i like how hogan had to upstage austin's involvement by staying in da ring, getting 2 beers then toasting wif da rock after austin was out
I hate all this talk of Taker v Sting at WM31

why not do it at SS and get it over with?

match is going to suck anyway

i dont even remember sting wrestling in WWE, i must have not been a fan during that time
Yea it happened around the time Kobe played at Duke and then he came back when LeBron played for Ohio State :lol: :lol:

So then i was right which is why i was confused and said i never remember seeing or hearing about him in the WWF/WWE

im not the one who said he was :lol:
Bryan needs a good title run now. You can't book him like you have for the past year, have him win at Mania then have him lose it in 2 months.

He's the eternal underdog baby face, having a long reign just isn't gonna suit him. If we're lucky, he'll carry the belts into Summerslam.

-Cesaro winning the Battle Royal :pimp: . Had me all kinds of hyped.
-Cena winning makes no sense to me. Where does that leave Bray right now?
DBry needs to hold that title for at least 5 months..Letting the champ hold the belt for a decent piece of time just makes it seem more important than the quick title changes..But I won't be surprised if Cena has the belt after tomorrow's Raw..

Speaking of Raw I can't wait to see where they're going to go with this Taker thing..He either needs to come out and retire or Sting needs to come out and set up a SummerFest match..Anything other than that is going to be a let down..
He's the eternal underdog baby face, having a long reign just isn't gonna suit him. If we're lucky, he'll carry the belts into Summerslam.

So what they're just gonna make him lose the belt in 2/3 months and drop 'em back to the mid card after investing probably the biggest storyline in quite some time in him. Idk, it definitely fits WWE protocol to do that.. but I hope they at least give him a good run 'til like you said, Summerfest.
Heyman is gonna have such a killer promo tomorrow night.

You think we'll see Taker? If we do, I think we see Sting also :nerd: .

The confusion I have with him losing is that from a marketing standpoint, 21-1 is so ugly compared to 22-0. Truthfully, that's making me believe something was up about the finish. But then I realize Taker, no matter how respected he is, is not bigger than Vince and doesn't have the power (or right, for that matter) to flip the script mid-match and take the L, just like that.
As much as I enjoyed the Attitude era, tonight is hopefully the death knell in Attitude Era wrestlers-as-performers. Think about it. With HHH, the NAO, Kane and Undertaker losing, this is hopefully the final hit to the Attitude Era vestige. I don't mind it. I've always thought trotting out these guys for a couple of matches was a desperate attempt at nostalgia porn. I'd rather them develop current talent than try to arouse disinterested fans by pandering to their memories.
He's gonna shoot on y'all something fierce
I haven't seen anything on the internet besides this page but that was my reaction overall to the show. Very easily summed up in one word.

And for future reference, UrBetterThenME is a known troll so never fall for the bait folks.

Catch up with y'all mañana. Interested to see how much, if any, my viewpoint differed from you guys.
As much as I enjoyed the Attitude era, tonight is hopefully the death knell in Attitude Era wrestlers-as-performers. Think about it. With HHH, the NAO, Kane and Undertaker losing, this is hopefully the final hit to the Attitude Era vestige. I don't mind it. I've always thought trotting out these guys for a couple of matches was a desperate attempt at nostalgia porn. I'd rather them develop current talent than try to arouse disinterested fans by pandering to their memories.

Don't forget that the Godwins lost tonight to Cena, as well
[COLOR=#red]Been busy with work. Still around. I know you lot missed me.

Highlights for me
- Hulk (f-ck him) Rock and SCSA starting it off was a great way to do things.
- HHH vs. DB match of the night
- Stephanie talkin ish to DB during the match was comical
- HHH + Bray entrances were good
- Best first hour of WM and it's not even close.
- Cesaro pre and during show. Him winning and picking up Big Show so easily.
- Brock vs Take match was ok for what it was... but Take is just beat up and can't go.
- Brock ending the Streak!! It was time. I enjoyed it. And the look on people's faces... priceless and comical.
- Daniel Bryan shined during this entire WM. Good for him... his big win. Hope he gets a nice, long, well deserved run.
- F-CK CM PUNK! He left, he wasn't mentioned or given any attention. I'm glad. Saw a lot of talk on twitter about people wanting him to do a run in, he didn't. I'm glad.

The card as a whole... GREAT. Easily one of the best Wrestlemania's ever. Also, easily, one of the most memorable. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]From my son - "Losing One match at Wrestlemania is not embarassing. He won 21 matches. Losing 1 isn't embarrassing." From the mouths of babes.[/COLOR]
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