2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Shoes made out of wood...

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feeling the same way

I have always bought at least a few SB's a year except summer 2009 to summer 2010, kinda feeling that way right about now

Gino 3's to Koston Temples was a long time for me

right top whitish/gum sole do have my interest peaked tho
Wait...were allowed to post live eBay Links now?

You've ALWAYS been allowed to. Some members just misinterpreted the rules to serve their personal needs/desires/beliefs which perpetuated the misinterpretation when they tried to spread the "knowledge."
Wait...were allowed to post live eBay Links now?

You've ALWAYS been allowed to. Some members just misinterpreted the rules to serve their personal needs/desires/beliefs which perpetuated the misinterpretation when they tried to spread the "knowledge."

Naw. You aren't supposed to post live ebay listings. Been that way since forever.

Just post the listing number.
Nice pic. How's the eye-fi? I've wanted one for awhile now. My phone camera sucks.

It works pretty well! The only thing is you have to transfer ALL untransferred photos when you send them from your memory card to your phone. Rather than selecting which ones you want to move. I usually only keep a couple pics on my DSLR at any time so I'm not personally that affected by it. You basically get a code with your eyefi that you run through the eyefi mobi app the first time around and it creates a wifi network. Whenever you want to transfer photos, just turn on the camera, join the eye fi network and open the app to begin transfer. Then within the app you can go back and select the ones you transferred and save them to the camera roll.
Naw. You aren't supposed to post live ebay listings. Been that way since forever.

Just post the listing number.
Refer to your king administrator Methodical Management as he's gone on record saying what I said. The rule about posting links is to prevent self promotion and to prevent threads from turning into advertisements, NOT to prevent links from being posted.

"It's actually not explicitly stated in the forum rules that users are prohibited from posting links to live ebay auctions: http://niketalk.com/a/rules-of-conduct

The overarching rule here, which you've correctly identified, is that we don't want spam/self-promotion within the discussion forums.

So, that's really the one criterion we're looking for in these cases, and it cuts both ways: users aren't allowed to post live listings if we have any reason to suspect that it's done for the purpose of self promotion/spam, and users aren't allowed to "point others in the direction" of auction listings if we have any reason to suspect that it's done out of self promotion.

The rule was never created to give people a "leg up" on ebay auctions. In fact, NikeTalk has value because we've established a tradition of sharing information generously. That's what has made NikeTalk such a great resource for our fellow members and guests.

If someone is posting a link to an authentic eBay listing simply to be helpful - and not for some ulterior motive - that's actually fine with me and it's not outlawed by our rules of conduct.

If there's doubt, we err on the side of caution and since eBay has done a poor job combating counterfeits, we will remove listing links to protect members from spam and fakes. Otherwise, the priority is to ensure that our members continue to make use of our forums to share useful information and help each other out." - @Methodical Management
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Cant get down with the dorthys. Hoping fast times hit discount.

Is the material on hunters prone to fraying / wearing out? Seems like every pre owned pair I see there is a ton of wear on the toebox and it's practically worn through.
crazy poeple today. i had to call someone out in one of the facebook groups.

guy at a ross like thrift shop saw Nike p-rod cali lows for 30ish bucks, posts up offering to pick them up and pass them along for that price plus shipping.

guy buys them, not even a week later has them posted up for 150 BIN in the group, tried them on and they were too tight. 

just thought that was a little ridiculous. 
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