8 Deadly shootings - Atlanta - Looks like Asians were targeted.

My man, tell the whole truth, as I know that you know it.

“I’ve come upon something that disturbs me deeply. We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know we will win, but I have come to believe that we are integrating into a burning house. I’m afraid that America has lost the moral vision she may have had, and I’m afraid that even as we integrate, we are walking into a place that does not understand that this nation needs to be deeply concerned with the plight of the poor and disenfranchised. Until we commit ourselves to ensuring that the underclass is given justice and opportunity, we will continue to perpetuate the anger and violence that tears the soul of this nation. I fear I am integrating my people into a burning house.”

Dr. King

I do

That is not a passage about King regretting integration or racial solidarity like it is often claimed.

It is something Harry Belafonte said King said him, the follow up is...

Belafonte startled at the statement said to him “What should we do?” Dr. King told him that we “Become the firemen, Let us not stand by and let the house burn.”

It is King making the point that black people need to take and interest is improving America, putting out the fire. It is not about integration being a mistake, it is about America have massive persistent injustices that is killing it.

I with the Poor People Campaign he spells out how that should be done. With racial and class solarity, with a multiracial movement that fights for guaranteed justice for all people, not matter their class or race.
When Malcolm was still in the NOI, the KKK sat down with him and other black Muslims and KKK thought they could be allies because they both believed in racial separation. And wanted NOI to help them in their plans to assassinate MLK. This meetings apparently shook Malcolm, that these terrorist could see him as an ally.

Famous libertarian thinker and racist Murray Rothbard view NOI Malcolm a great black leader, because of the same separation of races thinking. He hated King talk of solarity, unity, and shared interest. He thought Malcolm had lost his way after he left the NOI and said he was open to some form of brotherhood among the races.

White supremacist let it be know what ideas and actions they are scared of, what actions while weaken the system they have built.

But people ignore it at their own peril
lol, Malcolm and Elijah told them.." You created them, the black people, leave them alone, and give them to us! We don't want to be near you!":rofl:
I do

That is not a passage about King regretting integration or racial solidarity like it is often claimed.

It is something Harry Belafonte said King said him, the follow up is...

Belafonte startled at the statement said to him “What should we do?” Dr. King told him that we “Become the firemen, Let us not stand by and let the house burn.”

It is King making the point that black people need to take and interest is improving America, putting out the fire. It is not about integration being a mistake, it is about America have massive persistent injustices that is killing it.

I with the Poor People Campaign he spells out how that should be done. With racial and class solarity, with a multiracial movement that fights for guaranteed justice for all people, not matter their class or race.
Yeah, and he knew that he was wrong. You do know that he met with Elijah Muhammad after that, right?

It happened, and I know that people take issue with Farrakhan, but King began going in like this after that meeting....

If anyone is on Clubhouse, add me. Username is Organik. Theres a discussion going on with Asian community. Jin should be showing up.

That’s worse than saying “a discussion is going on with the Black community. Ja Rule is gonna tap in any minute!”

Come on man! 😂
That’s worse than saying “a discussion is going on with the Black community. Ja Rule is gonna tap in any minute!”

Come on man! 😂

Thats an insult to Ja.

Take 50 Cent out ruining his career.

Ja is a Multi-Platinum, Multi #1 hit, Grammy winning artist who in 2001-2002 was considered the TOP Rapper in the game.

Jin failed all Asians hoping to become Hip-Hop Mega stars by releasing that terrible album under RR.

Its because of him Southstar form Smilez and Southstar never made it big.
The way this thread has completely gone off the rails should tell you how Asians are an afterthought in American society.

I beg to differ.

I guarantee you the Asians in this thread are happy to see someone rise and defend us all.

It starts here, then everywhere.
Yeah, and he knew that he was wrong. You do know that he met with Elijah Muhammad after that, right?

It happened, and I know that people take issue with Farrakhan, but King began going in like this after that meeting....

He knew he was wrong so he was planning another march on Washington with the Poor People's Campaign for.......?

Nothing King said at that video is at odds with real racial and class unity. King wasn't about denying the injustices and hostilities that exist towards black Americans, and neither I am I. I hate the stupid suggestion that some white socialist make that we can have racial solidarity through class soalirity. Where everyone just thinks of themselves are a colorless worker, and that will somehow be sustainable. I hate mother****ers that only offer the black community symbolic support instead of material support. I am not advocating for solidarity built on ignorance or convenient lies, but truth and understanding about how and why marginalized people are oppressed, including and especially black people, and the commitment to fight for material gains and justice.

To have real solarity the coalition can only be built on truth.

You seem to be confused with what I am saying

This solidarity is not about some kumbaya ****, or telling convenient lies, or denying what is done and owed black america, or what unique challenges they face. It is about realizing that if you want to achieve certain goals, goals beyond the civil rights act, a broader movement is needed. A movement that expands across classes and races. White Supremacy is destructive to most people in America, of all races, black, asian, hell even most white people. People have to wake up to that. Some forms of resistance might feel better than others, might seem more radical, might be more tempting, and I understand why people feel the way they do. But I am drawn to those I believe will be most effective..

And why do I think they will be most successful? Well because The powerful white supremacist tell the world that is what they are really scared off. So many black leaders have realized what they are scared off, so I just think we should pursue those strategies.

That is one of the reasons why I show solidarity with Asian Americans against these vile attacks. Because it is exactly what the white supremacist don't want my black *** doing.
Anti-Asian racism is abhorrent and another manifestation of white supremacy. I would hope people that want to fight against white supremacy generally, would also want to fight against all its manifestations.

If I am interested in truth, then I would reject these takes that act like the Asian American community is a monolith and that a some bad actors that show hostility toward black people is somehow representative of the entire community, and therefore justifies indifference to these crimes. That line of thinking is extremely similar to people that stupidly claim that anti-asian hostilities in America is something that is uniquely bad within the black community generally. It is the same line of thinking of the white people that love to act like the entire black community must answer when one black person does some fowl ****.

I don't give a **** that there are some Asian people that are hostile to me, rights, and my community. They don't speak for the entire community, I will not act as if they do. I have plenty of counter examples I see in the news, and experience in my own life. Whatever bad actors exist that won't stop me from being firmly against this nonsense, and doing what little I can to make things better. Because for multiple reason I think it is the best way forward for everyone.
Care to explain?

I’m not offering up any better solutions. Liberal policies at their very core are about a forgiving non disciplined way of life. In a lot of ways it is good for individuals but bad for society and harmonious living. This structure of society allows for a lot more freedom to really fall of the deep edge without any support harnesses. It’s good for most people because we have some level of innate common sense or were taught it by our environment. For the tiny tiny percentage that don’t - it creates an opening for extremely messed up people to still be treated as normal within our societal structure. And combine that they are considered as normal due to our laws and view of liberal freedoms with the abundant access to firearms in the US and it’s a problem we will never be able to get away from. We’ve seemed to normalize this though in America since it’s happened so often - it’s not going to change. We can’t even get people to wear masks.
I’m not offering up any better solutions. Liberal policies at their very core are about a forgiving non disciplined way of life. In a lot of ways it is good for individuals but bad for society and harmonious living. This structure of society allows for a lot more freedom to really fall of the deep edge without any support harnesses. It’s good for most people because we have some level of innate common sense or were taught it by our environment. For the tiny tiny percentage that don’t - it creates an opening for extremely messed up people to still be treated as normal within our societal structure. And combine that they are considered as normal due to our laws and view of liberal freedoms with the abundant access to firearms in the US and it’s a problem we will never be able to get away from. We’ve seemed to normalize this though in America since it’s happened so often - it’s not going to change. We can’t even get people to wear masks.
Seems like you were talking about small-"l" liberalism, what most would call libertarianism nowadays. Which are generally most concerned with so called "individual freedoms"

Not Capital-"L" Liberalism which is supporters of a left wing party/progressives. Which are generally more concerned with group interest
He knew he was wrong so he was planning another march on Washington with the Poor People's Campaign for.......?

Nothing King said at that video is at odds with real racial and class unity. King wasn't about denying the injustices and hostilities that exist towards black Americans, and neither I am I. I hate the stupid suggestion that some white socialist make that we can have racial solidarity through class soalirity. Where everyone just thinks of themselves are a colorless worker, and that will somehow be sustainable. I hate mother****ers that only offer the black community symbolic support instead of material support. I am not advocating for solidarity built on ignorance or convenient lies, but truth and understanding about how and why marginalized people are oppressed, including and especially black people, and the commitment to fight for material gains and justice.

To have real solarity the coalition can only be built on truth.

You seem to be confused with what I am saying

This solidarity is not about some kumbaya ****, or telling convenient lies, or denying what is done and owed black america, or what unique challenges they face. It is about realizing that if you want to achieve certain goals, goals beyond the civil rights act, a broader movement is needed. A movement that expands across classes and races. White Supremacy is destructive to most people in America, of all races, black, asian, hell even most white people. People have to wake up to that. Some forms of resistance might feel better than others, might seem more radical, might be more tempting, and I understand why people feel the way they do. But I am drawn to those I believe will be most effective..

And why do I think they will be most successful? Well because The powerful white supremacist tell the world that is what they are really scared off. So many black leaders have realized what they are scared off, so I just think we should pursue those strategies.

That is one of the reasons why I show solidarity with Asian Americans against these vile attacks. Because it is exactly what the white supremacist don't want my black *** doing.
Anti-Asian racism is abhorrent and another manifestation of white supremacy. I would hope people that want to fight against white supremacy generally, would also want to fight against all its manifestations.

If I am interested in truth, then I would reject these takes that act like the Asian American community is a monolith and that a some bad actors that show hostility toward black people is somehow representative of the entire community, and therefore justifies indifference to these crimes. That line of thinking is extremely similar to people that stupidly claim that anti-asian hostilities in America is something that is uniquely bad within the black community generally. It is the same line of thinking of the white people that love to act like the entire black community must answer when one black person does some fowl ****.

I don't give a **** that there are some Asian people that are hostile to me, rights, and my community. They don't speak for the entire community, I will not act as if they do. I have plenty of counter examples I see in the news, and experience in my own life. Whatever bad actors exist that won't stop me from being firmly against this nonsense, and doing what little I can to make things better. Because for multiple reason I think it is the best way forward for everyone.
Anti Blackness is a thing, and we have more than enough examples of how that works, and how other minorities are allowed in their silence, when atrocities happen to Black people.

Racism is a complex hierarchy, and there are levels. It is not just simply white people against everyone else. Black people are indeed at the bottom.

But I hear you, but there are many, those including myself, who no longer want to associate, nor want anything to do with identifying with this country and its policy. We view separation as the only way forward, as this country is too corrupt at this point, in order for it to make necessary change. Personally, I want to see it burn down right to the ground, then letting the chips fall where they may.

It is unfortunate as to what the asian community is dealing with, but as stated, I and many others are no longer looking for the peaceful solution. The marches no longer work, and there is only one thing that we haven't tried to do. We do not need to be the aggressor, but we need to be ready to meet their aggression with aggression.

I dig what you've wrote, but I have moved on a long time ago. White supremacy is too sexy for certain minorities to ignore, especially for the men who want to sample such power coupled with their misogyny.
Anti Blackness is a thing, and we have more than enough examples of how that works, and how other minorities are allowed in their silence, when atrocities happen to Black people.

Racism is a complex hierarchy, and there are levels. It is not just simply white people against everyone else. Black people are indeed at the bottom.

But I hear you, but there are many, those including myself, who no longer want to associate, nor want anything to do with identifying with this country and its policy. We view separation as the only way forward, as this country is too corrupt at this point, in order for it to make necessary change. Personally, I want to see it burn down right to the ground, then letting the chips fall where they may.

It is unfortunate as to what the asian community is dealing with, but as stated, I and many others are no longer looking for the peaceful solution. The marches no longer work, and there is only one thing that we haven't tried to do. We do not need to be the aggressor, but we need to be ready to meet their aggression with aggression.

I dig what you've wrote, but I have moved on a long time ago. White supremacy is too sexy for certain minorities to ignore, especially for the men who want to sample such power coupled with their misogyny.
Fair enough famb, I don't think we will see eye-to-eye on this

I understand her you coming from though

Anti Blackness is a thing, and we have more than enough examples of how that works, and how other minorities are allowed in their silence, when atrocities happen to Black people.

Racism is a complex hierarchy, and there are levels. It is not just simply white people against everyone else. Black people are indeed at the bottom.

But I hear you, but there are many, those including myself, who no longer want to associate, nor want anything to do with identifying with this country and its policy. We view separation as the only way forward, as this country is too corrupt at this point, in order for it to make necessary change. Personally, I want to see it burn down right to the ground, then letting the chips fall where they may.

It is unfortunate as to what the asian community is dealing with, but as stated, I and many others are no longer looking for the peaceful solution. The marches no longer work, and there is only one thing that we haven't tried to do. We do not need to be the aggressor, but we need to be ready to meet their aggression with aggression.

I dig what you've wrote, but I have moved on a long time ago. White supremacy is too sexy for certain minorities to ignore, especially for the men who want to sample such power coupled with their misogyny.

Is your take then that everyone (regardless of race) should simply do what’s best for themselves? I kind of feel like this way too - that we’re too fractured and the wedge is too deep that only a true refresh restart button would actually solve it. And some marches and protest signs aren’t really going to have lasting impactful changes. I feel like it’s asking people would you cut your hand off if it meant someone else was going to live or die. Most people want “better” but most people aren’t willing to sacrifice life or limb to help someone else..especially if it’s another race. Easy to blame the government but our government is made up of votes by people. And it’s clear that we keep voting with emotions and not with any sort of meaningful progress in mind.
I’m all for peace and love but not with someone who wants me dead. At some point it isn’t about changing a mind, it’s about still being alive. I’ll trade the safety of my family for the life of someone who wants to kill them. “Think of the future” sounds great when you’re still breathing. I’ll let someone else be a statistic
Whether is Stop Asian Hate or Black Lives Matter. We need to keep shouting. We need to keep fighting. We know what the enemy is. We know the root of what divides. White supremacy is deeper than America. It's been automated and embedded in post colonial societies to look down on darkness. I don't care if I sound like a sucker or if my head is in the clouds but we all need to unite. We aint no damb minorities. This is our world. I don't care who tried to enslave us or whose flags were planted.
Remember we were told by Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio and Mr Dink Mr Dink that violence wasn't the answer and that if someone harms you, love is the only proper response.

Wonder if they feel the same way now that Black folks aren't the ones at the other end of the violent attacks.
You have white men coming into establishments armed to the teeth, and you are going to try and love them to death?

This is why I cannot trust a multi ethnic umbrella, because there'd be too much of a disagreement on how to defend ourselves. If we are to stick to ancestral traditions? You fight to the death. If they want to get all abrahamic, then citing scripture? Then you need to stay away.
Honestly, I "see both sides" of the
A. Every man for themselves
B. Let's join forces to fight white supremacy

Argument. I honestly feel differently depending on the day/situation.

But like KHUFU KHUFU has said, instances of anyone NOT black benefitting from "Not being Black" happens so much that I question if folks truly are ride/die for US.

We don't have the luxury of picking and choosing when that collab happens.
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