3 "SMARTEST" QB's In the League

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by brandonb2005

PrinSe3 wrote:
^ It was sarcasm my dude.

Boller has the rowdiest arm in the league. Tossing on one knee from his own 40. game over.

To bad hes an idiot.

Thats what i was saying.

so yes i watch football.. the real question is do you understand how to sense sarcasm?
1) JaMarcus Russell
2) Jay Cutler/ Brett Farve
3) Jason Campbell/ Joe Flacco/ Donovan McNabb/ Big Ben/ D.Garrard
4) everybody else

And that's just having a GUN

that depends. are you talking about floating the ball, or zip? Russell floats it...
what? U saying that Russell just "floats" the ball???

Dude has a cannon...strongest arm in the league IMO

Yea Jamarcus is number one but Kyle is close. Flacco and Kyle are close too Farve does not have top 5 arm strength anymore Garrard and Big Ben have arms thatcan function from any slot. Campbell doesnt have top 5 arm strength There are only 2 qb's with top 10 smarts and arm strength and it speaks to howoverrated arm strength is at this level. Palmer McNabb
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