5 Strangest & Most Mysterious Videos On The Internet

Grew up in Riverside and our old house always had spooky stuff going on. Used to see a man running around the side of my house past my bedroom window late at night and this probably happened at least once every few weeks (lived there 3 years). Parents never believed me but my grandma always defended me because she was very religious and always told my mom the house always gave her a bad feeling as if it was haunted. Apparently my sister saw similar things growing up too but never told anyone about it until we were in our late 20's and we were talking about the old house and she said she would see an older lady sitting at her nightstand brushing her hair in the mirror and when my sister would try and talk to her the lady would put the brush down and disappear into the mirror.
Mirrors aint no joke. I remember spending the night at my sisters house and waking up to go pee. Didnt close the door all the way. Mid stream i see someone in the mirror, looks like someone walking down the hall to use the restroom. thought it was my nephew. I said, "Im in here" about three times and they kept waking towards the restroom. When they got close I slammed the door shut, peed all over myself and on the wall. Cant explain the face I saw, like something straight from a horror movie. Like a zombie face with long sharp teeth smiling from ear to ear.
That's ******* terrifying bro.
This mirror s_ is ridiculous.
How those Self-Cut System dudes still alive letting ghosts into their crib while thrying to line the back of their heads?
Seriously though, all you dudes not wanting to look into mirrors too long for fear of ghosts & s_ are either ugly or got dirty faces.
If you look into a mirror for too long **** starts to distort, but it's a natural thing.  Your brain starts trying to put together little pieces of information into a complete image, so what your eyes see starts to shift and look weird.  It's even more pronounced if the room is dark.  That's why people will sit in a dark room and stare at a mirror and claim they start seeing dead relatives and ****...your brain just starts to make things up.

When I was a kid living on an old Army base, I woke up a few times and saw an old lady walk through my doorway and disappear into the wall leading out into the back yard.  I'd chalk it up to just being half asleep, but when my grandma was staying with us before she died, she saw her too.  
Bruh I was watching one of Top 5s videos on Elisa Lam and he mentioned something called The Elevator Game.. bruh

Step by Step below, top 5s explained it in the video, but it's really f'd up. Apparently it takes you to another world or something and there are tons of people on the internet saying not to do it, and that it's true. :x

Enter your chosen building and get into the elevator on the first floor alone. Do not proceed if anyone else is in the elevator with you.
Press the button for the fourth floor.
When the elevator reaches the fourth floor, do not get out. Instead, remain in the elevator and press the button for the second floor.
When you reach the second floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the sixth floor.
When you reach the sixth floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the second floor.
When you reach the second floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the tenth floor.
When you reach the tenth floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the fifth floor.
When you reach the fifth floor, a young woman may enter the elevator. Do not look at her; do not speak to her. She is not what she seems.
Press the button for the first floor. If the elevator begins ascending to the tenth floor instead of descending to the first, you may proceed. If the elevator descends to the first floor, exit as soon as the doors open. Do not look back. Do not speak.
If you reach the tenth floor, you may either choose to get off the elevator or to stay on it. If you choose to get off, and if the woman entered the elevator on the fifth floor, she will ask you, “Where are you going?” Do NOT answer her. Do NOT look at her.
You will know whether you have arrived at the Otherworld by one indication, and one indication only: The only person present in it is you.

Concerning the Woman on the Fifth Floor:

Do NOT speak to her.

Do NOT look at her.

If you do, she may decide to keep you for her own.

:x :x
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If it goes to the first floor......LIKE YOU TOLD IT TO....you didnt do it right.

:lol: yea right

:nerd: Somebody try it and see what happens :nerd:
Bruh I was watching one of Top 5s videos on Elisa Lam and he mentioned something called The Elevator Game.. bruh

Step by Step below, top 5s explained it in the video, but it's really f'd up. Apparently it takes you to another world or something and there are tons of people on the internet saying not to do it, and that it's true. :x

:x :x
What if the building has less than 10 floors? The underworld only likes tall buildings?
Apparently there's a ritual to come back, if anyone wants to try it let me know and I'll find it for you so you don't get lost homie. :lol:

I don't mess with that spiritual stuff but this elevator ritual has been stuck on my mind lately.
Bruh I was watching one of Top 5s videos on Elisa Lam and he mentioned something called The Elevator Game.. bruh

Step by Step below, top 5s explained it in the video, but it's really f'd up. Apparently it takes you to another world or something and there are tons of people on the internet saying not to do it, and that it's true. :x

:x :x
What if the building has less than 10 floors? The underworld only likes tall buildings?

The ritual requires 10 floors, and it can be done in and building that has 10 or more floors. i thought it clarified in the steps but I guess not.

I imagine most commonly used buildings for it are hotels.
She didn't press the right buttons to be playing the elevator game.

And the mirror superstitions go back to ancient times, litteraly. They used pools of water and shiny rocks before mirrors were invented.

You not supposed to stare into your eyes, you can look at yourself in the mirror obviously. When you stare into your eyes and watch your reflection off the glare in your eyeball is when the crazy stuff happens apparently.
how big is this water vat that she drowned in?

big enough to where if she didnt know how to swim it could be an issue?

still doesnt explain why/how she got up there to begin with
how big is this water vat that she drowned in?

big enough to where if she didnt know how to swim it could be an issue?

still doesnt explain why/how she got up there to begin with


The water vat was pretty big but according to reports it was almost full and she only had a few inches of breathing space in it. I imagine if she climbed in herself, once she realized the top was shut she had no footing on any ground to open it again to get out.

Sad to think about but if that's the case then she was struggling to get out by kicking her feet underwater to lift the lid up.. eventually ran out of energy and drowned.

Doesn't explain why / how she got up there though.. No fire alarm door went off due to the fire alarm door getting up there and they said the only other way was a door that's locked to the roof.
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