The only thing to upset about last night was the shield didn't get more time to cook. At least 5 more minutes

Eh it was perfect for the ****** opponents they had to work with. After spending a year beating the top stars of the 'E, it would have been a joke for those old fools to get any type of offense on them.
I get it; he was champ tell me again please

He still went 4-3 overall and had a short lived career no matter how you break it down

I don't think he lived up to the hype in the least...that's my opinion so you won't change it

HE WAS THE UFC HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD..... lol im just busting your chops..... friendly debate
If you used to sell tickets then the expectations are there

What company puts someone as their face but has no expectations for them?

I can't agree with that. Popular people (regardless of success) are used to sell ticket. Case-in point. Jeremy Lin. Jeremy Lin was a marketing machine first and foremost. He had decent talent but he sold tickets. He drew ratings. But his skill level did not match that. Do we consider him a bust? Not at all. He is an overachiever.

I just don't understand how a dude goes from pro wrestling and moves to UFC
Investor expectation doesn't matter the stock has doubled since November basically. It was due for this pull back. I blame the streak ending if anything :nerd:

So the expectation of a higher subscriber number than what was delivered didnt impact the $6 per share dive?
Would've came down eventually anyway. Market's been weak so that crack was due.

Watched the Streak match again. Better than I thought initially. Still surprised they did it but Vince knows how to do business. Few big Wrestlemania moments.
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I feel like the WWE pulled a Sam Raimi Spiderman 3 and put everything they could into it and now we are all like what now?
Sidebar: am I the only one who thinks that Cesaro could not do a swing on Big Show if he tried? A pick up and throw over the top is one thing, but let's not get carried away. Seems the entire internet is certain it's possible except me.

[GimmickInfringement] Well if you guys actually listened to Podcasts but seeing as you don't Cesaro covered this subject on Grantland's Cheap Heat this past week. He pretty much says Show and Hmery are oddly shaped and he wisely won't attempt to swing them [/GimmickInfringement]
I was very surprised by Brocks UFC success and considered him an over achiever honestly. To jump into the sport nowadays where fighters specifically train in MMA and have that kind of success to win a title blew my mind. If he went 1-5 I'd probably still say he over achieved :lol:. I expected zero success
UFC used his name to sell a lot of tickets and PPV's and hyped him up big time

He never lived up to that hype if you ask me
I understand they used his name to sell tickets, but that doesn't necessarily means there was a consensus that he would be successful. They used his name because he was popular in wrestling. And at the time, wrestling and UFC fans were kinda sorta the same person.

So unless there was a general expectation that he would be a star, which he was, I don't know how he can be considered a bust.
If you used to sell tickets then the expectations are there

What company puts someone as their face but has no expectations for them?
I can't agree with that. Popular people (regardless of success) are used to sell ticket. Case-in point. Jeremy Lin. Jeremy Lin was a marketing machine first and foremost. He had decent talent but he sold tickets. He drew ratings. But his skill level did not match that. Do we consider him a bust? Not at all. He is an overachiever.

I just don't understand how a dude goes from pro wrestling and moves to UFC< dominates briefly, and then gets brought back down to earth is considered a bust.

There were so many question marks heading into his career. Like I said, if he was EXPECTED to be a beast, sure. But he wasn't.

I don't see how the, "He was used to sell tickets" arguments holds water. He was used to sell tickets because his NAME was recognizable. Not because people projected him to be the best.
I agree.

I know people who have boxed and done MMA at the amateur and pro level.  I myself have trained and sparred to stay in shape and keep my speed up.  What Brock was able to accomplish with no prior experience is respectable.  Bear in mind that dude was battling a disease that nearly killed him.  That played a role in the way he fell off towards the end.

Dude is a physical freak.  Would've liked to of seen him give it a shot in his 20s and without the illness hanging over his head.

Like him or hate him, dude is one tough mofo.
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I agree.

I know people who have boxed and done MMA at the amateur and pro level.  I myself have trained and sparred to stay in shape and keep my speed up.  What Brock was able to accomplish with no prior experience is respectable.  Bear in mind that dude was battling a disease that nearly killed him.  That played a role in the way he fell off towards the end.

Dude is a physical freak.  Would've liked to of seen him give it a shot in his 20s and without the illness hanging over his head.

Like him or hate him, dude is one tough mofo.
Thank you man. Brock is a freak of nature. Yes he has assistance but all of what you said is so true.
I think his last few matches already did that, for me, at least. I thought he's definitely been on fumes the last few years and last year was just everything he had left. You can tell he was completely done last night.

Yeah I agree; I really wasn't excited about his last few matches

I still think they should have had HBK end the streak then retire on his own terms

HBK 1-2
HHH 1-2 (actually 2-3)

How was Taker running on fumes, when those could be some of the greatest matches of his career :lol:? All 5 of those matches are basically what caused his performance last night. It all came 10 fold and he couldn't go anymore. It sucks that Brock is pretty much catching shrapnel right now, but heading into this Mania, the way all the storylines were set up and the way people were built (or not built), no one else deserved to break the Streak.
Yea what Undertaker basically did was. You know you are working out with someone and you are spotting them. And they are good. Press, press, press. They get to #9 and all of a sudden you basically have to lift the bar for them. That is what Undertaker did. His last 5 matches were all good. Few of them were great. And this one, not much. Not sure any of us saw THIS coming.
Nt need a auto refresh option, I was tired of manually refreshing this page last night or for that matter every Monday night raw. Could work with major release threads also
Use the Alert Bar pleighboi.

It automatically updates when new posts are made in a thread.

Was a godsend for me navigating this thread last night.
How many of you non-wrestling dudes looked at the post count of this thread and THEN decided to come take a look at what was going on.
I'd like to put all my thoughts out there on WM before tonight's RAW just because I'm still not influenced by anything yet. For now...one day later...I will say that since I got back into wrestling in late '07...last night's WM was the most memorable since that time (and I attended last year's). From an overall standpoint, I got what I always asked for. An entertaining show with a few very good/great matches.
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Taker looked like a heavyweight fighter who took one too many headshots.  That combined with his age lead to what we saw last night.  It's tough for anyone to say that they could've predicted him lumbering around to that extent since he was still doing suicide dives in his last few Mania matches and moving around well.  Never know when father time is going to intervene.

On the one hand, I think it was genius for them to shock the world and have him lose against the one guy that no one expected to go over in that way, given the history of bad blood.  On the other hand, you just have to wonder where they go from here.  How many dates is Lesnar even scheduled to work in the upcoming months?  This momentum needs to be used to send him on some wicked streak.  Have him win every match, but force the officials to overturn every decision because he keeps on the attack after the bell, beating the crap out of every opponent.  Keep on building it up as him feeling slighted that he hasn't gotten his shot at the title and that he'll wreck everyone until he's finally given the title shot he's owed.  Maybe even write it into his time off and suspend him as a result.  Lesnar/Bryan could be special if they want it to be.
How many of you non-wrestling dudes looked at the post count of this thread and THEN decided to come take a look at what was going on.
After last night, I started frequenting some of the old wrestling boards that I used to be heavily active on as a kid all the way til around the time I graduated from undergrad. 

Say what you want, but WWE got exactly what they wanted out of last night.  A reaction out of everyone.  I have people hitting me up asking me how I feel about it and they haven't paid any attention since the Attitude Era.  Everyone expected me to be distraught since I grew up the biggest Taker mark once I stopped ripping my t-shirts like Hogan.  Got one too many *** whoopins for that. 
Push Brock as a tweener and feed him Ryback, Sheamus, Del Rio, Big Show again (cause he needs "revenge" lol), Rey, etc etc. Maybe he cause toss Miz and Curtis Axel through some windows like Shane McMahon.
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