
When we did our staff survey on Bosh's future (it ran about a week ago), I mentioned that the Washington Wizards should not be ignored. Chris has a young daughter in the D.C. area that he doesn't get to see much, and that factor is a stronger pull than a lot of folks realize. But aside from that possibility, I think Miami, NY and Chicago are the three frontrunners, and NY would have an edge because they could do a sign-and-trade with David Lee. Chicago would have to sign him outright, and Miami would either have to do the same or try to do a Beasley-Bosh sign-and-trade, and I don't see the Raptors biting on Beasley. ESPN.com

I am told Joe (Johnson) has very little interest in playing for the Knicks, for those of you in NY who may be wondering. ESPN.com
Yea maybe.. ^

I know this have a 90% chance of not happening but...DubA said somethin bout what if Dirk signed with us.. Bosh walking out or sign and trade, then we get Lebron..



Now back to reality

you guys are killing me with these lineups. putting 3 hall of famers on our team. we will be lucky to get 1 of them (dirk, bosh, lebron) and ya'll are already putting all 3 into the lineup
that isn't the lineup i said.

i said lebron, dirk, gallanari, and a big center would be impossible to guard. that's a very, very tall team

i don't believe rumors about bosh or joe johnson. i don't think he or bosh know where they want to go yet. wade is staying in mia. i think it's cle or nyc for lebron and nothing else but at this point your @%%+@#! stupid if you think he's that loyal to the city of Cleveland.
I'm all for best case scenarios to talk and pass the time, but at least make them realistic.

Saying things like Rubio, Gallo, Lebron, Dirk, Bosh

With CP3, Ray Allen, and Charles Oakley coming off the bench.

I've seen a few too many wild things like that.
[h1]Stern Hopes LeBron Stays In Cleveland[/h1]

May 03, 2010 11:10 PM EST

David Stern took the unusual step of publicly declaring his preferencefor where a free-agent-to-be will sign. The commissioner told the mediathat he hopes LeBron James remains in Cleveland after this season.

"Hopefully he'll stay," Stern said Monday. "That's the way thesystem is designed," referring to the additional cash that the teamholding Bird Rights over a free-agent can offer the player.

"That's the way it should be," Stern said. "It allows teams to keep their own players."

and you have the nerve to call yourself a new yorker. have fun next time you're in the crowd David.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I'm all for best case scenarios to talk and pass the time, but at least make them realistic.

Saying things like Rubio, Gallo, Lebron, Dirk, Bosh

With CP3, Ray Allen, and Charles Oakley coming off the bench.

I've seen a few too many wild things like that.
%@!$ Dirk, not as big of a fan of Bosh as i was in the beginning of the year, but dude definitley is the best "Scottie Pippen" type player to have right now in the NBA. Honestly, im not as big of a fan as i was of almost all the big free agents as i was in the beginning of the year, it dont help that they all play the same position as the only 3 guys i like on this team and who have potential to be something special in the league though. But speaking (somewhat) realistically i think the best 1/2 possible is Lebron and Bosh although getting 1 even is a long shot, i think that is the best possible 1-2 though and imo the best chance we have to sign together because Lebron isnt playing backseat to anybody even a little (Wade) and because of that he has stated Bosh is the Team USA Player that he would most like to play with, because Bosh cant be a 1 on a winning team imo and has the perfect traits to be Lebron's Scottie and asfar as i am hearing hes perfectly fine with that. I wouldnt cross out Lebron/JJ either but i see that as a less likely #2 scenario.
I dont see anyone else besides those 2 joining Lebron here IF he even comes.

Honestly with the way #@!# has been going, i wouldnt be suprised to see Bosh go to Miami/Chicago over us because i think they will go after him harder as their #1 guys where we will go after Lebron more cause he loves NYC and we dont have a Wade/Rose. I dont see Bosh staying in Toronto though, however i do think that JJ's most likely scenario is ATL right now. If all that plays out i would be very happy to somehow get Lebron over here, resign Lee long term as a PF, somehow manage to find a shot blocking center out of our !%#%$@+ !%*** idk how that will work out, key is seeing how the lotto plays out. I dont see the T'Wolves keeping Flynn AND Rubio another year together with Rubio in Europe I can almost guarentee though, if they get the #1 pick (2nd most likely) they will still take Wall because he is the best available player and imo only "franchise player" kind of guy in this draft. I dont think Flynn showed enough in his rookie season, as much as i love him, to deter them from Wall and there is no way they are passing up on Wall for a guy who hasnt played an NBA minute yet. Getting Rubio or even Flynn if they look to move him over here could make/break this offseason, because as it looks less likely we will sign another max contract besides Bron THIS season, that is not bad, Lee + Gallo/Will are still a good enough combo to potentially hold us down IF we can bring in a PG like Rubio to shake things up a bit. @%+# it man if we can land one of those PGs id trade Will OR Gallo in a $@%*#!% heartbeat, we need a PG THAT badly.

I still see Wilson Chandler going regardless this offseason if we sign any big time swingman in FA. I absolutely love Will and i wish we could sign a big time free agent at PG/C rather than a 2/3, but we have too many glaring needs to keep 3 players of trade value at the same position. Plus the organization is definitley higher on Gallo and his potential than Will, although imo Will had a better year this year, his all around game improved ALOT and he was alot more aggressive, but at the same time he has a yeas experience on Gallo and with Gallo's size + jumpshot, his ceiling is probably higher. At best Gallo can be a Dirk when imo if Chandler reached his full possible ceiling hed probably be a i wanna say Stephen Jackson/Caron Butler type player, which still is very good, but imo not as high as Gallos highest possible ceiling. Plus Will was still drafted by Isiah and Gallo was Donnie's first move here, hes their guy, only possible way i see Gallo outta here is if Minnesota absolutely DEMANDS im over Chandler to trade Rubio. But as i was saying if we sign any big name swingman, especially while Chandler's trade value is as high as it is, i dont see him staying cause we cant keep 3 swingmen with that much trade value when we have no PG or center. Wed definitley look to ship him for a young talented point guard or a center imo, probably rightfully so 

Thats why it killed us to pass on BJ, but it would be amazing for us to get a PG from Minnesota, but if that falls through id still look for one of the Charlotte dudes as an aternative regardless. If we dont have a legit starting PG next seaosn i will !%#%$@+ kill myself, especially cause D'Antoni's system makes PGs look SOOO much better than they actually are, and eveyone STILL looks like #@!# 

How much was that extention Rondo signed this summer? I bet you he may be having some 2nd thoughts on that now given the weak Free Agency pool for PGs and the way hes been playing, i hate dude, but homie could have landed near a max contract if he waited it out til the summer
DubA, you gotta remember one thing. Stern watched the NBA grow with players who stayed with the teams that drafted the players. Jordan, Magic, Bird, Hakeem, Drexler, Isiah, Dominique, Ewing etc. Stern is all about legacy. I think he wants Bron to stay with Cle just to say hey, we still have players in this league who've became one with their franchise, fan base, team etc. It'll make bron seem as if he isn't all about money and the fame, but more about the game of basketball and legacy. I somewhat agree with Stern and have to admit I've always leaned more towards players staying with the teams they were drafted by but ultimately, lebron will what he does. Stay or go.
Knicks fans, excuse me if this has been asked before, but what happens if you don't get any of the big free agents?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Knicks fans, excuse me if this has been asked before, but what happens if you don't get any of the big free agents?

We bungy jump off Mt. Everst with dental floss.

If not, we'll settle for a Team Knicks Homicide.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Knicks fans, excuse me if this has been asked before, but what happens if you don't get any of the big free agents?

we watch the yankees win another would series

then we root for a giants/jets super bowl.  I think the city will be just fine
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Knicks fans, excuse me if this has been asked before, but what happens if you don't get any of the big free agents?

we watch the yankees win another would series

then we root for a giants/jets super bowl.  I think the city will be just fine
Honestly, if we get just Rubio and Bosh, ill call it a day.

But seriously, does anyone see Toronto taking a sign and trade in Bosh for Lee & Chandler? because i really dont.
Originally Posted by BangDak

Honestly, if we get just Rubio and Bosh, ill call it a day.

But seriously, does anyone see Toronto taking a sign and trade in Bosh for Lee & Chandler? because i really dont.
i honestly dont see why they wouldnt, thats a better offer they will get from any other team (unless they are really high on Jordan Hill or Beasley) and if Bosh is out i would think theyd try and do a S&T. Quite honestly though, if we are not getting lebron i wouldnt want to give up BOTH Lee and Chandler for Bosh. Bosh cant be a #1 on a winning team, and id rather resign Lee at PF as a slight downgrade to Bosh, but still a good player to have at the position, and than use a guy like Chandler as a trading chip to land a PG, and even if wed have to trade Gallo to land like Rubio, at least wed still have Chandler at the 3. 
However if Lebron DOES come id be down to do that S&T, because Chandler becomes less of a priority and Bosh is the perfect Scottie Pippen in today's NBA.
bangdak toronto does not have the kind of leverage you think. i have no idea why anyone thinks they do. bosh is in the drivers seat. they can lose him for nothing or help him get some extra money and get a solid player or two back.

and does anyone think david lee would agree to go to toronto? doesn't he have to sign off
If he doesn't have to sign off, who cares? I think if the Raptors were to do a sign and trade, they'd prefer to have it with Houston and try to pry Jordan Hill or Scola. From what I've read (and I know OKB has said it's over exaggerated) they're high on Hill. I still see Bosh going to Chicago at the end of the day, though. If we don't get LeBron, I doubt they'd send Bosh w/o Lee and Chandler. They want a 4 to fit with Bargnani at the 5.
Gallo isn't going over to Italy this summer, he's going to stay here and work on his back.

Good call, stay here, get healthy, see a Broadway show, then party with team NYK after we hopefully have a big offseason.
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

DubA, you gotta remember one thing. Stern watched the NBA grow with players who stayed with the teams that drafted the players. Jordan, Magic, Bird, Hakeem, Drexler, Isiah, Dominique, Ewing etc. Stern is all about legacy. I think he wants Bron to stay with Cle just to say hey, we still have players in this league who've became one with their franchise, fan base, team etc. It'll make bron seem as if he isn't all about money and the fame, but more about the game of basketball and legacy. I somewhat agree with Stern and have to admit I've always leaned more towards players staying with the teams they were drafted by but ultimately, lebron will what he does. Stay or go.

you know what

%*** THAT. if that's what stern wants then DON'T HAVE FREE AGENCY. stern needs to shut his $@@@**# mouth. i've never heard him say this crap about another player. if he wants to treat these players as cattle and stick them in one city, THEN DON'T HAVE GOD DAMN FREE AGENCY.

that was a ridiculous comment for him to make
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