A Look at What Happened to Michael Vick's Dogs

man $+%* that FREE VICK ... That #$%%% Palin walking round killin MOOSE and this man in jail for fighting dogs... SMH
Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Originally Posted by JACKEL56


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Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

if you can sit there and get pleasure out of watching an animal make another animal suffer or possibly die ... you have problems

if you can sit there while people drown dogs that lose a fight or drown them yourself ... you have serious problems

if you can sit there and watch people electrocute dogs or electrocute dogs yourself ... you have serious problems

that being said, dude served his time and the point got across that if you fight dogs where it is against the law to fight dogs, you will go to jail for it ...
So you never play GTA, Gears of War, WOW, you never went to see SAW or Grindhouse, like we have a culture where were are OBSESSED with murder, mutilation etc. its either you have to allow all of it or none of it, because when you distinguish only certain types are acceptable you are being a judgemental MORON. aka Republican
This is where the line between what's acceptable and not acceptable gets a little hazy...first ofall, video games and movies =/= real life. Video games and movies are fantasy, and nothing you do in them have a direct consequence in real life. So youreally can't draw comparisons. If I shoot a dude thirty times on GTA IV, I'm not going to jail for it in real life.

And I find it real ironic that you callin dude a "judgemental MORON," when you basically assumed he was aRepublican, and you also implied that all Republicans are "judgemental MORONs." A spade's a spade, fam.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career, and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.
Shut up.
I stand corrected on my comments in regards to the Republican thing , I was following his point about labeling poeple having serious problems based on watchingdisturbing images, but his whole point was watching the actions, and my point is society is fascinated with watching messed up s***, and maybe GTA isnt areality for you but, its is for a lot of people, IF I go to jail for fighting dogs, than why is Joe the Hunter not going to jail for shooting the countlessother animals we kill for pleasure, If the FEDS wanted to play the whole gambling card and making money off it, I would accept that, but the whole torture cardthey tried to play made me wanna throw up cuz all of 08, the most popular term I heard after "recession" was "waterboarding".
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]1. These people got dogs owned by the Michael Vick[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]2. FREE MICHAEL VICK, #+%$ THEM DOGS![/color]
How can you have such high respect for a man so stupid to engage in dog fighting for the "thrill" when he knows he may risk losing his$120 million NFL career and putting his family's well being in jeopardy? I think he's one of the greatest athletes in the history of sports and Irespect his game and would love to see him on the field, but I will not allow myself to hold him in a higher light because of what he did. Im just curious toknow how you can? (I dont mean that in any condescending way btw so I apologize if it comes off like that)

Michael Vick deserves all the respect in the world for his game, but as a MAN, I dont believe he deserves any respect until he is changed and has some values. And yes I am judging him by what he did to those dogs, because no real man will bring harm to an innocent creature.

To get positive though, I am touched by those pictures. I love seeing good people do good work.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

if you can sit there and get pleasure out of watching an animal make another animal suffer or possibly die ... you have problems

if you can sit there while people drown dogs that lose a fight or drown them yourself ... you have serious problems

if you can sit there and watch people electrocute dogs or electrocute dogs yourself ... you have serious problems

that being said, dude served his time and the point got across that if you fight dogs where it is against the law to fight dogs, you will go to jail for it ...
So you never play GTA, Gears of War, WOW, you never went to see SAW or Grindhouse, like we have a culture where were are OBSESSED with murder, mutilation etc. its either you have to allow all of it or none of it, because when you distinguish only certain types are acceptable you are being a judgemental MORON. aka Republican
Youre kidding right?!?!
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Still don't understand how dog fighting is more vicious and wrong thanhunting.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]I think it has to do with for a few "white" people hunting is as goodof a past time as baseball.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Yeah, it's all built on racism, and I'm standing on it. If he had beenwhite, this case would have been downplayed to him selling dogs and not being responsible after they were out of his possession.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]FREE MIKE VICK, #@$% THEM DOGS![/color]
I see what you sayin fam...you're questioning the reason it's not the same for all animals across the board. I actually agree with you...but it's because certain animals are considered "domestic," so dogs and cats are valued more than deer, forexample.

There are a lot of things in the legal system that seems like it's more lenient on one side...just like how itseems that courts are harsher on men than women. That's another discussion altogether, though.

You already know how the media hypes stuff up...they'll play one angle and appeal to the hearts of animal lovingAmericans to boost their ratings at the expense of the criminal in question...in this case it was Mike. It's all very hypocritical, but you know as well asI do it ain't gon change.
Originally Posted by y0shi15

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]1. These people got dogs owned by the Michael Vick[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]2. FREE MICHAEL VICK, #+%$ THEM DOGS![/color]
How can you have such high respect for a man so stupid to engage in dog fighting for the "thrill" when he knows he may risk losing his $120 million NFL career and putting his family's well being in jeopardy? I think he's one of the greatest athletes in the history of sports and I respect his game and would love to see him on the field, but I will not allow myself to hold him in a higher light because of what he did. Im just curious to know how you can? (I dont mean that in any condescending way btw so I apologize if it comes off like that)

Michael Vick deserves all the respect in the world for his game, but as a MAN, I dont believe he deserves any respect until he is changed and has some values. And yes I am judging him by what he did to those dogs, because no real man will bring harm to an innocent creature.

To get positive though, I am touched by those pictures. I love seeing good people do good work.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]I swear NT is like a bunch of interviewers, read your response andthen misconstrue what's said.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Not once have I ever said "Mike Vick was fighting dogs[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)], Kill Kujo." I don't agree with him fighting dogs, and as anowner of dog(s) all my life. When I heard it, I was like man. That's +#!%$! up.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Where I'm angered is in the sentence that he received for a pastime that hasbeen in America for years.

I don't understand the justification in fighting dogs being worse than hunting for fun.[/color]
Originally Posted by King Will

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Still don't understand how dog fighting is more vicious and wrong than hunting.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]I think it has to do with for a few "white" people hunting is as good of a past time as baseball.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Yeah, it's all built on racism, and I'm standing on it. If he had been white, this case would have been downplayed to him selling dogs and not being responsible after they were out of his possession.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]FREE MIKE VICK, #@$% THEM DOGS![/color]

this man knows his stuff
No he doesnt.
for those wondering about where the dogs went they went to a special homes...like a rehab per say. If you read the story mostly all the dogs won't go to aregular family. For my OPINION about MV I think he was made to be example but it still what he did is wrong. Funding torturing and killing dogs.
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

for those wondering about where the dogs went they went to a special homes...like a rehab per say. If you read the story mostly all the dogs won't go to a regular family. For my OPINION about MV I think he was made to be example but it still what he did is wrong. Funding torturing and killing dogs.
What example? I dont know who keeps stats on this but Im sure dog fighting hasnt been on the decline since he has been convicted.
i say he was made a example of more so because he lied in the beginning so they took that and all the torture of the dogs and gave him what they did.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

you, and I hate you!

It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, and even damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.

Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...

Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong), But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?

Because not only was he fighting the dogs...he was torturing the ones that did poorly. Do those damn pictures need to be posted again of some of those pit bulls? I swear, some people on NT have no compassion for anything. Care more about the odds of Vick making it into offseason practice than they do the fact that the dude is heartless, and goes around torturing dogs for no reason.
How many people that hunt bucks purely for the amount of points on their antlers? Or people that hunt in general, Man I'm sure glad they started locking up those sick sick people...
First of all, where did it say I agreed about hunting? I've never hunted in my life. Second, most hunters don't torture their prey. They shoot it and hopefully it dies painless. They don't put its head underwater and drown it. They don't shock it. They don't kick it. They don't throw it around until it stops breathing.
I agree with this post. Some people are just so simple and foolish as to somehow justify the needless torture and killing of living creatures JUSTbecause it was one of their favorite athletes participating in it. How foolish. "They're just dogs, who cares!". No. They're living creatureswho don't deserve to be used and abused in that fashion. And dog-fighting is against the law. Don't get mad at dogs, the law and the world simplybecause Vick got caught up in a situation he shouldn't have been in in the first place...

And to compare the brutality and cruelty of dog-fighting to hunting is completely and utterly ******ed. If anyone actually thinks they are one in the same,which nobody truly can be stupid enough to do, then they are, in fact, a moron...
Fake @@@ bull@@@. They just keep trying to drag this man. What suburban white family owns pitbulls. **** !!
out of all these comments, I think Meth hit the nail on the head. Its hypocrisy on all levels. End of the day, I try not to pass judgement on any man. He"deserved" to be punished, I won't say howmuch or howlong because I aint really a full supporter of the system, but the hypocrisy of thesituation is pretty glaring.

and unfortunately, it comes down to a race thing. Its a well known fact white America loves dogs more than anything ie: kissing them in the mouth, heavydomestication, dog beastiality (
), let me stop

but end of the day, I just say let the man live. he got the penalty and is doing his time, and all that extra "I hope he breaks his leg, I hope this, blahblah" I mean get a life and stop wishing ill on the next man
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