2025 NBA Draft Thread

He’s going to be alright once he gets his Ball body. I’d take him #1. That grab and go off the glass is special. Jump shot looks good. I think he’s a 4 for a few years

(Hypothetically if they were the same draft class)

You taking Chet or Victor 1st?
I really think it depends on what the order is at the top. If you’re not in need of a top flight scorer, Chet can kind of check all the other boxes. Not the same player, but kinda similar to Mobley in that regard. Banchero/Smith/Ivey all give you that scoring upside, but have some holes in their games as well.
I really think it depends on what the order is at the top. If you’re not in need of a top flight scorer, Chet can kind of check all the other boxes. Not the same player, but kinda similar to Mobley in that regard. Banchero/Smith/Ivey all give you that scoring upside, but have some holes in their games as well.
unless you’re completely enamored with Banchero & think he’s can’t miss, I’d draft Chet and look for a veteran 5 in the bargain bin during free agency to keep for about 3-4 years until Chet is ready to slide down full time.
I’m still not fully sold on any of them as a 1 pick. I will probably eat crow about it but yeah.
Don’t really think any of them are a slam dunk #1 pick type like you see some years. Think it’s pretty easy to see the potential that several of the top 10 guys could be really good players though with all-star capabilities if things fall right.
Jabari could probably come in and shoot like 10 3s a game if he gets drafted to a team with a competent PG that can get him the ball. Not a fan of whoever the PG is at Auburn this year. The little guy from the team last year that the Hawks drafted would be serving him up looks on a silver platter.

Guard play is so important in college. Just kinda tough to fully evaluate wings and bigs sometimes if they aren’t playing alongside a competent lead guard.
Jabari could probably come in and shoot like 10 3s a game if he gets drafted to a team with a competent PG that can get him the ball. Not a fan of whoever the PG is at Auburn this year. The little guy from the team last year that the Hawks drafted would be serving him up looks on a silver platter.

Guard play is so important in college. Just kinda tough to fully evaluate wings and bigs sometimes if they aren’t playing alongside a competent lead guard.
On top of them not playing pick and roll basketball in college
Damn, was looking forward to watching Patrick Baldwin Jr. tonight in the Horizon Tournament but I didn’t even know he was injured again
Hopefully VW is on the World Team.

I hear Elijah Fisher is reclassing into 22' so he should be on that roster too.

don't read this! ballinsam23 ballinsam23

  1. A full year younger than Holmgren, Smith is averaging 25.3 points over Auburn's last four games, showcasing spectacular shot-making skills using self-creation moves and a high, unchallengeable release point. At 6'10", he's already made 65 threes (41.9 percent) this season, as well as 35 dribble jumpers in the half court.
Sounds like the school was just using the dad up until this year in order to get the kid. Jr. was injured plenty, not sure what the expectations for the season were in light of that.
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