A thread dedicated to small but emotionally devastating social fails

at myself for this one, but back in HS me and my boy were walking down thehall an we happened to be behind my all time crush. I brought football to make me look cool naturally me and my boy started arguing who was better..long storyshort my friend made a comment and I started cracking up and said "you frickin ******" at the same exact time a kid in a wheelchair wheeled out ofhome ec. class and the whole damn hallway froze and gave me the
needless to say I was never able to talk to that girl. Talk about about awkward.
when you're going one way and then realize that you're going the wrong way, so you have to turn around and start walking the opposite way and people look at you like you're a skitzo...

this %!!+ happened to me today, i was looking to get somefood at this greek place, but i passed it and had to turn back, mad awkward haha
I hate it when I say "Sir" to a girl or "Ma'am" to a guy. I'm not even thinking when it happens and then walking away I feel hellastupid.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

-In class or just walking to and from class a girl looks at you in an attempt to subliminally invite you over to talk to her but you just keep walking because the words are just stuck in your throat.

-People that give you the head nod or say what's up but you have no idea who they are so just saw what's up to be polite.
-Walking in the same direction as someone else at the same time. I mean you saw me going this way, did you really need to walk in my path?
-Getting caught staring at a female

I can go on and on.
There's been this one girl in my classes that Ithink has been doing this...she definitely acknowledges me and usually sits near me during a lecture. Like just a few days ago, she sat in front of me inlecture but I never did anything cuz I had no idea how I should start a convo. I've also caught her "looking" my way a few times in thepast-where I could definitely see her kinda starin at me in the corner of my eye, and when I look in her direction she turns away.
But all that stuff is high school +*%%...who knows.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by upt17th

Originally Posted by potus2028

Wait wait...what about you walkin towards sumbody on the sidewalk, and yall can't seem 2 get the *#+# out of each othas way. Yall just standin there jukin right and left and smilin awkwardly...

I hate doing that +$*!
Agreed. That's why usually I just stop right where I am if I see it starting to happen and let them walk by.... then go on my way
If it's with a cute girl, after all that juking business, say to her, "Well nice dancing with you, I'd like to again sometime."Proceed to start conversation and get them digits

But yeah, I get that awkward pound/handshake confusion all the time. Like they end up holding your fist like @%!

Another bad one is when something makes you crack up real bad and you snort by accident in front of someone
I dont know if this has been said yet but what about when you're going to a restaurant with a girl and you try to open the door thinking its light andthat **** is heavy as hell!


I got some. How about when you in class and a teacher asks u to read out loud and then you start to read and your voice cracks on some high pitched mess
. I hated when that happened in high school or in middle school. Madembarrasing.

Or, when u are taking a test and it's completely quiet and then your stomach starts growling
. People are probably thinking you have some mean bubble guts and are farting. It's the worst when you got some sexy ladies sittting near you.

Or, when u just finished talking to a sexy lady or a chick u feeling and then you noticed you had like an eyelash or some other random **%$ on your face. Thenyou're like, "Did I really just talk to this chick for ten minutes with this **%$ on my face!"
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

at myself for this one, but back in HS me and my boy were walking down the hall an we happened to be behind my all time crush. I brought football to make me look cool naturally me and my boy started arguing who was better..long story short my friend made a comment and I started cracking up and said "you frickin ******" at the same exact time a kid in a wheelchair wheeled out of home ec. class and the whole damn hallway froze and gave me the
needless to say I was never able to talk to that girl. Talk about about awkward.

Oh damn..
sometimes i automatically say "hey, not too bad, how are you?" when im talkin to ppl walking by....

makes no sense when they say "hey! where u headed?" tho lol


i was at the gym one time....went to the washroom...
there were only two urinals....

so im pissing....then some guy goes to the other one.....
im peeing and stuff and then i let out a quick little fart.....and made me chuckle.....
so i said "sorry"....i have no idea why....lol.....
man i'm notorious for the mixed up salutation.

i'll mix up "take it easy" and "have a good one" at the end of an ordinary, or perhaps awkward run in on the street or on campus andend up mumbling "take a good one" smh. i always do that too.
What about when you're walking to class with a girl and she recognizes some else she knows. She gives the person a hug and then starts off a conversationwith them WHILE walking away from you. Have you standing there like "...see you later" and wishing no one saw that.
first month of school, going into class, see an empty seat beside a girl i know (my friend's roommate), proceed to sit down
me: "Hey Laura! hows it going!?"
Her: "It's Julia
me: "Hey Julia, hows it going?"

yea i didnt forget her name after that.
How about when you see an old friend in public and yall start chatting for a little while, then eventually one of yall make up some excuse and say that yougotta go, yall say bye....then start walking the same way......its just so awkward

The failed headnod haves me all the time. I be like oh thats 'whoever' so i get into range, make the eye contact and @%$@ my head back while they justbreeze past without acknowledgin

so you there with your jaw clenched cuz your tight and you have to snap your head a few ore times to make it look like you got a tick or some @+%*
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by philly5fan

How about when you see an old friend in public and yall start chatting for a little while, then eventually one of yall make up some excuse and say that you gotta go, yall say bye....then start walking the same way......its just so awkward

sooooooo true.
I hate it when you reach out for a handshake from somebody and they don't see it and just leave hanging and all you can do is play it off like it neverhappended on some T.I and Yayo at the awards steez.
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