@im that one  i hear you 
I'm all for Taker losing, but damn to Lesnar tho? The guy who has zero passion for wrestling, and is already established, and has nothing to gain from it cuz he's a partimer.

A young talent could've catapulted to major heights with that win. Shrugs. WWE stay ******' up
I'm hearing that Taker was injured pretty badly during the match and had to go to the hospital, likely for a concussion. Inb4 he forgot to kick out.
I'm hearing that Taker was injured pretty badly during the match and had to go to the hospital, likely for a concussion. Inb4 he forgot to kick out.

There is that rumor and

- Undertaker is indeed retiring.

- Another is that Vince pushed him into retirement, Taker wanted to give the streak to someone else but got stuck with Lesnar.
Looks like Taker did indeed suffer a concussion.

Only a few "key ppl" knew the streak would end.
Is the Knee Plus the best finisher ever now? It's probably the only move that ever beat Cena and HHH clean on its first attempt. Also, Bryan got to kick out of a pedigree clean too. That's the type of spot that is usually only reserved for a guy like Taker. All that and he goes on to take out the rest of Evolution in the same night. It's kinda :wow: to think about.

Seriously, Bryan got put over like nobody else ever had tonight. Even if he doesn't go on to have an ultra memorable reign, this moment was enough and I would easily take this over some crappy 400 day reign that barely main evented any ppvs.
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Someone on rddit is claiming that his dad works for wwe and said that taker was rushed to the hospital. Vince and Brock both ran into a car to head to the hospital.
Rewatching the undertaker/lesnar match. Sweet Jesus, he looks like he was struggling through that match.
As previously reported, there are reports coming out of New Orleans on Sunday night that claim The Undertaker suffered a concussion during his match with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania XXX. While we cannot confirm that he suffered a legitimate concussion, we can confirm that he was taken to the hospital in an ambulance immediately after the show.

The reason for his trip to the hospital, where we were informed he will remain overnight, was to run tests to determine whether or not he suffered a concussion, as well as concerns that he suffered an apparent neck injury of some kind.

Undertaker’s injuries came during a spot early into the match where he took a bad fall off of a single-leg from Lesnar.

As far as the finish to the match is concerned, Undertaker’s potential injuries played no part in changing the originally designed outcome. The match went off as planned, with Lesnar scheduled to go over.

We noted in our previous report that very few people behind-the-scenes in WWE were aware of the plan for Undertaker to lose, that might not be the case, as he went from a 40-to-1 favorite in betting websites to an actual underdog by the time the match hit the ring.
The streak was getting old; let's be real here

Only problem I have is it should have been broken by someone like Wyatt who is a young and well was gonna be a star til last night. Now I'm waiting for the rebrand as IRS Jr.
Only problem I have is it should have been broken by someone like Wyatt who is a young and well was gonna be a star til last night. Now I'm waiting for the rebrand as IRS Jr.

just waiting for them to bring ted dibiase jr back and team him with Wyatt. lol
just waiting for them to bring ted dibiase jr back and team him with Wyatt. lol

At this point why not? :lol:

I remember talks the WWE wanted Dibiase to end the streak because they thought he was a superstar in the making

I still don't understand why Brock; WWE wasted a chance to catapult someone's career. We won't see Brock again for months.
At this point why not? :lol:

I remember talks the WWE wanted Dibiase to end the streak because they thought he was a superstar in the making

I still don't understand why Brock; WWE wasted a chance to catapult someone's career. We won't see Brock again for months.

BINGO! While it certainly could have catapulted some up and comers career, we don't know for sure that said up and comer would really turn into a superstar.

And seeing as it's been one year, it's only right to revisit this classic moment.

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Miz can't believe the streak is over 4-1 but he's never been pin or submitted. At least he's in good spirits.
Going away from Taker v Brock why the F didn't Wyatt win? Or have Cena at least show some interesting character development and fall to his psychological games? Stupid
I have seen comparisons of Cena's dilemma to Piper in VIII. IMO the differences are big

1 - the crowd begged Piper not to hit Bret, crowd didn't really care with Cena
2 - Piper and Bret didn't hate each other leading up to the match
3 - after Piper put the bell down Bret won and the younger star that needed/deserved the rub got it
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Am i missing something I try to search for old ppvs In Your House for example off of the WWE Network but it does not let me search for anything. I type in the search box but when I click select and nothing. I click search and it clears out the search box. Any assistance in this matter is appreciated.
It was pretty obvious Cena was winning to me

He had no contact in his favor with Wyatt at all before the match; it was the other two jobbers he had his moments with
Y'all could thank the Hays Code for Cena winning. Good must triumph over evil when good makes millions of dollars for the establishment.
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