sand in this thread and make people lose perspective. I don’t know if ANYONE remembers this but the Concord release from what I KNOW and read, is an IN-STORE RELEASE ONLY! Just like the Skunks, Pushead 2’s and Space Jams. VERY few, IF ANY shops will have enough left after their customers are done purchasing, to allow for phone orders. Shops that DO phone orders, like BP, will be charging an arm and an f**cking leg to make the purchase. Mind you, BP charged $200 plus tax for the Space Jams! What do you think BP will do on this one? Shops that will MORE than likely UNITE you with a pair of Concords so that you can put them on, to get on your bicycle and RIDEFOUREVER are known for charging ridiculous prices! (See what was done there?
) Either way, preparation WILL be key. I’ve been posting this left and right! Get ready for your shop to sell over box price, get ready to possibly camp and MAKE connections with your shop NOW, so that you may have the chance possibly make your cop easier. If you’re depending on this thread alone, for a release of THIS magnitude and with this much hype surrounding it, you’re already behind the curve. Get out there and DO the work early!

Which brings me to my next point, a lot of the new guys that are just starting to frequent the thread need to understand that the info, buying options and knowledge are ALL here for you to take advantage of, BUT you need to also PUT in the work as well to HELP YOURSELF! Don’t expect someone to spoon feed you the Concords if you truly desire them because you could really end up getting your heart broken.

With all of that said, I will continue to help those that need it and have done the work to deserve it. I’m sure that everyone knows that by now, or at least I HOPE you do.
[h2] [/h2]
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I added to the google doc, there's over 30 NTers on there already

But I'll add to this one anyway lol

1)af1 1982
9) shinostarr
11) B20 EG8
13) FoamToTheDome
Wow just got off work saw the thread moved 5 pages lol. I thought something special dropped for a moment and I missed out while i was at work. Add me to the list to please. Also just picked up my SPOTS today, bought last week , paid $138 at one of my locals. Can't really complain though. The guy let guy is cool and though I dont like paying the extra 40 bucks, but I understand how it is to run a business just happy i was able to pick them up. Detail is really nice on them. Still can't decide whether to rock the black or teal. But for now it's black.
I'm just playing devils advocate here for a second(please don't freak out on me) but who's to say that there isn't someone who gets added to the group that works for or poaches info for kicksdeals or something like that anyhow? Also just because someone posts in here doesn't mean they aren't gathering the info and taking it back to kicksdeals either....I'm all for trying to do the Team SB thing and maybe it will cut down on some of the info poaching.... but I'm not sure you are going to be able to stop the spread of it, especially by making a large group of whoever decides to add there name in. Sorry for being negative, I was just thinking about it and figured I'd see what others thought along this line.
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I added to the google doc, there's over 30 NTers on there already :nerd:

But I'll add to this one anyway lol :smokin
1)af1 1982
9) shinostarr
11) B20 EG8
13) FoamToTheDome

15) JordanSF

I'd def appreciate it if I could get my name added to te google doc since I'm only on mobile. Love this thread, wish I hadn't been sleeping on SB's as long as I've been. Love this thread!
I feel you John. I mentioned earlier that using TeamSB wouldn't be necessarily for exclusive info, but more of just a pride thing. A group of members just proud to represent a thread and section of the footwear industry that always gets looked passed. 
I feel everything you're saying john. Maybe we can set the trend to change though? Like af1 82 said, it would more of a pride thing, than an info exlcusive thing. 

With that said. I accept whatever choice is made by the thread going forward on this. 

DC, the wind kind of fell out my sails too after john said that 
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Honestly, my main motives for TeamSB were to able to put the logo in my sig 
While everyone out there is worrying about Jordans, Lebrons, and Roshes. I'm proud to love a sector that has low hype, cool concepts, and clean styles. The thing I love about Nike SB is that there is a story or concept behind most releases.

There wouldn't be any special perks to being in the team other than being able to use the cool gif that was created earlier. No exclusive info, no nothing. Just pride.

It's up to ya'll guys.As long as BIP Roberts keeps posting cool stories behind some colorways and whatnot, I'm happy.

BTW, BIP, you got any other stories or words of wisdom regarding older heat. I love hearing about the concepts behind designs.
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I understand what you're saying John and agree with everything you said. And actually the posts I made about the teamsb weren't the first post I made in here. I just recently got into buying sb's and my first purchase was the WPF dunks. Post #3555 on page 119. Yes I haven't shared any info on being able to locate dunks for other members on here but that's because I just got into purchasing them. I know of two local spots in my area that hike up their prices and even then they still have campers for almost every release. I will do my best to look for other spots that have them and share all the info. I guess the main reason I made the doc was to stop kicksdeals or other lurkers from getting the info and mainly having it for NT members so they are able to get their pairs.

Also if members wanted they would be able to buy/sell/trade strictly SB's with other NT members and hook each other up rather than charging rape prices. I know that's what the buy/sell marketplace is for so that may not work out so well. Then again it wouldn't be a real "community" on here since many people would stop sharing the info on here. You're very knowledgeable john00 and I appreciate you sharing the info and helping other members out but is it to go against me for being a new "SB Head?"

This thread has been helpful to many people because of people sharing info and I don't mean to take that away from anyone. I guess there is no way of stopping the lurkers so be it.
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FIRST, I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR COMMENTS ABOUT THE WHEAT HIGHS! I repped as many of you as I could until I hit my limit!

Lol, I really hope Nike doesn't take my idea though. :rofl:

Thank you. I'm honored to be compared to him. BIP is the smooth OG that slides in dropping gems on youngstas.

Thank you! Sooooooo, we can't the stories about the white girls poppin' in this thread though? :lol:

Thanks. I'm honored.

Welcome to the thread my dude. Please don't be a stranger. Repped!


Okay, let's get into what I came to say.

Okay, my work schedule is crazy right now but I'm going to take time out to sit down and let my thoughts be heard/read. I'll start with this "Team SB" thing. Af1 1982, logically, I understand what you're saying. You want to keep resellers out, you want to keep lurkers from snatching up pairs and you want people that TRULY want this sneaker to band together and get it. I really have no issue with that idea. But when you start wanting to create a "team", which will in theory, cause a division in the thread, THAT'S what I take issue with. You spoke about “criteria” to enter said team. Think about if Me, Togusa, Swag and others had a "criteria" for sharing stuff within the thread when we first picked it up. How many things would "awesome newer members” like FoamToTheDOME have missed out on? The better question is, how many "awesome newer members” would WE have missed out on in this thread? The reason why this thread is the best on NT is because we have NO problem sharing info, but we don't SPOON FEED anyone at the same time. I've hit MANY members up before through PMs (in the EARLY stages of this thread) about QS SBs and gave MANY of them my shops number to do phone orders, as well as OTHER shops to order from, while people were in here praising scumbag a*s Sneaker Yeti as he ATE up info that was posted and RESOLD SBs to people IN THE THREAD. At the time PMs was what I HAD to do because I didn't want him to feast while others starved, but the second I got his a*s outta here I made sure EVERYONE had a chance to see the info. We got him outta here by keeping releases in perspective, flooding the thread with buying options and spreading knowledge, therefore not allowing him to make up BS “limited” claims so that he could jack up prices. That’s how this thread became great. We didn’t need to become a team within a team, we just needed to join as ONE.

Just because my join date says 7/2012, doesn’t mean that I've only been on here since 7/2012. I've seen the "#TeamWhateverYouWannaCallYourselves” form time and time again, and EVERY time, they've BLOWN up in everyone's faces and caused nothing but hate and contempt within the thread (i.e. JB, Roshe, ect.). You always have some people who feel like they didn't get the same amount of help as others, people that worked hard but got nothing, you have people on the outside hating the fact that they're not on the inside and you always have people that benefited greater than everyone else walking out of the situation with the “well, I got mines” smiles on their faces, reeking of selfishness and elitism. According to your original reasons for starting the team, most of the people that are on your team now shouldn’t be on it. I’ve NEVER seen Yanky (no shots) post in here. As  a matter of fact, I JUST took a look into his posting activity and I went all the way back to 1/2012, the last couple of post he made about making the page for you and promoting the “#Team SB” stuff were the FIRST post that he made in this thread EVER. So by definition, isn’t he a lurker? He has over a 2,000 post but never bothered to make 1 in this thread until today. Also, there’s other people that are coming out of the wood work, as expected, asking about and being accepted to your team that are admitting to have NEVER have posted in here. Do think that’s a coincidence? How do you not know that these people aren’t resellers? You don’t. Most of them have things for sale in their sigs already. So let me get this straight, you want to keep resellers, lurkers and newbie’s out. So you make a team FILLED with likely resellers, newbie’s (to this thread at least) and a lurker creates the Google page? You see where this is going? I’m not knocking you Af1 1982, I just think there’s a better way you could have done this. FoamToTheDome (which has my rookie of the year vote) had the right idea in one of his post. He spoke about the fact that he would attempt to cop multiple pairs in Canada (Ya’ll got some bad b*tches in Canada, we need talk about that soon) and if “people that made this thread what it is” contacted him for help, they’d be helped. PMs would have done just fine and you would’ve been able to control the flow BETTER. There’s no need to announce the emergence of a “team”. It’s not going to help you and 50% of the group, if not more will NOT get anything out of it. Do I even have to go into the fact that most of the people in your “team” wear the SAME size? That WILL be problematic. By the way, I’ve read post in here about this being a “team” that will continue to hold onto info PAST this release. That goes against EVERYONE OF the CORE VALUES of this thread.

Moving forward, I knew that this release for whatever reason would most def draw the lines in the sand in this thread and make people lose perspective. I don’t know if ANYONE remembers this but the Concord release from what I KNOW and read, is an IN-STORE RELEASE ONLY! Just like the Skunks, Pushead 2’s and Space Jams. VERY few, IF ANY shops will have enough left after their customers are done purchasing, to allow for phone orders. Shops that DO phone orders, like BP, will be charging an arm and an f**cking leg to make the purchase. Mind you, BP charged $200 plus tax for the Space Jams! What do you think BP will do on this one? Shops that will MORE than likely UNITE you with a pair of Concords so that you can put them on, to get on your bicycle and RIDEFOUREVER are known for charging ridiculous prices! (See what was done there? :nerd: ) Either way, preparation WILL be key. I’ve been posting this left and right! Get ready for your shop to sell over box price, get ready to possibly camp and MAKE connections with your shop NOW, so that you may have the chance possibly make your cop easier. If you’re depending on this thread alone, for a release of THIS magnitude and with this much hype surrounding it, you’re already behind the curve. Get out there and DO the work early!

Which brings me to my next point, a lot of the new guys that are just starting to frequent the thread need to understand that the info, buying options and knowledge are ALL here for you to take advantage of, BUT you need to also PUT in the work as well to HELP YOURSELF! Don’t expect someone to spoon feed you the Concords if you truly desire them because you could really end up getting your heart broken.

With all of that said, I will continue to help those that need it and have done the work to deserve it. I’m sure that everyone knows that by now, or at least I HOPE you do.
[h2] [/h2]

Gotta say you hit the nail on the head. Although I am new here and relatively new to the sneaker game, this is one thread where I feel comfortable asking questions and trying to gather info. I would hate to see the younger guys or newer ones to the game be cut out just cause we are new. Please remember that at one time you were all noobs. Thanks to everyone for making this an enjoyable thread.
I have to agree with pretty much everything John said...Repped! (for being the voice of reason).... IMO the reason this thread is great is because people share info and help each other out. Most people come in here and get some help/info and then they feel like when they find some info to drop they will help others just like they were.... If there are lurkers and resellers poaching info... so be it. It seems to me most of the people who post here tend to end up getting whatever shoes GR, QS or whatever with not too much of a problem anyhow. Will Concords be more difficult to secure because of the JB type hype?..Probably, but how many SB releases are really like that?....not that many..... If you try and keep the info "CLOSE TO THE CHEST
" or only share with certain members, it kinda defeats the purpose of why this thread is what it is.
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So I asked my favorite shop today about "release dates" on SB's. He told me all Majority of SB's actually have release dates, however most shop owners just sell them early unless Nike sends them an email stating to hold off because a campaign is going to launch or because certain items need to be packaged with the shoes. I found this interesting.
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Not gonna lie...when I logged on tonight and saw there were about 120 new posts in the thread...

...and saw that about 105 of them were about a PM thread....I was disappointed.

Didn't they try this in other NT threads with questionable results?
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