Help us improve our community moderation.

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
The global pandemic has changed life for all of us in ways both large and small. We spend more time at home and have become increasingly reliant on digital services. Countless parents are trying to juggle working from home or searching for work with increased childcare responsibilities. Stress levels and anxiety run high. Hoaxes, misinformation, fraud and baseless conspiracy theories prey on gaps in public knowledge. All too many Americans, desperate for any sense of control, have only tightened their grip on xenophobia and White Supremacy.

As an online platform, it's more important than ever for NikeTalk to provide a self and welcoming community experience to help compensate for the necessary ways in which we've all been forced to withdraw from our local communities to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

To better meet these challenges, we need to expand our volunteer moderation team.

To protect the integrity we've all built together over the past twenty years, it is imperative that we appoint moderators who represent all that we value most about our community and our shared values.
An ideal candidate is someone who's well known and respected within the community, maintains their composure even in challenging circumstances, exercises sound judgment, consistently demonstrates respect and consideration for their fellow members, and is committed to fairness and equality.

If you believe you meet these criteria, or know someone who does, please let us know - and if you have any comments or concerns regarding any candidates, we very much want to hear from you.

If you don't feel comfortable expressing your concerns privately, you're encouraged to email our support team or send me a private message.

Although our needs are immediate, this is a decision that should be made as a community, not just for the community. The more input we receive and the more nominees we consider, the more confident we can all feel about those we will trust to uphold our community's standards.
I'd like to nominate myself and uhhhhh make a slight donation in these trying times if you catch my drift
I appreciate everyone's suggestions so far, and all the consideration shown by those who've been nominated by others, including those who've opted to bow out. It's evident that you care deeply about the community and take the responsibility seriously.
We can't add options to a poll once established, and I wanted to start this thread off from scratch rather than include the names of anyone who'd previously been suggested or volunteered to avoid favoring those candidates. This is too important to be determined by default bias or "first mover advantage."

I'd like to bring as many people into this process as are interested so we can all hopefully feel good about the outcome.

I appreciate the mention. Meth and I had a great conversation and I respectfully bow out of any consideration.
We had irreconcilable differences about his avatar.
I think Belgium Belgium would be a great choice

My mans storm2006 storm2006 seems like he would be a great choice as well

I love NT to death, and for that reason I don't think I would be a good choice. Admittedly some of my past behavior should disqualifies me from being a mod. :lol:

If there is a review board I would be open to that though.
If and when you get elected, I got PLENTY of posts to accidentally reference.

Good luck
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