2025 NBA Draft Thread

Yeah but that's going to require you to have KAT away from the basket offensively A LOT. He's incredibly talented and one of the best face up bigs in the league, but not sure keeping him on the perimeter a bunch is completely ideal. Okongwu hasn't really shown that he can be anything more than a finisher.
I just want KAT to have a defensive bandaid who can guard both 4 and 5
Feels like KAT is getting up 10 threes a game if he’s next to okongwu. Better off just cashing out jerami Grant. Maybe even deal for oubre
I just want KAT to have a defensive bandaid who can guard both 4 and 5
That's why I think going with Achiuwa with that 17th pick would be the way to go. He can do a lot of that similar switchable stuff defensively as Okongwu, although not quite as good, but also doesn't require you to use a top pick either.

Jerami Grant would absolutely be ideal too.
I'm not super high on Precious, but do I think he'd be a really good fit for Minnesota at 17 or Dallas at 18, where he could play next to a perimeter oriented big.

Dubs should take this & run

I think you interpreted that incorrectly. Ofcourse his bag doesn’t come close, but I think his potential impact will be far greater strictly due to his defensive potential. You don’t need a full offensive bag like those two to have a positive impact on winning.
He can’t switch on the perimeter. Just drafting a guy to be a “rim protecting” 5 isn’t worth it at all fir the #2 pick. The league is changing/has changed way too much. He’s not even the defender you think he is because of that IMO.
He can’t switch on the perimeter. Just drafting a guy to be a “rim protecting” 5 isn’t worth it at all fir the #2 pick. The league is changing/has changed way too much. He’s not even the defender you think he is because of that IMO.

I understand that. But If Deandre Jordan was able to face up and hit a jumper would you not draft him #1 in a weaker draft? I don’t like the Whiteside comparison at all because Whiteside is as lazy as they get. Dude can’t even jump over a textbook.
Idk i disagree. If you have a FT touch, help side defense IQ, willingness to shoot and an elite rebounder you’re a starter on every team as a center. Sure not everyone is Jokic or Embiid but I think you guys are severely underestimating the impact of a big like that.

I don’t think he’s a Andre Drunmond, Steven Adams, or Whiteside either.
Those guys are helpful, but to spend the #2 pick on a guy like that is iffy.

But then again, Anthony Edwards and Advejia aren't guarantees either.
I refuse to believe he’s the same player we saw at Memphis exactly a year ago. Even in that small sample size we saw flashes of what’s he’s capable of doing.

The thing is everyone wants another Bam type of big, but instead we end up with WCS or Wendell Carter. I think Wiseman is worth the gamble to be fired over if hes not even starter material.
against South Carolina state?

That looked like JV v. Varsity. From that clip he has good hands, good timing, and good positioning. Everything else is flashes of what he's capable of doing.

The 4:20 mark players like Noel, Whiteside, Drummond, etc cant do at 19. Catch the ball at top of key one dribble lay up.

Or the 5:09 mark.

Or definitely the 5:40 mark

I refuse to believe he’s the same player we saw at Memphis exactly a year ago. Even in that small sample size we saw flashes of what’s he’s capable of doing.

The thing is everyone wants another Bam type of big, but instead we end up with WCS or Wendell Carter. I think Wiseman is worth the gamble to be fired over if hes not even starter material.
Is the difference between all three work ethic, skill or intelligence leaving out the hanger-ons and groupies
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