I'm really getting tired of hearing about Punk now.

Am I the only one that has the Network but will be paying for Mania on PPV anyways?

Reason is, I'm scared of the Network lagging tomorrow. 

Would be a waste of money IMO. That's just me.

Not really worried about lag, etc. If it lags really bad, I'll just watch it later.
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I'm a stop predicting and reading dirt sheets for until Monday morning. Just going to enjoy the show for what ever it is.
I mean...Punk is still one of the top guys in the business.

The IWC has been speculating about Sting's old *** for years. A couple months of Punk talk isn't a big deal.
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I mean...Punk is still one of the top guys in the business.

The IWC has been speculating about Sting's old *** for years. A couple months of Punk talk isn't a big deal.

I understand that...just that I don't really care about whether he's coming back or not. :lol: So seeing 200,000,000,000 posts about whether he's returning or not daily can be a bit hard to avoid, thus becoming very annoying.
Finally met up with Sami and he hooked me up with a VIP ticket for the big show signing! Was gonna Hooke me up with a pair of tix to the hall of fame but I've got too many people with me so I had to decline...real cool dude though.
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I've revived my Wrestlemania BBQ so I will be ordering on HD in nice big screen

In seriously tempted to use this as an excuse to upgrade to a 70 inch
Can't wait for tomorrow. I'll be getting a 12 pack, pizza, wings, cheesey garlic bread and be watching wrestling ALL day. Never been so pumped watching wm in a while. No more streaming my ppvs! :lol: can finally enjoy a live ppv on my big screen :pimp:
I feel bad about making that big Punk fan feel unwelcome here. :frown:

Come back guy! Wherever you may be...
they should get duthty rhodes to come out of retirement, speed bag bm, drop a couple bows on 'em then small package that punk

Since Big Show is favored to win the Andre the Giant trophy, I could see Hulk screwing him over. Coming in as the 30th participant himself and winning somehow. Hulk turns heel and goes on as a maniac as Andre's #1 fan and inaugural winner of the trophy.
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