50 Cent vs Rick Ross (Latest: Rick Ross Drops A Cartoon About G-Unit )

Originally Posted by Kingtre

how do you NOT pay e-class
Agreed. Dude gave you the chance he did and you ran with it, given. But he gave you the chance.
Nah. Used to stay there with my cousin tho on 199th rite by the stadium by norlands. I'm there like evry month tho
My peoples stil there.
Did u go to jim jones show at 90 degrees on saturday?
My peoples (GT40) opened up for him.
U know Zoe ?
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Ross career is not over he still going to sell, nobody in the south is following this beef just us hiphop heads

WRONG... I got folks all over the bottom from Dade to Palm Beach who are not riding with this dude and acknowledge his L's.

Fact is, if you ain't checkin' for Ross now you wasn't two albums ago because you knew he was a fraud. So if ya boy's in Dade just finallyfiguring this out than they're in the minority.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

This is excellent news, not only is 50 burying Rick FRAUD but he is taking out this clown Khaled as well. It's time that all these clowns get taken out of the rap game, simple destroy and rebuild. Rick Fraud's best option would be to just shut up and fade away from the rap game as quickly as possible.
@ you sayin' this is excellent news. 50 is just asmuch of a fraud as Ross if not more.
95% of the rap game is fraud. Theother 5% is either keepin' their !+* on the low, dead or locked up.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Did u go to jim jones show at 90 degrees on saturday?
My peoples (GT40) opened up for him.
U know Zoe ?

Negative. My people went out there but I'm not really into the scene like that. Unless its a big weekend or some girl is asking for a dude to go then Iride if not I'm not there.
Oh yeah G14 going to Take over Miami ...

Young dudes in the Game bout to let it breathe

Cam gave orders lmaooo
All these dudes calling Rick Ross a Fraud, like 50cent is just 100% Gangster.
This !##% is a joke. 99% of rappersain't bout what they rap about. When will people learn this. 50 ain't been !##% since GRODT. And Ross is average at best. So people are wasting theretime paying attention to 2 very average rappers.

And just because you don't have a record doesn't make you clean. It makes you smart. Not saying that Rick is really like that. Just saying nothaving a record means nothing.
WOW......Ricky's baby mother has a longer rap sheet than his own
This is not a good look for Ross, maybe his baby mother knows the real noreaga?
Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Keithahundred wrote:

Ross career is not over he still going to sell, nobody in the south is following this beef just us hiphop heads

WRONG... I got folks all over the bottom from Dade to Palm Beach who are not riding with this dude and acknowledge his L's.

Fact is, if you ain't checkin' for Ross now you wasn't two albums ago because you knew he was a fraud. So if ya boy's in Dade just finally figuring this out than they're in the minority.

False... Dudes knew about this for the longest but Ross gave a pass. Ross compounded the problem when he tried to play everybody for fools and lie about it. Hecopounded it even more when he basically called Trick a f'k N* off of some ++%# that Trick never came out of his mouth and said. Hence E and everybody elsebasically hanging him out to dry.

As far as I go I have always been entertained by Ross. The only time I thought he was flaw was when he tried to go at Tip early in his career... basicallycalling Tip a phoney. Now look at him... Karmas a !@!#* aint she?

Please fall back with your assumptions.
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

rocyaice said:
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Keithahundred wrote:

Ross career is not over he still going to sell, nobody in the south is following this beef just us hiphop heads

WRONG... I got folks all over the bottom from Dade to Palm Beach who are not riding with this dude and acknowledge his L's.

Fact is, if you ain't checkin' for Ross now you wasn't two albums ago because you knew he was a fraud. So if ya boy's in Dade just finally figuring this out than they're in the minority.

False... Dudes knew about this for the longest but Ross gave a pass. Ross compounded the problem when he tried to play everybody for fools and lie about it. He copounded it even more when he basically called Trick a f'k N* off of some ++%# that Trick never came out of his mouth and said. Hence E and everybody else basically hanging him out to dry.

As far as I go I have always been entertained by Ross. The only time I thought he was flaw was when he tried to go at Tip early in his career... basically calling Tip a phoney. Now look at him... Karmas a !@!#* aint she?

Please fall back with your assumptions.

Oh okay. Its coo to be a fraud just as long as you don't lie aboutit? Not even sure what you talkin' about to be honest. Its completely going over my head.
This what a bunch of ya'll aren't understanding... his career isn't over because he's gonna quit...

But NO LABEL is going to co-sign this man anymore. There's like a slim to zero chance he'll ever have a major deal again. This 'beef' iseverywhere. Every single radio station I checked on (and I'm in New Orleans) is talking about this... and EVERYONE is laughing at Rick Ross. Rap stations,Top 40... 50 Cent plain and simple is an entertainer, and this is entertaining.

Don't be surprised to see Deeper than Rap brick, him get cut from Def Jam and then at best end up over on Koch... by then... no one will be checking forhim.

This is just like Mike Vick... if he woulda came clean, it would have been bad, he would have lost fans, but he would have survived. The LIES are what did bothof those guys in.

I never said it was cool. 99% of rappers are fake.. Ross simply got a pass. However, he looked extra foolish by not only denying it but going after a boss indoing it. Hence, he lost a lot of respect from individuals in and around his circle.
@ you sayin' this is excellent news. 50 is just as much of a fraud as Ross if not more.
95% of the rap game is fraud. The other 5% is either keepin' their !+* on the low, dead or locked up.

Your thought process is highly flawed. I'm not saying 50 is a fraud or not, but just going off of what we know thus far, we do know that Rick is a FRAUD. No if, ands, or buts about it, it is what it is. It's one thing for a rapper to slightly exaggerate or say something to be "creative" or wittywith his/her words so to speak, but this guy completely fabricated his past life. The real Noriega probably wouldn't even look in Ross's direction ifhe saw him on the street. Bottomline, we don't need people like Rick FRAUD and DJ Khlaed in the rap game, they makes things worse than what they are.

he tried to go at Tip early in his career... basically calling Tip a phoney. Now look at him...
Exactly, now look at this character. My how the tables have turned.
Beef or no Beef ross makes better music than 50. End of story. Ross makes more entertaining music.
Originally Posted by doyung9

This what a bunch of ya'll aren't understanding... his career isn't over because he's gonna quit...

But NO LABEL is going to co-sign this man anymore. There's like a slim to zero chance he'll ever have a major deal again. This 'beef' is everywhere. Every single radio station I checked on (and I'm in New Orleans) is talking about this... and EVERYONE is laughing at Rick Ross. Rap stations, Top 40... 50 Cent plain and simple is an entertainer, and this is entertaining.

Don't be surprised to see Deeper than Rap brick, him get cut from Def Jam and then at best end up over on Koch... by then... no one will be checking for him.

This is just like Mike Vick... if he woulda came clean, it would have been bad, he would have lost fans, but he would have survived. The LIES are what did both of those guys in.
agreed 100%
Originally Posted by CParkFresh


I never said it was cool. 99% of rappers are fake.. Ross simply got a pass. However, he looked extra foolish by not only denying it but going after a boss in doing it. Hence, he lost a lot of respect from individuals in and around his circle.

I see what you saying. But when you talk about his inner circle are you referring to Poe Boy and Slip or Khaled and T-Pain? Because I think the latter gonna bethere. Now as far as dudes like Brisco, E-Class, Trick.....I think those are done for.

Your thought process is highly flawed. I'm not saying 50 is a fraud or not, but just going off of what we know thus far, we do know that Rick is a FRAUD. No if, ands, or buts about it, it is what it is. It's one thing for a rapper to slightly exaggerate or say something to be "creative" or witty with his/her words so to speak, but this guy completely fabricated his past life. The real Noriega probably wouldn't even look in Ross's direction if he saw him on the street. Bottomline, we don't need people like Rick FRAUD and DJ Khlaed in the rap game, they makes things worse than what they are.
Fif been fraud. There's dvd's out there of how much of a fraud dude is. That's why its almost not even worth going up against himbecause he's been exposed for about 4 year snow. Ross tryin' to fight a battle he can't win. Its almost parralel the 50 Cent and Rick Rosssituation is. Rick Ross took his name from someone who's known a lot more worldwide than Fif did but that's about the only difference in the two. Andsay what you want about Rick Ross but the music is there. He's dropped solid material. I guess that's why I don't really care too much about himbeing exposed because I knew he was a fraud. The first time I heard Hustlin' and the Noriega line I just knew dude was a fraud. Nobody talks about whitelike he does and would be walkin' the street if he really did that.

I'm not giving Ross a pass for lying about his past life. I guess I just don't understand how someone could be on the sideline being excited about Fifexposing a fraud when he's a fraud himself. That's all i'm saying. If it was a real cat doing the exposing i'd be more intrigued.
Originally Posted by diceloveme

Beef or no Beef ross makes better music than 50. End of story. Ross makes more entertaining music.

Edit: 50's mixtapes before 2000 >Rick Ross Life
Originally Posted by gunitg23

Originally Posted by diceloveme

Beef or no Beef ross makes better music than 50. End of story. Ross makes more entertaining music.

Edit: 50's mixtapes before 2000 >Rick Ross Life

*Looks @ screen name then understands his ignorance......
Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by CParkFresh


I never said it was cool. 99% of rappers are fake.. Ross simply got a pass. However, he looked extra foolish by not only denying it but going after a boss in doing it. Hence, he lost a lot of respect from individuals in and around his circle.

I see what you saying. But when you talk about his inner circle are you referring to Poe Boy and Slip or Khaled and T-Pain? Because I think the latter gonna be there. Now as far as dudes like Brisco, E-Class, Trick.....I think those are done for.

Your thought process is highly flawed. I'm not saying 50 is a fraud or not, but just going off of what we know thus far, we do know that Rick is a FRAUD. No if, ands, or buts about it, it is what it is. It's one thing for a rapper to slightly exaggerate or say something to be "creative" or witty with his/her words so to speak, but this guy completely fabricated his past life. The real Noriega probably wouldn't even look in Ross's direction if he saw him on the street. Bottomline, we don't need people like Rick FRAUD and DJ Khlaed in the rap game, they makes things worse than what they are.
Fif been fraud. There's dvd's out there of how much of a fraud dude is. That's why its almost not even worth going up against him because he's been exposed for about 4 year snow. Ross tryin' to fight a battle he can't win. Its almost parralel the 50 Cent and Rick Ross situation is. Rick Ross took his name from someone who's known a lot more worldwide than Fif did but that's about the only difference in the two. And say what you want about Rick Ross but the music is there. He's dropped solid material. I guess that's why I don't really care too much about him being exposed because I knew he was a fraud. The first time I heard Hustlin' and the Noriega line I just knew dude was a fraud. Nobody talks about white like he does and would be walkin' the street if he really did that.

I'm not giving Ross a pass for lying about his past life. I guess I just don't understand how someone could be on the sideline being excited about Fif exposing a fraud when he's a fraud himself. That's all i'm saying. If it was a real cat doing the exposing i'd be more intrigued.

Thank you. Mod lock this up no more to be said.

Ok 50's mixtape were hard I'll give you that. Ross dropped in 06 Port of miami, Trilla > The masscre, curtis
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