A thread dedicated to small but emotionally devastating social fails

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

@ All these L's...
You took a couple L's from Michelle before she let you date her. Its on record

Guess it all worked out in the end
that you too %%!+.

how about when you have your ipod on, usually on the 'deaf' level, but there's somebody lookin' dead @ you, and mouthing %%!+, but youcan't hear, you take off your headphones and ask them huh? but them mf's ain't talkin' to you, that %%!+ happens to me all the time @ the gym,and usually when you have your %%!+ dumb loud, 'you shout out a loud' huh?! I've scared a bunch of mf's doing that %%!+
I remember this one time I was in Econ class with my friend Rodrigo and I needed to go to the bathroom, so I got up and went. I came back, passed my seatwithout noticing, sat down next to this random guy, leaned over to him without looking...

Me: Hey Rodrigo, what did I miss?
Him: nothing much
(I still don't know why he responded when i clearly said the wrong name)

I looked over cause his voice sounded weird and noticed it wasnt my friend. I looked back and Rodrigo was

I got up and everyone looked at me as I walked back to me seat.
LOL, or if the drive thru lady says Thank you after she gives you your meal and you say your welcome
Originally Posted by 0cks

When someone remembers your name, and keeps on saying it and you want to remember theirs but you can't...yea
Happened to me so many times

Girl: Omg hey Kris! its been long how are you!

Me: Uhh hey......you...
How about when you are sitting down staring straight ahead at the main event and the person in front of you keeps on turning around and your eyes lock like youwere staring at them the whole time smh
Originally Posted by firenflames

LOL, or if the drive thru lady says Thank you after she gives you your meal and you say your welcome

Something like that happened to me the other day. I dropped off a package at FedEx and the guy said "Thank you" and I was like "Noproblem." When I was leaving I was like what the hell did I say that for, it's not like I did him a favor. Why didn't I just say"Thanks."
Originally Posted by potus2028

Wait wait...what about you walkin towards sumbody on the sidewalk, and yall can't seem 2 get the *#+# out of each othas way. Yall just standin there jukin right and left and smilin awkwardly...
Always happens to me
-In class or just walking to and from class a girl looks at you in an attempt to subliminally invite you over to talk to her but you just keep walking becausethe words are just stuck in your throat.

-People that give you the head nod or say what's up but you have no idea who they are so just saw what's up to be polite.
-Walking in the same direction as someone else at the same time. I mean you saw me going this way, did you really need to walk in my path?
-Getting caught staring at a female

I can go on and on.
Originally Posted by 0cks

How about when you are sitting down staring straight ahead at the main event and the person in front of you keeps on turning around and your eyes lock like you were staring at them the whole time smh
Word, what about when you are sitting in class and someone right behind you starts talking so the whole class turns around to look at them whichforces you to either keep looking ahead with everyone else staring back or turn all the way around just to look at the person who is maybe a foot away from you
one time i was hanging out with this girl i was into and i when i went to hug her goodbye i figured she was going to give me a kiss on the cheek
so i kinda leaned in with my cheek, well i guess she thought i was going to kiss her on the cheek so she did the same thing,
so we ended up doing this weird cheek press thing

also when you go to give a friend a pound, but he goes for the dap, and when you open your hand to dap, they switch to pound...that just irritates the helloutta me
Originally Posted by yep617

one time i was hanging out with this girl i was into and i when i went to hug her goodbye i figured she was going to give me a kiss on the cheek
so i kinda leaned in with my cheek, well i guess she thought i was going to kiss her on the cheek so she did the same thing,
so we ended up doing this weird cheek press thing

also when you go to give a friend a pound, but he goes for the dap, and when you open your hand to dap, they switch to pound...that just irritates the hell outta me

How about when you go to press your floor on the elevator as the door is closing and the person that was trying to hurry up and get on gets one last glimpse ofyou pressing a button they assume to be the 'close door' button, then you try to press the 'open door' button real fast and they think you arejust pressing the 'close door' button faster
When i was working like a couple summers ago i remember this awkward time i was in the elevator and someone else got on. For some reason i thought it was myfloor when the door opened so i got off. So yea im walking out and realize this wasnt my floor but its to late to turn back and the guy is like "hey yousure this is your floor" or something and i had to play it off like Yeah this is it. He musta knew though since the floor i wanted to go to was still litup and there was like almost nothing on the floor i got off at so after he left i just walked back and forth till i knew it was safe then went up.
You get on the elevator by yourself and it smells like someone farted, then the elevator stops and someone else gets on with you. You wanna tell them it wasntyou, but you know they wouldnt believe you. Meanwhile, the person who actually farted is in their car laughing. That bastard
I thought I was the only one that went through this %+@%, I sweareverytime I go to the drive thru to get some fast food i always have an awkward %%+ moment with one of the people working the drive thru, whether it is metelling them "you too", or they'll give me change and i'll drop some of it or I'll drop a straw, or pulling up to far away from thewindow,
always awkward %%+ momemnts at drive thru's for me
Originally Posted by yep617

one time i was hanging out with this girl i was into and i when i went to hug her goodbye i figured she was going to give me a kiss on the cheek
so i kinda leaned in with my cheek, well i guess she thought i was going to kiss her on the cheek so she did the same thing,
so we ended up doing this weird cheek press thing

[color= rgb(0, 153, 51)]also when you go to give a friend a pound, but he goes for the dap, and when you open your hand to dap, they switch to pound...that just irritates the hell outta me[/color]
Originally Posted by yep617

one time i was hanging out with this girl i was into and i when i went to hug her goodbye i figured she was going to give me a kiss on the cheek so i kinda leaned in with my cheek, well i guess she thought i was going to kiss her on the cheek so she did the same thing, so we ended up doing this weird cheek press thing

also when you go to give a friend a pound, but he goes for the dap, and when you open your hand to dap, they switch to pound...that just irritates the hell outta me
this happens to me all the time. Its like the girl willbe too short and Ill end up putting my cheek against the side of her head or looking
like I want to kiss her hair!
I stay tryna dap my dudes and then they pound so I switch but they switch too so we just confused and settle for a head nod...awkward

Or how about you think someone is looking at you so you look back and you think their still looking at you so you think they're feeling
you, then you realize they were just staring off into space or looking at something behind you, so you just sit there feeling stupid
but they don't even know it cuz they weren't paying you any attention in the first place
how about when you try to open the door and the jank is locked and the sign clearly says use other door.
Originally Posted by 0cks

How about when you are sitting down staring straight ahead at the main event and the person in front of you keeps on turning around and your eyes lock like you were staring at them the whole time smh
man i hate watching movies in class when there's someone between me and the tv (at like a angle not directly behind). I feel like they thinkim lookin at them or something and makes me insecure so i cant even focus on the tv.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by potus2028

Or, how bout a slight stumble in public? Not a total faceplant or nothin, one of the jawns where you catch yaself, but you def know your diddybop failed.

Wait wait...what about you walkin towards sumbody on the sidewalk, and yall can't seem 2 get the *#+# out of each othas way. Yall just standin there jukin right and left and smilin awkwardly...
These happen to me all the time.
. Hell, one time at school i damn near faceplanted trying to juke around this big dude that took up 3/4 of the sidewalk. Had me
for 5 minutes

I remember walking to the Walgreens around my nieghborhood trying to act cool an run up the stairs. I fell and scraped my arms and got up like nothing happened. Damn pedestrians were staring
. Reading this thread is making me blush.

-Also at the movie theatres when you can't find your seat and you stand there for a few seconds.
-One time at the movies a few seconds before the movie ended, my friend pretended to get up so I followed but he sat back down and I was like "%!$+!"
Originally Posted by LuckyP25

Originally Posted by 0cks

How about when you are sitting down staring straight ahead at the main event and the person in front of you keeps on turning around and your eyes lock like you were staring at them the whole time smh
man i hate watching movies in class when there's someone between me and the tv (at like a angle not directly behind). I feel like they think im lookin at them or something and makes me insecure so i cant even focus on the tv.

that used to me all the time in bio
..i almost never watched the movie asa result
Originally Posted by mondayC

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

So I went into a gas station to get some food after I filled up. As I walked up to the door there was a trash can to the side. A dude with a shopping cart rolls up and takes the top off the trash can. Dude was dressed bummy and dirty as hell. I decide to get my nice guy on, "Hey, you want something to eat?" He looks up at me and chuckles, as he does I notice a name tag. Son worked for the gas station
"Mistaken homelessness" FTL
I had a temp job of washing semi trucks and one day, some bummy-looking dude is sleeping in the break room. I had to tell him to leave, as he looked homeless, but then found out he's my new boss. Never got a bit less awkward from that point on...
this has happened to me
I was waiting for my dad to pickme up from the gym
guy: hey you wants this, its fried chicken from a chinese place
me: nah im good
guy: nah here proceeds to give it to me
me: oh thanks
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