
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by BronLe

NT is corny for censoring Soul Collector

This is true.Meth can you touch on this?As the better forum we should be above censoring ISS.

I think it was said in the past because the site provides some sort of pornography with their girls threads on the FT...not sure though..
All of their female threads were started after an NTer started the asian female thread on their board.
I used to lurk iss flamethrower back in the day and some threads were actually entertaining. Now +@$* is just dead.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

An egoist can also just mean an egotistical person.
An egoist and egotist are two different things.
Don't you bammas have access to a dictionary?

egotist [ˈi
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Bro that's a lie, you can easily check my post history...I'm not trying to hide anything, I was an ISSer before I even came here...a very active one....and I'm the first to admit that place went down the drain...mainly because a lot of users who kept the place fun left, grew out of it....which is something that can very well happen here if it hasn't already gone down that path like some OG NTers have said.
you have the same avy and different sn how's that a lie?....

i dont consider myself to be an OG, but i've been posting on niketalk since 2003.
so i've basically seen it all. The only reason that "Niketalk has gone down hill" is because thread used to get all the "
" get locked so fast now.
The mods and admin's dont allow the craziness that used to happen. especially in the music forum and general forum.
it was fun making fake threads to throw off the mods, now people hit the report button so those threads dont make it anymore.
that's the only difference i can see on why people say it went down hill. dudes post
for anything now. when people used to post
we were really laughing.
Originally Posted by Supremacy

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Regis

This is true.Meth can you touch on this?As the better forum we should be above censoring ISS.

I think it was said in the past because the site provides some sort of pornography with their girls threads on the FT...not sure though..
All of their female threads were started after an NTer started the asian female thread on their board.
I used to lurk iss flamethrower back in the day and some threads were actually entertaining. Now +@$* is just dead.

If you really think about it though...NT is only better to those of us who use these forums as a source of entertainment, in that aspect ISS definitely fell off, there are no general discussion topics, there is never anything on to laugh at, but if you are to use the forum for what is for, a source of information on RD, sneakers (basketball, running, etc) ISS delivers very well, their blog is still a work in progress but is great fr what is intended and NT is not touching their MP...IMO ISS downfall started when the structure of the forum itself took a whole other turn and there were sub categories and new mods were assigned every other month.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Just wanted to add this.
when i saw the head, i knew i had to scroll down because i sensed the titty game was correct
Originally Posted by leothegod

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Bro that's a lie, you can easily check my post history...I'm not trying to hide anything, I was an ISSer before I even came here...a very active one....and I'm the first to admit that place went down the drain...mainly because a lot of users who kept the place fun left, grew out of it....which is something that can very well happen here if it hasn't already gone down that path like some OG NTers have said.
you have the same avy and different sn how's that a lie?....

i dont consider myself to be an OG, but i've been posting on niketalk since 2003.
so i've basically seen it all. The only reason that "Niketalk has gone down hill" is because thread used to get all the "
" get locked so fast now.
The mods and admin's dont allow the craziness that used to happen. especially in the music forum and general forum.
it was fun making fake threads to throw off the mods, now people hit the report button so those threads dont make it anymore.
that's the only difference i can see on why people say it went down hill. dudes post
for anything now. when people used to post
we were really laughing.

I don't know what you are talking aboutThat's my recent activity....look at the dates apart.
NT is corny for censoring Soul Collector 

Years ago, members of their *cough* "street team" went around spamming links etc. on our forums.  We did the same thing with their site name that we did to referral scam sites etc.  

Censor part of the domain name, all the spam links are instantly invalidated.  Suffice it to say, that stopped the problem.  

 ahhh but is cool when attacks are thrown at me, yes I know...I'll just tuck my tail between my legs and walk away.

The other guy got suspended.  Want to trade penalties? 
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