3 girls found in Cleveland after 10 year investigation

Am i the only on that thinks Ruben Blades (latino actor) is a dead ringer for this castro dude? He'd be perfect to play him in the Made-for-TV Movie... #Jussayin
Scary to think that there are probably hundreds of similar incidents taking place as we speak.
yeah man 
, these are cases that we know about, the thought of what we don't see is just horrifying.

this was a quote from a piece about people that work for Google removing images of child abuse from the internet

it just stuck in my mind.  Just never know what the seemingly normal person could be capable of

The very ordinariness of the backdrops was what got to me. People's ironing boards in the background. Their work uniforms hanging on the back of the door. You realize that this kind of **** is not done by crazed inbreds in the mountains or by foaming-at-the-mouth psychos, but by everyday people like the ones you sit next to on the bus or who smile at you as you buy a coffee from them every day. And that really got to me. I started looking at people and society very differently, and feeling constantly angry or sad.
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Not so fast.

This is what I'm hearing. That church that sits on the corner there of Scranton and Seymour? The one you can see in the background in some of the pictures? One of the ladies that volunteer there is saying those 2 brothers used to come in every month or two and pick up girl clothing from the periodic donations they have. She was always suspicious but didn't think anything of it. So obviously they must of knew or were aware of something.

I'm not sure if anyone from that church is going to speak up or not. But that's the word I'm hearing. Let's see if that cements soon..

Daaaamn, NT doing better detective work then the CPD :smh:
dude is going to prison with other scumbags just like himself. Why do people always think these criminals are going to administer some type of justice like they're some righteous individuals. These ARE prisoners who are locked up for not giving a **** about victims, so why act like they will suddenly have a strike of morality and punish this dude for what he did?
Na man... There are 2 things that will make your time worse than anything else in jail.

1. A cop killer. Guards run prisons. You're life will be hell.

2. Child molestor/rapist. Even serial killers have kids. Guards, drugs dealers, etc... They can imagine killing but no one but other molestors "understand" that.

For both of these with known cases...the second you are off TV. It's gonna be UGLY
I think some of you dudes need to stop watching TV so much.  As a person who worked inside of a prison for almost 4 years, not ONCE did a rapist/child molester get it from another inmate.  And I worked very closely with a dorm that held a lot of those types of guys.  

Does it happen?  Yep.  Do inmates talk a lot of **** like they're gonna do something to a rapist?  Yep.  Does it happen often?  No.  Most of the assaults are either gang or race related, or scorned lovers (yes, the man-on-man **** is VERY real).  

Trust me---I've lived it and seen it first hand.  Those dudes walk around prison pretty freely and without much fear of retaliation.  Remember that most inmates in a prison are going home.  Most of them aren't going to risk a longer bid or new charge just to assault or murk some stranger because he's a rapist/kidnapper/molester.  Hell, half the time inmates have no clue what the inmate next to them is in for (although obviously Castro's situation will be different due to the public nature of his case).  But that's also why every prison has a Protective Custody unit.

And to dude that said inmates run most prisons, uhh.......no they don't.  
  Please turn off the TV.  
Do you work in Cali?
According to a Cleveland Heights Police Department report, Rochelle Ramsey twice dialed 911 to report that she was being attacked by her spouse. “My husband is trying to kill me!” Rochelle yelled. During one of the calls, a police operator noted, a male could be heard in the background saying, “I’m going to kill you.”

When cops arrived at the Ramsey residence, Rochelle was “extremely shaken and crying” and had a fresh cut on her face, police reported. During questioning, Charles Ramsey blamed his wife’s assault on a “male in red sweatpants” who fled the home. Rochelle, however, confirmed that she was assaulted by her husband and that no other man had been in the apartment.


but it was 10 years ago and the man looked like he cleaned up his act pretty nicely with no further convictions. On top of all of that he saved 3-4 girls/women. I hope he uses that accomplishment and his new fame in a good way. I pray that he does.
the child is innocent in all of this.
why wouldn't she love her like a mother should?
I know she is innocent, and I'm not saying she should harm the child I'm just curious how she is still able to be a mother to a child, and love her when she was the product of rape, kidnapping, and torture. Yes motherly instincts are present and kick in because that is natural, but being forced to care for the child because of circumstances is entirely different.

I don't think the question is illogical.
well if we was in in earlier times when women didn't have rights and she was property

of da husband and someone else raped her da kid would've been killed or sold off, orphaned.

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGinty looks into seeking death penalty against Ariel Castro

CLEVELAND - "This child kidnapper operated a torture chamber and private prison in the heart of our city. The horrific brutality and torture the victims endured for more than a decade is beyond comprehension," Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGinty said during a brief afternoon news conference.

McGinty announced he will "engage in a formal process to evaluate" seeking the death penalty against Cleveland kidnapping suspect Ariel Castro, who law enforcement said terminated multiple pregnancies while holding three women captive inside his Seymour Avenue home.

He said Ohio law calls for the death penalty to be reserved for "the most depraved criminals" who commit aggravated murder in the act of kidnapping.

Source: Ariel Castro calls himself a sex addict, being held in 'administrative segregation' in jail

CLEVELAND - The man suspected of kidnapping three women in Cleveland and holding them in captivity at his home for years calls himself a sex addict, a source close to the investigation said.

According to the source, Ariel Castro, 52, is quiet and cooperating with investigators. At some point since his arrest Monday, he told them he has a sex addiction.

Castro is also in “administrative segregation” at the Cuyahoga County Jail, which means he’s in a cell by himself and has not come in contact with other inmates in the jail, the source told NewsChannel5. A sheriff’s deputy has also been assigned to monitor Castro around the clock.

As a part of his incarceration, he’s under “suicide prevention” due to the high-profile aspect of the case. However, the source said he was deems “not suicidal” when he was evaluated by a medical team at the jail.

Read more: http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/lo...inistrative-segregation-in-jail#ixzz2SpatFf65

Onil and Pedro Castro under protection of Cleveland police after court appearance

CLEVELAND - Onil and Pedro Castro remain under the protection of Cleveland police in an unnamed and undisclosed location, according to a report by CNN's Martin Savidge from a Cleveland justice system source.

The two Castro brothers were not charged in the kidnapping case where three missing women were found alive in a Seymour Avenue home.

Each appeared in court Thursday morning for unrelated charges. Pedro pleaded no contest to an open container charge from 2011. He was fined $100 and given credit for four days spent in jail.

A judge dismissed drug abuse and open container charges from 2001 against Onil.
Not so fast.

This is what I'm hearing. That church that sits on the corner there of Scranton and Seymour? The one you can see in the background in some of the pictures? One of the ladies that volunteer there is saying those 2 brothers used to come in every month or two and pick up girl clothing from the periodic donations they have. She was always suspicious but didn't think anything of it. So obviously they must of knew or were aware of something.

I'm not sure if anyone from that church is going to speak up or not. But that's the word I'm hearing. Let's see if that cements soon..
Daaaamn, NT doing better detective work then the CPD

but I def wish the best for the girl when she becomes older....mentally that **** would have me all ****** up 
the child is innocent in all of this.
why wouldn't she love her like a mother should?

I know she is innocent, and I'm not saying she should harm the child I'm just curious how she is still able to be a mother to a child, and love her when she was the product of rape, kidnapping, and torture. Yes motherly instincts are present and kick in because that is natural, but being forced to care for the child because of circumstances is entirely different.

I don't think the question is illogical.

its because she knows the child is innocent in all of this. no1 can explain to the kid the whole situation. too young, kid is gonna be like... :stoneface: what? mother knows kid didn't ask to be a product of rape. she has every right to ditch that kid, but rape or not, it would still feel coldblooded to toss the oblivious innocent kid to the system especially since the kid and mom already have that bond.

i wouldn't be mad at all if she kept the kid. when the child grows up she will come to understand what happened. the child will always be a reminder of what happened. but in the process of healing the mother child bond could become stronger as opposed to keeping the kid, and treating it as only a product of rape and not a child.

...because if the latter happens you can be damn sure this abuse will live on thru the next generation.
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Scary to think that there are probably hundreds of similar incidents taking place as we speak.
i can tell you this happens FREQUENTLY in da 3rd world.
Kidnappings? But usually the girls are sold, not kept for 10 years.
to be honest girls can be kidnapped and made into wives..

hell it kinda happens in china with north korean refugees who escape that country only to be

sex slaves and eventual wives of opportunistic males.
In rural Kyrgyzstan men still marry their women the old-fashioned way: by abducting them off the street and forcing them to be their wife. Bride kidnapping is a supposedly ancient custom that's made a major comeback since the fall of Communism and now accounts for nearly half of all marriages in some parts. We traveled to the Kyrgyz countryside to follow/aid and abet a young groom named Kubanti as he surprised his teenage girlfriend Nazgul with the gift of marriage/kidnapping.
I think Mc Ei8ht Young Buck or the dude that used to play for the Cavs Ricky Davis could pull off good ol Chuck in a movie,
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Only one brother is being charged... the other two is not getting charged they didn't know anything.

They were just with him when he got arrested.

The other two brother's are going to be able to sue now because their names were dragged through the mud and that is defamation of character I believe...

really? so we just going to ignore the neighbor who said three girls were in dog collars being controlled by three men? lol
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