A Ma Maniere AJ4

I rarely have issues with hcaptchas. What always gets me is the long queue times and also the stock numbers of the size you're going for.

I've entered a queue on wifi on my laptop and got a 10+ min queue, and I've entered on mobile 5G 2 minutes after my laptop and get a shorter queue for the same size. Sometimes I'll get a long queue no matter how quick I am. And sometimes I get a short 1-3 min queue and depending on stock, I'm usually successful for these type of drops.
is it me or does it feel like folks are tip toeing around this release? like they dont want to be the first person to say theyre sneaker of the year just in case they end up not being liked by the masses? or has the sneaker community universally decided not to make a fuss about them because of what happened with the 3s jumping up in price?

or are folks just more concerned about the lost and founds?

Tip toeing? Nah.
This me right here :

..... on my way to tell everybody that this is SNEAKER OF THE YEAR!
I rarely have issues with hcaptchas. What always gets me is the long queue times and also the stock numbers of the size you're going for.

I've entered a queue on wifi on my laptop and got a 10+ min queue, and I've entered on mobile 5G 2 minutes after my laptop and get a shorter queue for the same size. Sometimes I'll get a long queue no matter how quick I am. And sometimes I get a short 1-3 min queue and depending on stock, I'm usually successful for these type of drops.
Yeah you can’t be too fast or you get throttled. The second time they dropped the 1s I got into the queue the fastest I ever have done in my life and got a 15 min queue and my boy who I was on call with got into the queue a solid 15 seconds after me and got a 4 minute wait. I wasn’t too upset since I hit on the initial drop tho.
I guess the people who won by sending in their video they still taxing the hell out of people $1000
For these joints. Can’t really see the still going for $1000 after they drop tomorrow.
I really can't see the price dropping much on these. 4s have taken all the Jordan hype now and this colorway is IMO the best of all the AMM collabs.

I think price may slightly dip on people trying to make some quick cash but then these shoot back up to 1k mark or higher.
Hit the 3s on their site. I'm thinking 4 min wait or less you'll have a shot tomorrow.

This is key right here. Exactly what happened with the Sasquatch Crocs I got last week. I came in at 3/4 minutes and I hit. Anything more than that just forget about it unless the stock is just crazy high.
Nobody ever hits on end. With the economy in the uk bursting through the seams, that raffle is pretend
I really can't see the price dropping much on these. 4s have taken all the Jordan hype now and this colorway is IMO the best of all the AMM collabs.

I think price may slightly dip on people trying to make some quick cash but then these shoot back up to 1k mark or higher.
These ain’t hitting 1k lol. These probably hover around the $400-$450 range for awhile after the snkrs drop pairs come in. The only reason it was so high prior to the raffle Ws was because they kept the backdoors shut tight for these. That’s why it took forever for pics of these to leak and no one knew how they would look like.
I just need a pair 😂. They can hover wherever they want 😂 for retail that is 😂.
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FYI i heard they hold funds.

Im cooling on these a bit. Still want them but not gonna go crazy if I miss.

I got in queue early for the 2s and still struck out on a size 12.
I didn’t have any trouble getting the 3s and 1s, but the 2s I struck out online. I feel like the qty was less compared to the 3s and 1s.
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