Christian's WWE TV Return Reportedly Made a Priority:
For some time now, Christian's return to WWE TV has been a hot topic of discussion. The creative team has reportedly been working on a return angle for him for months. Christian's return to TV has now been made somewhat of a priority, and he is expected back on TV "very soon."

I'm sure the WWE has big plans for Christian.

This :pimp: hate how youtube/WWE has been killing off a lot of uploaders' good stuff. Especially the WCW and ECW stuff

Speaking of that was the last botchmania 231 ? Because I haven't seen any past that

Man, it's been ages since I've watched Botchamania. I think that last one I watched was 201 or 203

Christian's WWE TV Return Reportedly Made a Priority:
For some time now, Christian's return to WWE TV has been a hot topic of discussion. The creative team has reportedly been working on a return angle for him for months. Christian's return to TV has now been made somewhat of a priority, and he is expected back on TV "very soon."

I'm sure the WWE has big plans for Christian.



I don't mind repeat matches if they're very good (like all the Shield vs Kane/Bryan/Orton/Sheamus/Kofi variations), but it irked me that Christian's WHC reigns were clouded by him basically being Orton and Sheamus' *****. He had good to great matches with them multiple times, yet it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he went a combined 2-10 against both of them that year, including winning the WHC by DQ cause Orton kicked him in the nuts.
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Seth Rollins just tried to make a bad guy face but he couldn't do it...it turned into a warm smile.

I knew Sheamus/Cesaro would be a very good match. I also knew the outcome without spoilers. And we know who will win at Payback between him and Sandow.

WOW :wow:

WWE.com recently posted a great slideshow looking a never-before-seen Superstar sketches of Mankind, Dude Love, Razor Ramon, Goldust, Shawn Michaels, Rocky Maivia and others. There are tons of alternate designs for the Goldust character, as well as alternatives for Dustin Runnels like "Shadow Roads," "The Cowboy," and Stargate. There are also some great alternate Papa Shango designs


lmaaaaaaaaaaaaao @ "Sable Dust" and the Razor Ramon one's :rofl: The poses for Razor and Adam Bomb have me in tears

The Papo Shango sketches :pimp: looks like a villain from that early 90's Batman The Animated Series

Glad Slater got a win over that waste of space Khali. That's all Khali should be doing from here on out, losing.

Kane/DBry/Orton WASHED Seth Rollins :rofl: :rofl:........but that only means, Shield still winning Sunday :pimp: :pimp:
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They got my girl Natalya with Khali now?
the crowd was hyped for the 6 man tag match on SD. anyone think that the shield will be separated a lot sooner since rollins has already lost twice to bryan and pretty much gets the crap beat out of him everytime hes in a match? the only thing i think that can save the shield from breaking up is if orton turns on dbry this sunday and set up a singles feud between them
^definitely want the Orton heel turn over them breaking the Shield up soon. Though really, Orton/Bryan can be a marquee face vs face match just as well
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^definitely want the Orton heel turn over them breaking the Shield up soon. Though really, Orton/Bryan can be a marquee face vs face match just as well

They need to keep this Shield thing going as long as they can..Maybe add 1 more member and possibly get a manager to give the group more of a stable feel..But I don't want to see any one of the 3 get the WHC/WWE title anytime this year..Let them legitimize the tag belts and US belt and keep them having fight upper mid-card/lower main event guys and just let them cook for at least 6 more months..
They need to keep this Shield thing going as long as they can..Maybe add 1 more member and possibly get a manager to give the group more of a stable feel..But I don't want to see any one of the 3 get the WHC/WWE title anytime this year..Let them legitimize the tag belts and US belt and keep them having fight upper mid-card/lower main event guys and just let them cook for at least 6 more months..
I agree.  I'll be pissed if they break The Shield up.   Besides Daniel Bryan they are the only good thing WWE has going right now.

Also I have a feeling Axle is gonna win the IC title this weekend.  Then I could see WWE putting him in a feud with Christian.  
Roman reigns should be Kaitlyns knight in shining armor and defend her from Big E. I mean their mixed tag team matches will be sick if they both simultaneously spear their opponents.
I want The Shield to be a little like the APA but get paid to beat people down.

APA were over though, even as heels IIRC. Shield don't/shouldn't have the face appeal.

Feel like they've lost plenty of steam lately having each lost matches over the past month or so. Guess it had to happen sometime.
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