One door closes and another one opens. Taker and DBry are obviously the story here tonight. Can't wait to rewatch DBry and HHH.
i think taker & lesnar went in with an understanding to put on the best show they could - and when taker could take no more - he signaled lesnar to finish

not an audible per say - a pre-planned cue

Bingo. All parties knew Undertaker was only going to last for so long. Once he only took two steps on the tight rope, you knew he was dunzo for the night.
Saw this on reddit
-"Good guy Taker; lightning's Lesnar's casket cause he knows he wouldn't need it"
Hope Lesnar beats Bryan at Summerslam. SSeries, or Wrestlemania 31 and gets a Sammartino esque 3 year title run. On some final boss video game type ****.​
Maybe even have an angle where his contract kayfabe expires and allow him to go back to the UFC and be UFC and WWE champ at the same time. Have the company have no title for a few months. ​
They got to really sell him like he's unbeatable.​
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1, doesnt take long to put that up. 2, nothing seemed ready to go. No music played, no commentary, just shock all around. Unless that was all planned. I can't tell.

They did that to have silence and just hear that crowd reaction. Or lack of. Place was so quiet u can hear a pin drop. If they did that on purpose it was perfect to hear the crowds silence.
I hate all this talk of Taker v Sting at WM31

why not do it at SS and get it over with?

match is going to suck anyway
Hope Lesnar beats Bryan at Summerslam. SSeries, or Wrestlemania 31 and gets a Sammartino esque 3 year title run. On some final boss video game type ****.​

Maybe even have an angle where his contract kayfabe expires and allow him to go back to the UFC and be UFC and WWE champ at the same time. Have the company have no title for a few months. ​

They got to really sell him like he's unbeatable.​

If you just want to see the ending of the Brock/Taker match que it up to 2 hrs 53 minutes on the network.

I jus re-watched it because I didn't realize there was a finish because everyone was screaming. I didn't hear the 3 count or the bell ring.
Everyone when re watching the match watch the referees reaction. That is the tell all. Dude waived off the count saying 2. Lol

Just noticed this too, It was as if the ref expected him to kick it and was just as shocked. Taker basically said "eff it I'm staying down, I cant take this no more"
Crazy, they gotta make a DVD on this whole streak ending thing, I think it would make some $$$
I hate all this talk of Taker v Sting at WM31

why not do it at SS and get it over with?

match is going to suck anyway

i dont even remember sting wrestling in WWE, i must have not been a fan during that time
No lie, rewatching the Brock Taker ending hurt a little haha. I feel like it's his last loss since EC 2010.
i think i must have stopped watch right when he came or something but then again that was 13 years ago so it might be a little hazy
I don't hate him, y'all act like I'm hoping he falls off the face of the Earth :lol:. I liked him when he was with the other NXT dudes on Raw, but his ego got too big and I just don't care to see someone who cries when he doesn't get his way. Rollins can easily take his roll, granted he's not as good on the mic, but better that than someone who will walk out on the fans when things don't go their way :smh:.

yeah for what Rollins lacks on the mic, I'll say he more than makes up for in in-ring ability. He's superior to Punk inside the 20 x 20.
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