24 Looking to build Credit... What are some good tips on your first Credit Card

feel dumb, opened up a chase slate to use it to transfer the balance of my discover IT , but discover doesnt take CC payments
No credit card companies take credit card payments

When you do a balance transfer, they should be sending a check to pay down the other card
feel dumb, opened up a chase slate to use it to transfer the balance of my discover IT , but discover doesnt take CC payments
No u call chase back and tell them u want to do a transfer..not pay it with the card

u can't pay credit with credit..but u can transfer a balance
Im approaching my 6th month with Discover. Should I let them offer me a CLI or should I ask for one?
Can anyone refer me a great cash back credit card? My 1 year ends next month with Discover it and would like to get another one before then. I don't travel as much so not looking anything with travel points. I spend approximately $30k-$50k a month, if that helps. Preferrably with little to no annual fees. Thanks!
Any of ya'll heard of freedom debt relief and what they're all about?

Did a quick Google Search on them and it appears that they're a debt consolidation firm. I'm not a big fan of debt consolidation firms because of the fact that not all of your lenders will accept their proposal. You're better off calling yourself to work something IMO. Different strokes for different folks though.
Can anyone refer me a great cash back credit card? My 1 year ends next month with Discover it and would like to get another one before then. I don't travel as much so not looking anything with travel points. I spend approximately $30k-$50k a month, if that helps. Preferrably with little to no annual fees. Thanks!
Chase freedom and the Citi double cash back
It's accurate but ur credit score changes daily..a credit report is valid from the day u run it for 90 days then u have to run ur credit again

Thanks. Does anyone have tips on how to get my credit score up? Credit Karma shows that my Equifax is around 649. I have about $10K in total credit with 49% utilization. One missed payment (30 days) in my credit history that was paid off, 99% positive payment history. 3 yrs average age of accounts, no other derogatory marks...one inquiry in past 2 years.

I'm going to pay off another $3K tomorrow so I'll be around 20% utilization. I was surprised that my score only went up 30 pts after paying off $5K (I was around 98% utilization previously)
It's accurate but ur credit score changes daily..a credit report is valid from the day u run it for 90 days then u have to run ur credit again

Huh? I don’t think this is true. Where are you getting this valid for 90 days claim? Your credit report is a snapshot of your credit whenever you run the report. Depending on when your credit card statement cuts or when your loans post, that’s when your credit report and score will change. It could change tomorrow, next week, or 29 days from now it just depends on your accounts. Credit karma is really good for monitoring your credit report but the scores aren’t true FICO scores.

Thanks. Does anyone have tips on how to get my credit score up? Credit Karma shows that my Equifax is around 649. I have about $10K in total credit with 49% utilization. One missed payment (30 days) in my credit history that was paid off, 99% positive payment history. 3 yrs average age of accounts, no other derogatory marks...one inquiry in past 2 years.

I'm going to pay off another $3K tomorrow so I'll be around 20% utilization. I was surprised that my score only went up 30 pts after paying off $5K (I was around 98% utilization previously)

Get your utilization down to below 10% for optimal scores and continue to grow your average age of accounts. Not sure if there’s anything you can do about the late payment maybe somebody has had success with a goodwill letter or something? The credit scores from credit karma are vantage scores, not true FICO scores so they will differ from the scores that banks will pull for you if you need a loan or a card.
Huh? I don’t think this is true. Where are you getting this valid for 90 days claim? Your credit report is a snapshot of your credit whenever you run the report. Depending on when your credit card statement cuts or when your loans post, that’s when your credit report and score will change. It could change tomorrow, next week, or 29 days from now it just depends on your accounts. Credit karma is really good for monitoring your credit report but the scores aren’t true FICO scores.

Get your utilization down to below 10% for optimal scores and continue to grow your average age of accounts. Not sure if there’s anything you can do about the late payment maybe somebody has had success with a goodwill letter or something? The credit scores from credit karma are vantage scores, not true FICO scores so they will differ from the scores that banks will pull for you if you need a loan or a card.
I'm saying if ur trying to get any type of loan the lender will run ur credit and use that report up to 90 days..if ur still not approved after that time it must be run again
I'm saying if ur trying to get any type of loan the lender will run ur credit and use that report up to 90 days..if ur still not approved after that time it must be run again

Ok gotcha. Had me confused I thought you were talking about credit karma lol
Does PayPal credit report to collections? I know they don't report positively to your credit report but I figured they would turn it in if you went delinquent.
Does PayPal credit report to collections? I know they don't report positively to your credit report but I figured they would turn it in if you went delinquent.

I would say yes

Which is backward since it has no positive affect but if you screw around it can have a negative affect :lol:
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