24 Looking to build Credit... What are some good tips on your first Credit Card

peep my sig guys :wink:

got 2 NTers and my brother a card no problem :pimp:
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peep my sig guys :wink:

got 2 NTers and my brother a card no problem :pimp:

I just got new CC with Captiol One, 2 CC total. Would it be too soon to open up another? I don't think I need it but I would like to increase my credit some more this year.
peep my sig guys :wink:

got 2 NTers and my brother a card no problem :pimp:

I just got new CC with Captiol One, 2 CC total. Would it be too soon to open up another? I don't think I need it but I would like to increase my credit some more this year.

not refering to you but everyone who views the thread :lol:

im not a pro at the credit thing but when i started. I really had pretty much zero credit. a negative from some insurance BS :smh: but pretty much was told little to no credit.

Once i got a secured card, a little after i applied for a few cards in a day. ended up with 4 new cards in one day :lol:

havent done anything since then.

BTW i had gotten that advice on the huge credit card forum like NT with people who are obsessed with their credit.
Dont know if it's been said yet. But Credit karma is not accurate. Usually 50-75 points off of actual FICO score.
yup, you gotta pay to monitor them and get an accurate score.

if its important to you then its worth it
Haven't gone through the whole thread but I'm thinking of getting a gas credit card, what's the best way of going about paying it off I usually gas weekly. Should I do what everyone is saying and just pay off the whole amount every statement? I'm a noob at this I have good credit but I wanna build more without getting myself trapped. Got foolish with my current cc still tryna pay it off.
Haven't gone through the whole thread but I'm thinking of getting a gas credit card, what's the best way of going about paying it off I usually gas weekly. Should I do what everyone is saying and just pay off the whole amount every statement? I'm a noob at this I have good credit but I wanna build more without getting myself trapped. Got foolish with my current cc still tryna pay it off.
Pay it off in full every month BEFORE your statement is posted
I'm 26 years old and have a credit score of 771. There's really only a few key things you should focus on to keep raise your score and keep it there:

1. Avoid paying late at all costs. If you are late, call the # on your card and ask for courtesy.
2. I don't believe you need to keep a balance on your credit cards. It was only recently that I wasn't able to pay the full balance on a few cards, but for the past 8 years, I have mainly focused on paying off the monthly balance in full each and every time. Personal preference, and judging by my score, it seems to be fine.
3. Keep credit for as long as possible. Starting a new card and canceling within 6 months isn't what lowers your credit. It's when you close a line of credit that's been with you for years that your score might be affected. IIRC, though, even closed accounts stay with you, so ask a professional.
4. Be mindful of your bills/debts. Don't let anything ever default, or go to collections, because that will drop your credit score hard. You're a grown up, be grown up about your finances.
Have a Discover Student Visa card and my credit score is currently: 666, no troll I can provide pics if need be.

Slowly going up, just pay the whole thing off with auto-payments every month.
Have a Discover Student Visa card and my credit score is currently: 666, no troll I can provide pics if need be.

Slowly going up, just pay the whole thing off with auto-payments every month.

I lil more than 2 years ago my score was the same. I knew that because I was applying for a personal loan to consolidate my credit card debt. I haven't looked at my score since than. Now that Discover gave me my score this month. It seem all my work to get it up, worked.
My gf credit score is 810

make sure yall ladies got good credit too (at least if you gonna be srs with em in the future)

teamwork to make the dream work
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Just got approved for a Capital One secured card. Feels good. Late payments on my student loans and a bogus claim that I'm waiting to get cleared is hurting my score right now tho...... but it ain't like my score still ain't in the high 400s-low 500s
credit is the setup for debt... 

keeps you spending money you don't have 

too many people don't understand the word "afford" 

i wish you well, sirs and ma'ms 
credit is the setup for debt... 

keeps you spending money you don't have 

too many people don't understand the word "afford" 

i wish you well, sirs and ma'ms 
If you are being responsible you spend the money that you do have, but that is easier said than done for many people.
credit is the setup for debt... 

keeps you spending money you don't have 

too many people don't understand the word "afford" 

i wish you well, sirs and ma'ms 

i get what youre saying, agreed

im 720+ but i need to check it again

im not about living on credit an im pretty frugal

i actually use the same cards ive had since i was 18

i dont want a cash rewards card because i think itll make me spend for no reason lol
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credit is the setup for debt... 

keeps you spending money you don't have 

too many people don't understand the word "afford" 

i wish you well, sirs and ma'ms 
If you are being responsible you spend the money that you do have, but that is easier said than done for many people.
About 2/3 of people carry a balance to be exact. 49% have more debt than cash available to pay for it.

credit is the setup for debt... 

keeps you spending money you don't have 

too many people don't understand the word "afford" 

i wish you well, sirs and ma'ms 
If you are being responsible you spend the money that you do have, but that is easier said than done for many people.

About 2/3 of people carry a balance to be exact. 49% have more debt than cash available to pay for it.


debt free for 5 years :smokin and got more money for retirement than the ones near retirement. :smokin :smokin
i get what youre saying, agreed

im 720+ but i need to check it again

im not about living on credit an im pretty frugal

i actually use the same cards ive had since i was 18

i dont want a cash rewards card because i think itll make me spend for no reason lol

Cash rewards in the end aren't even worth it, you're better off not buying it or paying with cash
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