
Top 10 Reasons LeBron Could Choose New York (Redux)

Authored by Louis Roxin - April 30, 2010 - 9:20 pm

With the Summer of LeBron just weeks away, it is time to revisit the Top 10 Reasons LeBron Could Choose New York,originally published August 12, 2009, and discuss one more – thenumber 11 – reason that could play a major role in LeBronJames’ decision.

11. The stars aligning. Some think LeBron would be takingtoo big a risk leaving Cleveland. But it might be a bigger risk for himto pass up the chance to pair up with another young All-Star – tofind ‘his Pippen’ – in this summer’s deepfree-agent class. His alternative is to remain with a capped-outCavalier roster as other elite players around the league join forces.

With their max slots this summer, Miami could sign Chris Bosh orAmaré Stoudemire to play alongside Dwyane Wade, and Chicagocould sign Bosh, Stoudemire, or even Carlos Boozer or David Lee, toplay alongside Derrick Rose and Joakim Noah. This would give both clubsformidable young cores, leaving LeBron in a much tougher EasternConference, without the star sidekick who can help him accumulate themultiple championships he seeks.

The Magic will eventually have the cap room to re-tool andpotentially build a juggernaut by adding as many as two max free-agentsto play alongside Dwight Howard once the $18 million salary of VinceCarter (expiring 2012) and $23 million salary of Rashard Lewis(expiring 2013) come off the books.

To say nothing of the young star couplings in the WesternConference, like Brandon Roy & LaMarcus Aldridge and Kevin Durant& Russell Westbrook.

These pairs represent the future of the NBA, but in Cleveland,LeBron would have to wait two more years for the Cavs to have thesalary cap room to attempt to sign that prime player LeBron can growold with.

Come July, the Knicks and Heat are the only two clubs with enoughcap room to bring aboard two max free-agents. In New York, LeBron wouldvery likely have his pick of whatever other frontline free-agent hewants to join him at the Garden. Whichever one LeBron chooses mightinstantly make the best 1-2 combination in the league. If DaniloGallinari progresses, perhaps the best 1-2-3.

In the back of LeBron’s mind might also be the thought thatif he doesn’t say yes to the opportunity to play in New York withanother All-Star, a couple of pretty good players will. By 2011, hecould find Bosh and Carmelo Anthony at the Garden, another team in theCavs’ conference with a strong foundation that would stand in hisway for years to come.

10. Cash. Over the same five years, LeBron would earnjust $4.14 million less signing with the Knicks than re-signing withthe Cavs as a free-agent. The Cavs can offer an extra year, but thereis little reason to think the security of a 6th season will bedecisive. If LeBron put much value on security, he would have sought alonger-term contract in 2006 rather than the 3-year extension he didsign. If security is what he is after, LeBron would have already signedan extension this off-season. Given the relatively small differencebetween the Cavs’ and Knicks’ 5-year max offers – andgiven the mountain of endorsement dollars that could comeLeBron’s way if he lands in New York – LeBron could have asignificant financial incentive to sign with the Knicks.

The common belief now is that LeBron will, in fact, seek anothershort-term contract – perhaps only three guaranteed years –regardless of whether he stays in Cleveland or not.

“While it is true the Cavs can pay James more than any otherteam because of the so-called ‘Larry Bird Exception,’ itonly makes a big difference if James would sign for the full six yearsallowed,
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Like I said before, and I might be the only Knicks/Cavs fan from NY but: Lebron recieving his MVP in Akron is a giving, there's no discrepancy as to recieving it in Cleveland and I'm pretty sure being 30 or whatever miles away, that there is Cavs fans in Akron. Just watch the YouTube video of him recieving it last year. He said some pretty interesting things. Including free agency 2010 stuff.

he's made it a point that Akron is distinct from Cleveland. this isn't the first or last time. he has stated i rep akron. does that means he hates Cleveland? no. but your blind if you can't tell that there is a difference to him. does it matter? no idea

theres no such thing as a cavs/knicks fan.especially at the moment.

 i'm 99% sure you are animal thug dropping by for a visit
Who can't be a Knicks fan and a roots for the Cavs to win the finals? I'm a lebron fan so I like the cavs. I'm not some bandwagoner who hates ehat everyones hates for no damn reason. I hate LA so I'll never root for the lakers.

I would love for Lebron to come to NY. Don't get it twisted. But I just don't see it happening. Why build yourself up just to possibly get let down?
When LeBron doesn't come to NY this Summer, NY will take an L. We always get joked on by the entire league, imagine all the jokes after he decides not to come?
^^ The plan is not Lebron..

1- Get cap space and create the best team possible..
2 - the plan is NOT Lebron although he's the best available player.

Bron been in the league for about 7 years and never won a ring so.... that shows you having a great team is better than having one dominating player.
If Lebron didn't exist we would still be doing this.. But we will try and sign him though..

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Dirk + Bron + Bosh threaten to walk on the raps for nothing and forcing them into a sign + trade for Gallo + Curry

Wow... Thinking bout this just gonna have you upset this offseason..

Walsh need to call up everyone... Bron, Johnson, Bosh, Dirk, Felton, Ridnour to one meeting all together..

Look at all of em like this and say

"*#!*+ are ya'll rollin or what ? "

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Originally Posted by you go boy

like i said its not going to happen... but you know how us knick fan gets... wishful thinking
*checks page 1 for official fan list.

Anyway, this thread will continue with useless banter until the market opens. And I personally would want no parts of Lance. He's just not NBA ready mentally. Isn't he just 2 years removed from some assault allegations. Also, he's probably got that NYC bravado that doesn't sit well in a locker room.

and who are you fam? i been a fan since ewing rookie days... i dont got to prove jack to you son... just because im not on a message board on the first page of this thread im not a fan? get out of here son 
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Who can't be a Knicks fan and a roots for the Cavs to win the finals? I'm a lebron fan so I like the cavs. I'm not some bandwagoner who hates ehat everyones hates for no damn reason. I hate LA so I'll never root for the lakers.

I would love for Lebron to come to NY. Don't get it twisted. But I just don't see it happening. Why build yourself up just to possibly get let down?

i see what you mean. i'm getting my hopes up because if i didn't have hope i couldn't be a knicks fan

i just think it's too big of an opportunity to turn down. there are finally legit basketball reasons why he should come. he needs his legit 2nd all star to win multiple chips. people leave their respective jobs to go to NYC all the time. it's not some new thing. journalists, politicians, doctors, stock brokers, yankee players...

the last time the knicks had the best player in the NBA was willis reed in 1970. I don't think people understand the level of fame or how much money he would make longterm if he came here. i don't care what mike francesca or anyone says, this is still a basketball city

whatever lets enjoy the playoffs and hope for the best.
That article seems to be a bit old. Dont we already have enough cap space to sign 2 max free agents?

and, Lebron is the plan. he may not be our only plan, but hes def. "our plan" and you'd be kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

and yes, we would be laughed at by the entire league if we dont sign lebron (we're use to it anyway), but just imagine all those cav fans committing suicide thinking he was loyal. it balances it out i guess
Originally Posted by BangDak

That article seems to be a bit old. Dont we already have enough cap space to sign 2 max free agents?

and, Lebron is the plan. he may not be our only plan, but hes def. "our plan" and you'd be kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

and yes, we would be laughed at by the entire league if we dont sign lebron (we're use to it anyway), but just imagine all those cav fans committing suicide thinking he was loyal. it balances it out i guess

everything in italics is from a year ago

the rest is from yesterday. it's basically looking back on the old article. since a year ago things have been looking better and better for us not worse which the media would love to have you believe

it hasn't been perfect. but the cap went up, we have room for 2 maxes, and the cavs never got amare so things have been looking good since then.
[h1]Melo Interested In Being A Knick?[/h1]May 01, 2010 10:37 AM EST

Sam Smith writes that Carmelo Anthony would like to be a Knick, although it is unclear if he is merely offering his opinion or reporting information provided by a source.

"Plus, I believe Carmelo’s almost committed to New York and Durant likely will stay," Smith writes.

Anthony could become a free-agent after the 2010-2011 season.

that article is pure speculation smh
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Look at all of em like this and say

"*#!*+ are ya'll rollin or what ? "

I just pictured that meeting being very mafia-so


He could have Dantoni's connects standing by the doors to make sure none of em walk out the room
Melo's a clown, but u can't argue with 30 a game. As long as we get Bosh who I'm willing to bet money will go to another team, we WILL find another superstar to pair up with him. Whether its in 2010, or we keep the cap space for 2011.
I've always had the feeling Melo would like to be a Knick...I don't know if you can win a 'chip with Melo as your best player though because he doesn't offer enough besides scoring.

I would definitly take him though if we don't get Bron.  I can wait a year more.  When can Paul or Deron opt out
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

 When can Paul or Deron opt out

you didn't hear? new orleans is trading us CP no need to wait

I think deron and CP can opt out 2012. not sure though. i would take deron over cp i think.. i don't see us ever getting a legit point guard even if we get lebron
I would love to have Melo.

He seems to have that NYC personality. pair him up who can get him open looks, and have a solid big man, and thats a team right there.
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

i wouldnt be surprised if no one came to the knicks.

the only way i could see that happening is if players are too fragile to come here and deal with the media. with all the vagina's running around the NBA these days i guess it's possible. i mean if bosh is complaining about the media in toronto how could he last here? that's why we need 2 guys to come together

but you guys are acting like we are the clippers man, we were in the finals a decade ago. too much money to be made here for nobody to come
but we suck who wants to surround themselves with these players.

if i was a fa i'd go to the nets earlyyyy.
the nets. the team that almost had the worst record in league history? are you kidding me? you wana play in jersey for two years?

and how in the world could we suck with 2 max guys here. even boozer and joe johnson with gallo would make the 4th or 5th seed.

the whole "we suck" thing is over. we have what 4 guys under contract? one of those is 11 mil coming off next year.

if we made the 6th seed, david lee would be gone anyway. so how would being "good" attract 2 max players? the guy who made us good (david) wouldn't be here anyway!

i don't understand that logic. boston sucked until they got garnett and jesus.

im saying . .

lopez, cdr, harris, lee, williams, yi > then our players.

& the nets are getting a top pick this year and can sign a fa? oh my

oh and boston had pp.
yeah and with pp they didn't do a damn thing

yi is whack. harris is overrated. cdr is whack. they have no coach. but lopez is the real deal. that 11 mil we get from curry will most likely get us a better player than whoever they draft unless they get wall.

i'm worried about miami and chicago not the nets
lol you dont get what im saying.

im saying they had pp a scorer. so it was a easier transition for kg and ray.

we have no one. so the transition for a incoming fa would be a lot harder.

we'll see how all this $+%# pans out. hoping for the best lol
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