4/25 WWE Extreme Rules PPV - Cena vs Batista, Orton vs Sheamus, Edge vs Jericho (p15)

@ cm punk jobbing to hhh
Triple H had to get the pin.

This was a pretty good episode of Raw, sans the MacGruber stuff. Both shows were good tonight in fact.
Yoooooooo, I thought Edge was doing a good job of selling but that limp he got is legit...

Y'all seen how Rey and HHH went over to check on him after the match...and he wasn't trying to plant his foot before he went on the top rope to pose...

Hope it's nothing too serious.
Damn, hopefully Edge didn't rupture his Achilles again. That's the risk he took by coming back way too early. He should have still been rehabbing until June.
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Yoooooooo, I thought Edge was doing a good job of selling but that limp he got is legit...

Y'all seen how Rey and HHH went over to check on him after the match...and he wasn't trying to plant his foot before he went on the top rope to pose...

Hope it's nothing too serious.


I didn't notice, hope it isn't serious.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

I actually like RVD's new music.

How? It sounds awful to me

at Van Dam being champ (check the sn)

Idk the whole "Rob Van Dam" "The whole F'n Show" with the music in between is kinda catchy
lol word..when he came out earlier to talk to AJ I was like this sh' aint that bad
What happened after RAW went off-air.

After WWE Raw went off the air, Triple H called out The Undertaker. He said they are the last two of a dying breed and there's only room for one and they get ready to go at it. CM Punk and Luke Gallows come out and attack them. Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Shad, Chris Jericho, Carlito, Zack Ryder and Jack Swagger all come out and join in on the brawl. Triple H gives everyone including the referee a Pedigree before he turns around and The Undertaker chokeslams him to end the show.

I wanna see a vid of this.

@ HHH pedigree'ing 10 dudes (including the ref)
Did anyone notice the promo of RVD before his match with Hardy? The video quality seemed to be filmed differently, compared to a live promo. Anyway, I believe TNA has done a great job with the PPV last night and the Impact show tonight. Since Hogan went to TNA, I honestly can say I started watching wrestling again. TNA has a lot of promise after tonight's Impact. I really feel that Samoa Joe will have a major impact since his character has been re-freshed. It was good to see him tonight.

Also, TNA actually did a GREAT job starting off Impact with AJ, RVD, Hardy, and Hogan segment. We don't need no more Eric Bischoff prentending to play the guitar.
freaking HHH, he gets to play leader when no one's around. just pedigree'ing anybody he wants. surprised he didn't give lilian an abdominal stretch or something.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

I actually like RVD's new music.

How? It sounds awful to me

at Van Dam being champ (check the sn)

Idk the whole "Rob Van Dam" "The whole F'n Show" with the music in between is kinda catchy
 I like it too. 
With Jim Ross’ latest short-term WWE contract extension set to expire on April 30th, talk is heating up once again that JR could be headed to TNA. According to a reliable source in TNA, the company plans to make Jim Ross a “very serious
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

With Jim Ross’ latest short-term WWE contract extension set to expire on April 30th, talk is heating up once again that JR could be headed to TNA. According to a reliable source in TNA, the company plans to make Jim Ross a “very serious
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

With Jim Ross’ latest short-term WWE contract extension set to expire on April 30th, talk is heating up once again that JR could be headed to TNA. According to a reliable source in TNA, the company plans to make Jim Ross a “very serious
like i said before if ross goes to tna the tna product becomes 100x better instantly. the wwe however can dead that if they re sign him

alot of u were swearing on ur moms grave that ross would never go to tna...you still feel that way?

imo its ross choice cuz tna will prolly pay the same amount that wwe is gonna offer. does he wanna broadcast again or stay loyal to the brand?

now does tna want to pay ross big money to sit and do nothing?
Originally Posted by NobleKane

like i said before if ross goes to tna the tna product becomes 100x better instantly. the wwe however can dead that if they re sign him

alot of u were swearing on ur moms grave that ross would never go to tna...you still feel that way?

imo its ross choice cuz tna will prolly pay the same amount that wwe is gonna offer. does he wanna broadcast again or stay loyal to the brand?

now does tna want to pay ross big money to sit and do nothing?
It'll be crazy irony if JR made Vince join his "Kiss My ***" club 15 years from now for all the crap he went through. IMO, JR's situation was much worse than Bret Hart, Bret had a choice, JR didn't.  But like you stated NobleKane, does he want he $$$ to stay home and do nothing, or does he want to earn his money and do what he loves most???
Btw, what in the hell was the reason for Orlando Jordan to just stand there?

I think its a revised storyline of Ahmed Johnson/Goldust. OJ comes out and crushes/creeps on Rob Terry with sexual innuendo, gets Terry psychologically weirded out by flirting with him, then takes his belt. 
After all the *+$! that JR has dealt with from Vince, I wouldn't blame him for joining TNA. JR's a classy guy and a true professional and for w/e reason, Vince loves bullying his @!%.

I doubt it's gonna happen though. All the signs point to JR staying with the 'E. TNA's been after him for months and he's turned them down more than once already...
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

What happened after RAW went off-air.

After WWE Raw went off the air, Triple H called out The Undertaker. He said they are the last two of a dying breed and there's only room for one and they get ready to go at it. CM Punk and Luke Gallows come out and attack them. Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Shad, Chris Jericho, Carlito, Zack Ryder and Jack Swagger all come out and join in on the brawl. Triple H gives everyone including the referee a Pedigree before he turns around and The Undertaker chokeslams him to end the show.
I wanna see a vid of this.

@ HHH pedigree'ing 10 dudes (including the ref)

Jericho STAYS taking L's from HHH. 

I hate all of tna's entrance themes

, what will it take for trips to stop burying everyone in the locker room
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