That Titus O'Neil/Nikki Bella commercial for The Soup is all kinds of awkward :lol:

All Red Errything All Red Errything :rolleyes :rolleyes she needs to be on mute
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Y'all dudes gonna set yourself up for disappointment again expecting Punk to be at Mania tomorrow.

If he comes back, cool; if not, whatever.
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There is talk of adding a stipulation to the HHH/D Bry match. No DQ or submission match are being discussed.

There are cities already bidding for WM 33.
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ESPN will be covering WM 30 & Summer Slam as part of the deal they made with the WWE regarding using Coachman again.
F4Wonline.com is reporting that there was a plan at one point to have a Sting promo to air sunday and have him debut on raw. No word if that's still planned.
In relation to the 2 post WM shows being in Seattle and Chicago...here's how I'd like to see things play out.

Main Event...Daniel Bryan gets the pin...massive celebration...*Punk's music hits*...and just as the crowd cheers for Bryan an equally loud pop for Punk roars. Punk walks to the ring, pretends to congratulate Bryan and then hits the GTS.

Punk stands over Bryan when *glass shatters* out comes SCSA (we all know he's at WM XXX) stare down in the middle of the ring, both look at the sign, say next year? SCSA flips Punk off and hits a stunner, crowd goes wild. Show ends.

Now you have Bryan v Punk for the title set up for the entire year through SS with Punk as a heel. And you have Punk's dream match with SCSA penciled in for WM XXXI.

This has to satisfy Punk and allows him to work with Bryan where they can basically write their own story and then have it all culminate with the match we've been dying to see for years at WM.

Look at Vince Russo over here
- It has been noted that there is word backstage of a feeling that it is now 50/50 that CM Punk may or may not show up at Wrestlemania Sunday night.

Am I doing this right?
Wrestlemania segment is airing right now on SportsCenter.
F4Wonline.com is reporting that there was a plan at one point to have a Sting promo to air sunday and have him debut on raw. No word if that's still planned.

The E's obsession with getting high ratings ruin the appeal of the surprise.

As stated above, Sting needs to come out after Taker wins ans just point the bat at Taker. Have the lights go dark on Taker, lightning, thunder and all those theatrics
You peons need to make up your minds.

Y'all chant for CM Punk. Say you want him back. Then y'all want him to take a long break and get his mind right. Then y'all want him back again. But now only as long as he is either a corporate heel or Bryan's lone friend.

Y'all want Daniel Bryan to win. He has to have this moment at Wrestlemania, you say. If Bryan doesn't win, he's buried forever. If Bryan doesn't win, we won't watch anymore. If Bryan doesn't win, the WWE is done and the Network will flop and wrestling is doomed.

...Now y'all want HHH to win.


This is why we don't get nice things.
Is it one person that is making conflicting requests or it different people wanting different things?
I was half-trolling/half-serious with that post and it wasn't directed at anyone in particular. Just a casual observation of our peeps.

But yeah, the IWC in general is filled with folks that don't know what they really want or THINK they do.

Just look at some of the ideas being thrown together in the last few pages. Yikes.

- It has been noted that there is word backstage of a feeling that it is now 50/50 that CM Punk may or may not show up at Wrestlemania Sunday night.

Am I doing this right?

IMO if you're actually trying to enjoy the show, it's better to avoid all these types of rumors and random **** that flow in during the last few days. Apart from the fact that a lot of it is pure bull ****, it also becomes a matter of either knowing too much or becoming extremely furious when it doesn't go the way you thought it would.

Anyways, this same song & dance happens each year and y'all prove me right each time.

/douchebag DSK
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Couple thoughts-

I don't think Punk should come back tomorrow night. I actually think it'd be better if he showed up on Raw on Monday to begin a new storyline. Hopefully as a heel against newly crowned champion Daniel Bryan.

Sting should absolutely cut a promo after the Taker/Lesnar match for WM31.
Am I the only one that has the Network but will be paying for Mania on PPV anyways?

Reason is, I'm scared of the Network lagging tomorrow. 
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