Shield's tribute to Champagne Chris Mortis :pimp:

Though I didn't want the Streak to end, it sure would've been nice if Brock ended and DIDN'T have to lose to Cena and HHH before :x :rolleyes Brock could even have more allure than he already does, regardless of being a part timer. Who else has washed Taker (twice), Hogan, Rock, Angle, Punk, Big Show, Booker T, Rey, Benoit and RVD in a combined span of like 4 years?? Being 4-0 vs Cena/HHH would look much better than splitting with them. Hell, have him wipe out Sheamus, Del Rio and Orton too, leading to a mega showdown with Bryan.

May as well have Sting drop from the rafters directly into an F-5 as well :lol:
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Hope Lesnar beats Bryan at Summerslam. SSeries, or Wrestlemania 31 and gets a Sammartino esque 3 year title run. On some final boss video game type ****.​

Maybe even have an angle where his contract kayfabe expires and allow him to go back to the UFC and be UFC and WWE champ at the same time. Have the company have no title for a few months. ​

They got to really sell him like he's unbeatable.​

I would like Lesnar to be a monster heel with the title for a long time also...But not until Bryan has it for most of the year.

Build Lesnar v Bryan for WM XXXI for the title and then have Brock go over and start a streak of his own









Going away from Taker v Brock why the F didn't Wyatt win? Or have Cena at least show some interesting character development and fall to his psychological games? Stupid

Heel turn by Cena would of been the most memorable of the night lol
Cena should've just went ape **** with the chair destroying all the Wyatt's and then hitting Bray with a AA through a table to top it all off would've been legendary
This is how I want to see things play out from now. Bryan has the belt and deserves to run with it for a while. I want HHH and Steph out of the picture. Build towards Brock v Bryan for the title at WM XXXI. Cesaro and or Roman Reigns win MITB and have them face off at WM XXXI for a #1 contender spot.
The shock factor of Undertaker losing at Wrestlemania > Undertaker going undefeated at Wrestlemania.

Seriously, it was mind blowing.

yup! which is why it was so amazing, for the first time in a long time they really really really shocked the world
Still seems unreal that I was there to witness the streak end in person. Everyone around me and the entire dome for that matter were STUNNED. Well played WWE they finally shocked us with something that noone was expecting
I love taker but u can tell he was finished he should of retired after hbk 2 imo. I git more on the brock situation but thats way to much to type.
I really enjoyed Mania overall

I had no problem with Undertaker losing If it was time to do it but I just hated that the match wasn't that good. Might have been because Undertakers limitations. It's the worst I've seen him look in the ring.
Wrestlemania was great other than Cena beating Bray makes absolutely no sense could've made the Wyatt's legit villains he should've brutalized Cena

I hate Hulk Cena **** is sooooo boring at this point

Him losing to bray could've set up a shift in gimmick or atleast if he won but had to do by bashing bray with a chair etc

I know lil kids love him and he sells alot of tshirts but damn can we get something new
Wrestlemania was great other than Cena beating Bray makes absolutely no sense could've made the Wyatt's legit villains he should've brutalized Cena

I hate Hulk Cena **** is sooooo boring at this point

Him losing to bray could've set up a shift in gimmick or atleast if he won but had to do by bashing bray with a chair etc

I know lil kids love him and he sells alot of tshirts but damn can we get something new
all of this
Wrestlemania was great other than Cena beating Bray makes absolutely no sense could've made the Wyatt's legit villains he should've brutalized Cena

I hate Hulk Cena **** is sooooo boring at this point

Him losing to bray could've set up a shift in gimmick or atleast if he won but had to do by bashing bray with a chair etc

I know lil kids love him and he sells alot of tshirts but damn can we get something new

all of this

WWE (NYSE: WWE) today announced that WWE Network has 667,287 subscribers and is well on its way to reaching its goal of 1 million subscribers by the end of 2014 just 42 days after launching in the U.S., making it the fastest-growing digital subscription service.

This announcement comes following a historic WrestleMania[emoji]174[/emoji] 30, which aired live on WWE Network as well as on pay-per-view through satellite and cable providers from a sold-out Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans.

WWE Network launched on February 24 in the U.S. and will be rolled out in Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and the Nordics in late 2014/early 2015.

WWE Network is the first 24/7 streaming network that provides access to live and scheduled programming, including all 12 live pay-per-view events, as well as the most comprehensive video-on-demand library. Available for only $9.99 a month – with a six month commitment – fans can subscribe to WWE Network at WWE.com. WWE Network is available on connected devices including Apple TV, Roku streaming devices, Sony PlayStation[emoji]174[/emoji] 3, Sony PlayStation[emoji]174[/emoji] 4 and Xbox 360. WWE Network is also available through the WWE App on iOS devices, including Apple iPad and iPhone, Amazon's Kindle Fire devices and Android devices as well as on desktops and laptops via WWE.com.
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IF and its a big IF Sting is going to come in and wrestle taker. Taker comes out on raw tomorrow starts cutting promo about how hes done then sting comes out
This is how I want to see things play out from now. Bryan has the belt and deserves to run with it for a while. I want HHH and Steph out of the picture. Build towards Brock v Bryan for the title at WM XXXI. Cesaro and or Roman Reigns win MITB and have them face off at WM XXXI for a #1 contender spot.
pretty sure Randy orton would have a rematch clause. And then Batistas still in the picture. But Lesnar did originally say he wanted the WWE title so him beating the streak certainly builds his case. I cant see them waiting a whole year for Lesnar Bryan, maybe summerslam at the latest.  Usuaully the next ppv after mania is just a rehash so i could see bryan orton batista again at extreme rules, then cena wyatt again but brocks gotta be doing something he cant just beat the streak then be gone 
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Sting deserves to get one WM match after everything he's given to Wrestling. It really sucks Taker has nothing left and makes Sting more awesome that he's older and can still go longer.


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watching wrestling for so many years i agree someone needed to end the streak but the fact he lost to brock lesner just dosent make sense smh 
I don't know if I can put Taker loosing high on the shock meter as Hogan turning heel...but it's definitely up there.
Undertaker losing really kills the hype of him wrestling at WM IMO

I think his last few matches already did that, for me, at least. I thought he's definitely been on fumes the last few years and last year was just everything he had left. You can tell he was completely done last night.
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