48÷2(9+3) = ???

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by waystinthyme

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

I see why this thread was locked the first time, you nick burns passive aggressive geeks can't keep it in your pants and keep it civil.
pot calling the kettle black? your comments don't sound very civil either...


If i don't say it, how do i get my point across? wag my finger at the monitor?
Can we all agree that it is 288 now? There has been sufficient evidence to prove this time for Method Man to drop this 2 page response on why it is 288.
Can we all agree that it is 288 now? There has been sufficient evidence to prove this time for Method Man to drop this 2 page response on why it is 288.
Originally Posted by StonedFace

48 / 2 (9 + 3) can also be expressed as 48 / (9+3) + (9+3)

48 / 12 + 12

4 + 12

= 16

Team 16 anyone?

48 / 2 (9+3)

48 / (18+6)

48 / 24


Originally Posted by StonedFace

48 / 2 (9 + 3) can also be expressed as 48 / (9+3) + (9+3)

48 / 12 + 12

4 + 12

= 16

Team 16 anyone?

48 / 2 (9+3)

48 / (18+6)

48 / 24


Originally Posted by ElVaquero87

So after 68 pages, how many still believe the answer is 2? I always liked math because the rules for it haven't changed in hundreds, maybe thousands of years but apparently I've been made aware there can now be several answers depending on the instructions
. Those who say 2 need to go back to their elementary school teacher and have it taught to them again, because that's what this problem is, 6th grade math.

i think the answer is 288, my uncle, head of his math department, who has wrote 3 math textbooks and has his own math, says the answer is 2. i told him im not convinced. he laughed and said theres no convincing this is math and 2 is the answer. so before u call people stupid like i felt like doing until I checked, make sure ur right.
Originally Posted by ElVaquero87

So after 68 pages, how many still believe the answer is 2? I always liked math because the rules for it haven't changed in hundreds, maybe thousands of years but apparently I've been made aware there can now be several answers depending on the instructions
. Those who say 2 need to go back to their elementary school teacher and have it taught to them again, because that's what this problem is, 6th grade math.

i think the answer is 288, my uncle, head of his math department, who has wrote 3 math textbooks and has his own math, says the answer is 2. i told him im not convinced. he laughed and said theres no convincing this is math and 2 is the answer. so before u call people stupid like i felt like doing until I checked, make sure ur right.
Obviously you do the (3+9) first because it's in the parenthesis, giving you:

48÷2(12) which can be rewritten as 48÷2*12

Since ÷ and * are the same in order of operations, you go from left to right so 48÷2*12 = 24*12 = 288.
Obviously you do the (3+9) first because it's in the parenthesis, giving you:

48÷2(12) which can be rewritten as 48÷2*12

Since ÷ and * are the same in order of operations, you go from left to right so 48÷2*12 = 24*12 = 288.
[h1]Basic Math/Mathmatical Reasoning[/h1]

Expert: John Zalewski - 10/7/2008

Why does the left to right rule mean that you don't always do multiplication before division or addition before subtraction?

Hello, Raven.

This is the phrase to remember: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.

P is for Parentheses, E is for Exponents, M is Multiplication, D is for Division, A is for Addition, and S is for Subtraction.

Parentheses and exponents always come before the last four. However, multiplication and division are actually grouped together, as are addition and subtraction.

In actuality, it reads "Parentheses Exponents (Multiplication and Division) (Addition and Subtraction)."

Division is done before multiplication, or subtraction before addition, if they are further left in the problem.

For example, in the problem 5/5x6, the answer is 6. First, you have to divide 5 by 5, getting an answer of 1, and then multiply 6 by 1, giving you 6.

Hope this helps.


[h1]Basic Math/Mathmatical Reasoning[/h1]

Expert: John Zalewski - 10/7/2008

Why does the left to right rule mean that you don't always do multiplication before division or addition before subtraction?

Hello, Raven.

This is the phrase to remember: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.

P is for Parentheses, E is for Exponents, M is Multiplication, D is for Division, A is for Addition, and S is for Subtraction.

Parentheses and exponents always come before the last four. However, multiplication and division are actually grouped together, as are addition and subtraction.

In actuality, it reads "Parentheses Exponents (Multiplication and Division) (Addition and Subtraction)."

Division is done before multiplication, or subtraction before addition, if they are further left in the problem.

For example, in the problem 5/5x6, the answer is 6. First, you have to divide 5 by 5, getting an answer of 1, and then multiply 6 by 1, giving you 6.

Hope this helps.


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